Anybody in? TurboFire/Chalean Extreme Hybrid

I start the 20 week program today!! I'm stoked!!

I completed a round of TurboFire last year and have been picking and choosing workouts here and there ever since, without a lot of consistency. My life got topsy-turvy and lo and behold! I slacked and lost my motivation.

Well, now I have decided to get my mojo back. I've long felt I don't do enough strength training so I ordered Chalean Extreme and it arrived yesterday!

I hope to see some good results by my wedding day, May 19th (eek so close!!) Gotta at least shape up the arms lol! Strapless dress! What was I thinking?!

I'm going to do the schedule in the back of the TurboFire Guide Book.

Anybody want to join me? Got words of advice? Anybody been there done that with great results?


  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member

    Nobody? :ohwell:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I ordered ChaLean Extreme. It it hasn't arrived yet. I haven't tried TurboFire.
  • Marina614
    Marina614 Posts: 19 Member
    I am addicted to Chalene. Add me. I do Turbo Jam regularly and have Turbo Fire on the way :)
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    I ordered ChaLean Extreme. It it hasn't arrived yet. I haven't tried TurboFire.

    TurboFire is a lot of fun. Serious cardio. Did you get any weights for CE yet? I found some selectable ones at Target that go from 5 to 25 in 5 lb increments. I'll be using those instead of the bands. Let me know when you start!
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    I am addicted to Chalene. Add me. I do Turbo Jam regularly and have Turbo Fire on the way :)

    So are you going to do straight TurboFire or do the hybrid of the two? The hybrid seems to lean very heavily on the Turbofire side, with the CE workouts replacing some of the resistance ones in the Turbo rotation. It looks awesome, I did day one yesterday, which is Stretch 40 from TF (LOVE THIS). Today is day two and it's two workouts from CE. CAN'T WAIT!

    Anybody out there that finished the hybrid program in the back of the TF book? I'm just curious as to how it worked out.
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    My ChaLEAN extreme arrived yesterday! I am really excited, but I won't be able to start it until this weekend. I want to have time to go through everything and figure out how long it is going to take each day for a work out.
    Do you happen to know if it is a 3, 5 or 7 day a week program? I am currently doing Couch to 5K as well and loving it, but don;t wnt to give it up, so I am hoping to alternate days. I have the books with me at work today that I am going to start to read at lunch. Did I mention that I am excited! LOL
    Add me if you want!
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    My ChaLEAN extreme arrived yesterday! I am really excited, but I won't be able to start it until this weekend. I want to have time to go through everything and figure out how long it is going to take each day for a work out.
    Do you happen to know if it is a 3, 5 or 7 day a week program? I am currently doing Couch to 5K as well and loving it, but don't want to give it up, so I am hoping to alternate days. I have the books with me at work today that I am going to start to read at lunch. Did I mention that I am excited! LOL
    Add me if you want!

    I believe it is a 6 day a week program. But you can totally customize it. If you want to keep running as your cardio, just sub it in on the days it's on the calendar. I think the big thing to look out for is that you don't do any of the weight lifting days back to back. She has a dvd in the book, can't remember what it's called, but it is kind of an orientation to the program. She talks about the proper way to do the different exercises, and she has a kitchen makeover section as well.

    So glad you are on board! BTW - I did C25K last year and I love that I did it. I now regularly run 5k's and get runs in whenever I can. :D
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I started this start of FEb, however after 2 weeks I had to stop, because doing it with bands is a serious pita. Like serious! it's really horrible with bands, and I would not recommend it it at all unless you have weights.

    I'm saving up for selectechs, and then when I get them I'll start over again.

    So for the moment I'm doing a tf/clx/running hybrid, and that's working for me atm, until I start insanity next month.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    Just got my Turbo Fire today - will start the 90 day challenge today!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I'm on the last month of my 2nd round of Chalean Extreme... It's a great program and a lot of fun... I used plate dumbells... If you're looking to find Weights to use... Try Garage sales or Craigslist. You can save a bunch over buying them new. Enjoy CLX!!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    TurboFire is a lot of fun. Serious cardio. Did you get any weights for CE yet? I found some selectable ones at Target that go from 5 to 25 in 5 lb increments. I'll be using those instead of the bands. Let me know when you start!

    We have some weights. I am going to see what the program is like and then buy anything else I need. I have no desire to use bands. I have some and it's awkward to use. I much prefer free weights.

    I'm hoping it arrives soon. I am on spring break next week and would like to start when I don't have to be at work. I expect to be sore.

    Thanks for the advice! I'll check out Target.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    I am doing a straight Chalean Extreme. But really, just picking which workouts I feel like doing, not necessarily following the program as it is set out. My fave is Burn Intervals. LOVE IT!
    Add me - I'd like to have some more friends using the same workouts as I am.
  • tlamason
    tlamason Posts: 1
    I have the TurboFire and Chalean Extreme and love them...was looking for a group that was doing a hybrid...just started today and needed a schedule. I also just received the BBL (Brazil Butt Lift)...great workout for the "bum bum" exercises, but I love Chalene for the cardio. Anybody ever do a hybrid with all 3? Bbl/ChaleanX/TF?
  • PraguuMaya
    I love Turbo Fire. its so amazing and loads of fun! Its really works too! :) I hope you reach your goal before your wedding day! Good Luck!
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    I'm in. Officially starting TF/CE hybrid tomorrow. I just finished Insanity last Sunday and played around with a couple of the burn circuits and stretching this week. Looks like fun. My heavier weights just came today so I am all set to go.

    Feel free to add me!
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member

    TurboFire is a lot of fun. Serious cardio. Did you get any weights for CE yet? I found some selectable ones at Target that go from 5 to 25 in 5 lb increments. I'll be using those instead of the bands. Let me know when you start!

    I did CE with the weights that she had, found a pair on ebay for real cheap...but I ended up throwing out my back. I'm gonna try again with just the bands, though I know my results won't be as awesome. I have to lose a lot of weight before I can use heavy weights again.
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    Wow!! I'm so excited to see so many people doing the workouts, either just one or as a hybrid! And a couple of you are just starting, like me. I just finished the 2nd day that had the ab burner and recharge. I thought it was a little odd that she followed day 1 of Stretch 40 with Recharge, which is more stretching. Then I shrugged it off and enjoyed the extra stretch of my hamstrings. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........

    Tomorrow begins my first encounter with Burn 1. Bring it! Haha....

    Feel free to add me, I'd love to share the next 20 weeks, (or wherever you are in your timeline) with you!

    For those of you that are interested in the Target weights, they work great. They were about $70 bucks for each, so they weren't super cheap, but you get the equivalent of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 dumbells in one. So you replace 5 sets. And they are a lot cheaper than the SelectTech ones...that I just can't afford. They just don't go as high in weights. That said, the idea thrown out about checking craigslist and ebay is totally a way to go!
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    I have the TurboFire and Chalean Extreme and love them...was looking for a group that was doing a hybrid...just started today and needed a schedule. I also just received the BBL (Brazil Butt Lift)...great workout for the "bum bum" exercises, but I love Chalene for the cardio. Anybody ever do a hybrid with all 3? Bbl/ChaleanX/TF?

    Do you still need a schedule? I found one in the back of my TurboFire book. I think the beachbody site also has a bunch of the hybrid schedules available. Maybe you would find a triple workout hybrid there? That would be epic.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    My ChaLean Extreme arrives on the 14th. I can't wait!
  • wrgawife
    wrgawife Posts: 61 Member
    I am addicted to Chalene. Add me. I do Turbo Jam regularly and have Turbo Fire on the way :)
    How is Turbo jami just ordered that