Body Bugg Users --- No weight loss.. Im Frustrated.. Help!!

So I have been on the program almost 2 months now. I initially lost 9 pounds. But have been at a stand still with the scale for the past 3 - 4 weeks.
My clothes do seem slightly looser, but with my calorie deficit, I would have expected to start seeing the scale move down.
For instance my total calorie burn for last week was 22,066 and my calories for the week were 12,672 - which is a deficit of 9,394 which should be like a 2.5 pound loss right? So what am I doing wrong???
I have 50+ pounds to lose
I workout 3 times a week doing Zumba


  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    You may not be eating enough actually. You should try a month eating more to "kick start" your metabolism again. You need to fuel your body for the workouts that you do :wink:
  • Longtobeslim
    Longtobeslim Posts: 67 Member
    I agree. I would say you are not eating nearly enough calories. You probably have your body in starvation mode so everything you are eating your body is storing.

    If you eat more, you will probably find you will lose more. I know that sounds crazy but back when I was doing Weight Watchers I was exercising like 3 times a day and hadn't lost any weight in 7 weeks. My leader told me to cut out some of my exercising or eat more. I didn't want to cut any of my exercise out, so the only choice was to eat more. I thought she was crazy. Eat more when I hadn't lost in 7 weeks. But I trusted her so I started eating more. I had 3 BIG losses the next 3 weeks. She was totally correct.

    So my suggestion is the same as hers, either cut out some of your exercise or eat more and I bet you will see the same success that I saw.

    Good Luck!

  • lilmisslanna
    lilmisslanna Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the info!
    Ok so Yesterday I ate 2200 calories. My bodybugg said I burned 3100. So hopefully I will see some change on the scale on Sunday. Im going for another 2000 calories today.