Question for the girls - please help!

I have been doing an 8 week weight loss with my gym, it consists of sensible eating (approx 1600cal a day) and lots of cardio, working out 3-5 times a week. I've been doing well, lost 1.1kg in the first 2 weeks, however, it's week 3 I have gained 400g. It is that time of the month and it started exactly one freaken hour prior to weigh in yesterday, I am gutted :(

Do you think this contributed to my gain, I have been so so good all week and worked out Mon - Fri, I can't think of a single thing I did that would have caused a gain?


  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have been doing an 8 week weight loss with my gym, it consists of sensible eating (approx 1600cal a day) and lots of cardio, working out 3-5 times a week. I've been doing well, lost 1.1kg in the first 2 weeks, however, it's week 3 I have gained 400g. It is that time of the month and it started exactly one freaken hour prior to weigh in yesterday, I am gutted :(

    Do you think this contributed to my gain, I have been so so good all week and worked out Mon - Fri, I can't think of a single thing I did that would have caused a gain?

    Yup definitely. There is a lot of day to day variation with your weight. I try to ignore the scale when TOMs in town. Weird things happen.
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    Good to know, thanks for the reply, I felt like giving up.
  • sjanbrown
    sjanbrown Posts: 8 Member
    It could totally be from that. I don't weight myself from day to day because it varies to much. I only do 1 weigh in on Saturdays.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Last time that happened to me I lost it all and more the following week. Don't give up, it may happen more than once.
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    We only weigh in once a week, I have ditched my home scales and only weigh in at the gym, just sucked that yesterday was weigh in and TOM started one hour before that
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    thanks Mab, I will keep going and hope for a good loss next week
  • shellynorthway
    shellynorthway Posts: 3 Member
    Our bodies are weird. Don't give up! It can all change tomorrow or next week. BUT it will change.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Yep!! The monster ruins it everytime. Re-weigh yourself a few days after your period. You should see a difference.
  • I gain 5-8 lbs during my period. No worries. It's all water-weight and it will go away.
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    Thanks everyone, that's so encouraging and exactly what I needed :)
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    I gain 5-8 lbs during my period. No worries. It's all water-weight and it will go away.

    I think I could kiss you right now lol
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    do not give up!! Try not to weigh in too much, everyone says weekly and thats fine. I dont have mine on a schedule but I try to hold off until i feel good about it, lol. I dread the scale but then sometimes i will weigh in everyday? so weird. Either way TOM def throws a wrench in the whole weight loss program. Dont waste the effort you already put in and just keep it up, its so worth it. Good luck!
  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 235 Member
    I never weigh the week of TOM
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    Absolutely! It is most likely water weight. Just keep on pluggin' and you will see a nice difference at next weigh in. Also remember that fat & muscle can weigh the same, but muscle is denser, so you can weigh the same and still actually be smaller. It took me years to get past that...I don't weigh anymore because I get so wrapped up in the number, even though I know better. Celebrate your other victories as well...the ones not measured by the are getting smaller, you are becoming healthy for life, you are stronger...physically and emotionally...You are amazing & you are kicking butt!!!! Chin up!!!
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    Weighed in today 1.5kg's lost KICK *kitten*!!!

    Never going to way at TOM again
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    Honestly, I can gain 2-3 pounds of water weight during my period, and then it drops right off when I'm done. Just step away from the scale for that week, you'll thank yourself later.
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    I agree with everyone else, i gain up to 5lb at TOM. Stick with it and next week will be a great loss :smile:
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I have been doing an 8 week weight loss with my gym, it consists of sensible eating (approx 1600cal a day) and lots of cardio, working out 3-5 times a week. I've been doing well, lost 1.1kg in the first 2 weeks, however, it's week 3 I have gained 400g. It is that time of the month and it started exactly one freaken hour prior to weigh in yesterday, I am gutted :(

    Do you think this contributed to my gain, I have been so so good all week and worked out Mon - Fri, I can't think of a single thing I did that would have caused a gain?

    YEs its deffo to do with it .... ignore it and weigh again next week ... its a pain but it happens to us all :) Im naughty and weigh every day also ... but I dont mind the ups n downs thou :)
  • siouan
    siouan Posts: 40 Member
    Same thing happened to me this week. Its only my second week on here, and I'd gained 2lb, despite sticking to my calories and working out every day! I was not impressed to say the least.

    It should drop right off again when I weigh again on Monday. Darn TOM - it sucks to be a woman sometimes!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Keep doing the right thing and the weight fairy will pay you a visit and woosh!
    it will start to drop!