Looking for some buddies!



  • that's funny you should say that, my sis got me started on this site 2 weeks ago and she hasn't been back on. This site is awesome, though, it has such a feeling of unity and I've yet to see anyone put anyone else down. Thank God for that, cause that can be such a bummer.
  • swall13
    swall13 Posts: 19 Member
    I am also looking for some accountability. It can be hard to stay motivated at times and would love to have a support group to give/receive advice and tips!
  • vikkilmp
    vikkilmp Posts: 7 Member
    I too am just starting. My goal is to lose 50 pounds. I recently joined a gym to help get my body back. As of right now I can barely do 30 seconds of jumping jacks before I am gasping for breath. Remember when you were a kid and could do jumping jacks or jump rope for what seemed like forever?? I really miss those days when I had energy. But here I am at 43 with three active children (11, 14, 21) who I have been watching from the sidelines. I would love to be active like them again! I would love to join you all in the circle of support! Please consider adding me too!
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    I'm looking for buddies too. I am also a SAHM of two. You can add me if you'd like.
  • Hey guys and gals 41yrs young diagnosed with diabetes on 12/29/2012 weighed 206 and started meds. I have lost 20 pds since then and i am now med free. I cut the carbs down to about 40 a meal and started exercising 40 min a day 4 times a week with 15 mins is cardio and 25 min strenght training just found this site and it is so helpful for counting calories. If you need a friend and support just add me