New and looking for friends

Hi everyone, I've been on the site for a couple months now but wasn't using the Friends feature! I think I will get more out of the site if I can get some friends on here, so please add me if you would like.

A little about me - I am a 27 yr old graphic designer from the Twin Cities, MN. I gained weight steadily after college and topped out at 207 last year and I've decided it's time to do something about it!! I need to lose at least 50 more lbs. I've lost my first 10 lbs. simply by cutting out fast food. This summer I plan to actually start exercising (yikes, I haven't been "in motion" since high school!) .. it's embarassing. And I am embarassed of my weight and my self confidence has gone out the window. I am ready to do whatever it takes to get it back!


  • Rockerchick77
    We're all in this "good fight" together girl...keep up the good work!
  • metzica
    metzica Posts: 24
    Hi! I'm 29, from Des Moines, IA. I've been overweight for about 5 or 6 years, but then had a child last year and my weight really took off during my pregnancy. I hit my low point when I realized I was up 8 pounds since my weight right after having my son... 227. I'm at 204 now, and embarrassed like you, and sick of being this fat girl. I need more people to keep me motivated and accountable!

    I've just been on MFP since Tuesday, I'm really ready to get serious and get skinny! We can do this!
  • piinkerton
    i hear ya...just joined a few days ago because i've been consistently gaining weight since college and want to turn it around. feel free to add me, i'm only looking to drop 40 or so but we can still help motivate!
  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I put on most of my weight after college as well and then had a baby. I started on this site last year, but for only about a week. I lost 18 pounds on my own, but now I can't do anymore by myself, so I logged back in, got some friends, and have been hitting it hard over the last week. I find the support great. Oh yeah, I'm at 199 (but hit a whole 217 when I joined last spring) and I hate it. I'm sending a friend request.