Food, I don't get it, please help!

Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
Hi !
I am pretty new around here and am having a difficult time with my eating. I feel I am making good choices, but I have gained a pound already and it has been only 4 days. I thought I would jump on the scale to see how I am doing, get some direct feedback and I was not happy. I worked out like crazy on Friday, did a 6 k walk yesterday. Ate more protein, lots of veggies, didn't stay away from carbs and still am up. What gives?
I am really discouraged right now, but think this is what I need to do to get my life back. Any insight would be great and appreciated.


  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi !
    I am pretty new around here and am having a difficult time with my eating. I feel I am making good choices, but I have gained a pound already and it has been only 4 days. I thought I would jump on the scale to see how I am doing, get some direct feedback and I was not happy. I worked out like crazy on Friday, did a 6 k walk yesterday. Ate more protein, lots of veggies, didn't stay away from carbs and still am up. What gives?
    I am really discouraged right now, but think this is what I need to do to get my life back. Any insight would be great and appreciated.
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Don't worry, it sometimes happen but soon you should start losing.
    4 days is not enough to really lose weight

    Maybe you'll find some ideas here:
  • poubre
    poubre Posts: 32
    Don't get discouraged =). Don't forget that when you work out, you build muscle as well! Especially if you haven't been working out (including walking) in a long time. On top of that, water weight can change rapidly, so feel free to try and jump on the scale again later (maybe in the morning).

    1 suggestion I would give is that when you first start dieting, I like to first shrink my stomach. Do that by going 1 day with eating barely anything (PAINFUL). Your stomach shrinks pretty quickly, and you'll then notice that you achieve satiety (fullness) easier. Don't forget that satiety takes 15-20 minutes to set in. So, set out a meal with a certain amount of calories and don't go back for seconds. You'll notice that after 15-20 minutes, you won't want seconds. Watching TV or talking to someone over dinner helps slow down eating and also helps with this.

    Don't give up! Your body is a machine. If you use/burn more calories than you eat, your body has no choice but to burn fat. Don't believe that you're genetically determined!

  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Don't be discouraged. :flowerforyou: Many, MANY people post the same thing just a little ways into their journeys. Your body is gearing up to change into this new pattern. Perhaps you are retaining water from your workouts. Keep it up and your scale will go in the right direction. If in a few days you don't see the change, we're here to help you work it out.......
  • Bubbles89
    I can understand your frustration! I have been trying to lose the same 20 lbs since I joined MFP in Feb. I know it can be done because I have already lost 40 lbs, however I just can't seem to lose the last 20. I stay within the calorie intake this site requires to include the protein, carbs and fat and I am a gym rat. My workout routine includes cardiokickboxing twice a week, military bootcamp twice a week, a cardio exercise ball class twice a week, I run 6-8 miles a week, climb 70-100 flights of stairs on the stair climber several times and week and lift weights 5 days a week. In spite of this, the scale will not move. But, I am beginning to notice my clothes are getting too big, again. I guess I should not care what the scale says as long as I am getting results I can see. I know that muscle weights more than fat, so I probably should not even be suprised if I gained a few pounds.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    remember, this is a lifestyle change, what is 4 days compared to 40 years? Or 50 or 60. 1 lb is such a small number that you really can't even count it. since you just started, I would strongly recommend that you take your measurements (waste, arms, chest, hips, thighs, neck), now is a perfect time to get your starting measurements (I wish I did before I started). And once a month redo them and see where you are, if you are consistantly shrinking, then you are heading in the right direction, forget lbs, they are arbitrary, it's size and health that we are all looking for anyway, right? Unless you're a carnival barker, you can't guess someones weight from just looking at them, so 1 lb either way is a relatively abstract number (or 2 or 3 or 4), I know I can't look at myself and tell whether I gained 2 lbs or not.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    1 suggestion I would give is that when you first start dieting, I like to first shrink my stomach. Do that by going 1 day with eating barely anything (PAINFUL). Your stomach shrinks pretty quickly, and you'll then notice that you achieve satiety (fullness) easier.

    I do not recommend skipping food for a day to shrink your stomach. You should never "barely eat anything" in hopes of shrinking your stomach. Eating less is one thing but barely eating anything at all is another. In an article on WebMD on "9 Surprising Facts About Your Stomach" the author explains:

    "Once you are an adult, your stomach pretty much remains the same size -- unless you have surgery to intentionally make it smaller. Eating less won't shrink your stomach, says Moyad, but it can help to reset your "appetite thermostat" so you won't feel as hungry, and it may be easier to stick with your eating plan."

    I just wanted to throw that out there. When you commit to a lifestyle change in hopes of losing weight, you will probably eat less than you do when you're not dieting. It takes time to reset your "appetite thermostat" but don't forgo food for a day to achieve your goal.

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Very true H. Good call. Remember, while you can't physically shrink your stomach without surgury, you can "shrink" your stomach by making your body realize how much it needs to feel full. It amounts to the same thing, so training your stomach by eating smaller amounts of food is ok, but starving yourself, besides being generally unhealthy, will only screw up your body's internal chemistry and make it harder for your metabolism to know where the right fuel levels are.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    First off REALLY try to weight yourself every week...NO MORE
    I would jump on the scale mid week and weigh the same or 1pound more....but a couple days later be down 2-3 pounds
    Now I religiously weigh myself ONLY wed more!!
    Stick to a healthy diet...make sure you are eating enough cals and the weight will come off
    Keep up the great work!

  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I can't do the no eating thing as my blood sugar falls when I haven't eaten in a while, and I don't want to do the dizzy feeling sick thing!
    I know that it was kind of silly to jump on the scale when it hasn't even been a week! I was just hoping to see a drop. (I wasn't looking for a huge drop, not like what happens on The Biggest Loser... but .5 of a pound would have been welcomed!)
    Today I did not go and eat since I was upset, instead I went for a 3 k walk and feel a bit better. I know I can do this.
    Thanks again, I really appreciate the support.
  • poubre
    poubre Posts: 32
    Thanks for the correction Helawat. I know that it works for me, whether it is all in my head or have some sort of biochemical basis to it. I appreciate the clarification though (and for supplying a website to back it up).

    As for Kkmama, with your blood sugar, I definitely don't suggest fasting =).

  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I can't do the no eating thing as my blood sugar falls when I haven't eaten in a while, and I don't want to do the dizzy feeling sick thing!
    I know that it was kind of silly to jump on the scale when it hasn't even been a week! I was just hoping to see a drop. (I wasn't looking for a huge drop, not like what happens on The Biggest Loser... but .5 of a pound would have been welcomed!)
    Today I did not go and eat since I was upset, instead I went for a 3 k walk and feel a bit better. I know I can do this.
    Thanks again, I really appreciate the support.

    I am diabetic and you should not miss a meal, I split mine up into 5 small eating's a day and two snacks, my blood sugar has been going down since I started, even with eating it has dropped to 44. It's to dangerous eat something before your walk, you could pass out or even go into a coma. Please talk to your doctor about it. You should also carry something with you on your walks that can raise your sugar up quickly, in case it drops. Exercising will cause your sugar to drop.