Bok Choy?

Hollybot Posts: 108 Member
What is it, what does it taste like, what do you do with it, how do you cook it? I've always wanted to try, and yet I know nothing about it! Anyone out there like it or have any good recipes?


  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    My favorite is sauteed in garlic, hot pepper flakes and a touch of anchovy paste. sooooo good!! also great in soups. if you can find baby bok choy (4-5 inches long) they are great roasted. P.S anchovy paste gives a nutty salty flavor, not fishy at all. give it a try. to answer your question, the texture is snappy like celery, but not stringy. flavor is very fresh, green, not bitter at all.
  • Hollybot
    Hollybot Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks I'm going to have to try it in a soup to start out. Keep it mild, then maybe move it in for more of a main dish!
  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    I Love Bok Choy. I find the greens to be like kale or chard and the stock to be celery or leek. It all depends on the variety and age. I like the baby Bok Choy the best but thats my prefrence (its all good anyhow.) Dice it up along with any other greens, add garlic and a dash of lawry's seasoning. maybe shallot and some mushrooms. mmmmmmmmmm. can't wait for summer now.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    So good. Make sure you clean it first, because there might be grains of sand or something in it. I love sauteeing it with soy sauce, garlic, and salt. Yummm.
  • BonnieSeelinger
    BonnieSeelinger Posts: 23 Member
    I love to saute it in Sesame oil with garlic and onion. Then add a splach of rice wine vinegar at the end as a side with broiled fish. Yummy with chicken stir fry too. I need to try it with the mushrooms. That sounds amazing.
  • sweetrice12
    sweetrice12 Posts: 101 Member
    bok choy is yummy! just like everyone else, just sautee it. or you can stirfry it with other veggies and meat of your choice.
  • sweetrice12
    sweetrice12 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks I'm going to have to try it in a soup to start out. Keep it mild, then maybe move it in for more of a main dish!

    Yes, try it in your wonton soup!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I always love it at chinese food restaurants, so its great to get a few ideas about what to do with it at home!
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    Try it sauteed in a little sesame oil with garlic and some soy sauce...SOOOOOOOOOOOOO delicious!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I just used it for the first time a few weeks ago in a Thai style stir fry curry (which I am making again tonight - yummmm) - sooo good...sort of reminds me if some Celery and water chesnuts had a baby - it would be Bok Choy
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Stir fry all the way for me. I love it with a load of beansprouts, garlic and a bit of sweet chilli sauce.