what is wrong with me? ladies only please

okay so im new to myfitnesspal and just starting to try and lose weight and get into shape. so my first week went great i lost 4 lbs :bigsmile: , then the next day my monthly cycle :mad: started which usually only last a few days well that few days is up and i get on the scale this morning and im up .6 lbs its really ticking me off :explode: and discouraging me. tommorrow makes two weeks and i was really hoping for atleast a pound more off but im up. im working out 60-90 minutes a day doing aerobics and eating way better and staying under my calorie and carb limits im even drinking 4 glasses of water per day which before i started i didnt drink water ever. its killing me im busting my but to eat better and fit exercise into my day and i get nothing :brokenheart: ! am i doing something wrong? does this happen to everyone? i need results and i need them soon !!!!

please ladies if you have any advice or ideas that will help me out im desperate. thanks


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    My advice is to give it a bit longer. Reassess when you've stuck to your routine for at least a month.
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    I have seen lots of posts were some women will gain 1-10 lbs on their monthly and it should just level off eventually. Try to drink lots of water during that time as we do retain sounds counteractive but helps get it out. Watch sodium during that time as well. You could add the sodium tracking to your diary just to make sure. Sodium during our monthly can also cause more retention. Good luck.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    It may be that you are still retaining water from TOM. I agree with melaniecheeks - give it a bit longer and track how your body reacts.
  • samandlucysmum
    Keep going, IGNORE the scales, try a tape measure, take your measurements and log them too, it can take a while for your body's metabolism to kik start and get used to the new routine you are putting it through, keep it up, and the weight will drop, be strict about what you are logging, log everything, accuratly, exercise when you can, and drink plenty, please don't be discouraged, these thing can take time to get started, nearly all women put on lbs at that T.O.M, then it goes, last week I put on 5lb, and this week it has gone, plus more!!
    Keep your chin up, you can do it, keep positive, MFP works, the success pages are testament to that.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me, was losing about 3lbs every 2 weeks then (during my cycle) I was only down .8:grumble: ! But when I weighed in today I was down 4.8lbs in a 2 weeks span. I'm trying to stay at around 1300-1400 cal a day and I exercise almost every day (doing Jillian Michaels 30day shred). I understand that it gets discouraging, but don't quit! Also, try measuring yourself, I ended up losing 10" but only losing 2lbs in the same time period. The measurements have kept me motivated more than the scale. Good luck!:happy:
  • Zsquared
    Zsquared Posts: 54
    How much under your calories are you eating? Believe it or not I had a friend with the same problem and it turned out she was eating too few calories!! Stick with it, no matter what the scale says you are doing yourself a favor by being a healthier, better you!!
  • leeannweir
    I don't know why you have to lose weight "now" but that is unrealistic. Hopefully your goal is to lose weight and keep it off. In order to do that you need to look further down the road. Don't weigh yourself too often. Do what you know will work: fewer calories and more exercise. It will work. Best Wishes.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I am always up 1-3 pounds during my cycle and it takes 3-5 days after the fact to get back to where I was.

    So really I only lose 2 weeks out of the the month!:cry:
  • apretz1
    apretz1 Posts: 18
    Give it more time and drink plenty of water. All that exercise and the time of the month without the proper amount of water will cause a large amount of water retention. Most people don't realize just how heavy water is.
  • mrssmith636
    mrssmith636 Posts: 80 Member
    There is no fast fix. Just keep doing what your doing. None of us gained weight over night and it's not just going to fall off overnight. I would double up your water. A 4 lb. weight loss is incredible but don't expect that every week.
  • heleflump
    heleflump Posts: 57
    NOTHING is wrong with you - it's just the mysterious frustrating ways of the bodies we are given! There is no rhyme nor reason when it comes to weightloss - I have been an absolute angel for two ages and lost not a jot - then it comes off quickly - then - for no apparent reason I gain. But - all the time clothes feel different and that is what i judge it by.

    I sometimes think women have a hamster in their genetic makeup as we store it all very easily (only in my case it is usually my butt cheeks as well as my facial cheeks!) we must also have some sort of sponge related to us as we soak up and retain water at the drop of a hat. Just persevere - there is no quick fix (not permanent one anyway) and if you are doing everything right - it will even out over time.

    good luck xx
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    To add to everything said above, often people lost a bunch their first week (water weight), and then struggle the 2nd week. Just keep doing what you've been doing and BE PATIENT. This is about the time a lot of people quit...don't be one of them! Push through and you'll start seeing results soon. What's better, losing 10 lbs in a month and gaining it back right after...or losing 10llbs in 4 months and keeping it off forever? Patience is really the key here.
  • determined136
    There is nothing "wrong" with you...we all go up and down depending on that time of the month...the key is DON'T GIVE UP!! You can do this but it does take time.

    I would also suggest drinking more...I do the very best when I drink tons of water. Before each meal I drink a glass of water... just keep it flowing and you will see great results!
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Some really great replies here.Gaining during TOM is normal.Your doing great be patient and you will see results that last!Drink more water,eat more fiber and protein,change up you're food and workouts so your body plateau.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    okay so im new to myfitnesspal and just starting to try and lose weight and get into shape. so my first week went great i lost 4 lbs :bigsmile: , then the next day my monthly cycle :mad: started which usually only last a few days well that few days is up and i get on the scale this morning and im up .6 lbs its really ticking me off :explode: and discouraging me. tommorrow makes two weeks and i was really hoping for atleast a pound more off but im up. im working out 60-90 minutes a day doing aerobics and eating way better and staying under my calorie and carb limits im even drinking 4 glasses of water per day which before i started i didnt drink water ever. its killing me im busting my but to eat better and fit exercise into my day and i get nothing :brokenheart: ! am i doing something wrong? does this happen to everyone? i need results and i need them soon !!!!

    please ladies if you have any advice or ideas that will help me out im desperate. thanks

    Theres nothing wrong with you, It happens to me all the time (and my cycle is erratic so Im never sure when its going to arrive) during your cycle ignore the scales, and the tape measure for that matter, look at the over all trend of your weight loss over a month, instead of week to week or day to day (like i do :blushing: ....... if the over all trend is going down then your doing it right

    keep with the health eating the exercise and the water, and the scales will start behaving again in no time .....

    Good luck and eat well :happy:
  • praktis
    praktis Posts: 1
    Give it a little more time but log everything and I mean everything that crosses your lips. Coffee, sugar, creamer, life savers, gum, everything. It's amazing how it adds up. Stay away from packaged foods and restaurants as much as possible.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There are a lot of women here who will tell you that they don't even look at the scale during their TOM. I always gain a pound or two at that time, myself. I just know it's going to happen and know that a few days after it's over I'll be back to my "normal" weight.
  • mellowjules
    i'm new here too, and I'm not sure how well this logic is accepted here, but muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're working out a lot, and didn't in the past, you could be building muscle, which is good. I agree that you should take measurements. That might show a smaller waist and toner legs or arms. Good luck. I'm trying to stick with this too, and it is hard, but I hope to see results too.
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    yeah i hardly lot any during my TOM (i was able to lose .5lb tho because i have a lot to lose) but then the week after I lost twice as much as i do on a normal week (almost 4 lbs) so it works itself out. Drink tons of water!
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    You can't expect it to come off in a week... how long did it take you to put it on? Don't get discouraged...it won't happen over night. You are doing everything right... building muscle is a good thing!! Keep up the good work!!