Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights question

Hello everyone!

I'm a big Jillian fan and own all of her more recent DVD's except this one. The thing that has been holding me back is that it's a Kettlebell workout and I'd rather not have another piece of exercise equipment laying around. I've read that you can do it with a regular dumbell but I was wondering if anyone has and if it still works well. Also, any thoughts on this dvd in general would be welcome!



  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'd like to know the answer to your question too!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I use a 10 lb dumbbell instead of a kettlebell. I would start out with an 8lb dumbbell as some moves are difficult. Level 1 is challenging at first, but is definitely doable. Level 2 is where she kicks your butt. I like the DVD because it's like 28 minutes or something and is quick, but it only burns around 200 calories for me.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I think it sucks with or without the kettlebell! Maybe I wasn't doing it right or something, I don't know, but I was very disappointed because I'm a Jillian fanatic! I would pass on it. Also, I've only tried Level 1, maybe I should try level 2.
  • ROBO693
    ROBO693 Posts: 9 Member
    I have all of the Jillian dvds and the 30 day is by far the most effective one. I did it for 3 months and lost 20lbs. It is the equivilant of working out for an hour at the gym and is only about 25 minutes.
  • ShelbySWright
    I use a dumbell and it works fine, however I'm considering getting a kettleball to increase the weight. It does work with a dumbell, though. :)
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 199
    I used 8 lb dumbbells my first time through Shred It With Weights, and I thought it worked just fine. It's more fun with kettelbells because you get that swing action, but otherwise, I think it is just as effective.
  • ChefJesse
    ChefJesse Posts: 10
    It's one of my favorite DVDs. I have a kettlebell, so I've never tried it with a dumbbell, but I'm sure it would work just fine. The workout its self is awesome and I highly recommend it!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Awesome!! Thanks everyone!! I have 8 pound dumbells so maybe I will give it a try.
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I just started the Shred It today. I have Kettebells and a dumb bells. Going by the routine it will work you out either way! It was a great workout for 25 mins. I was ready to pass out on the jumping part LOL and I felt the burn.
  • Ady0092
    Ady0092 Posts: 86
    I also have the Shred it with weights,How are you guys logging it?
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    I have been doing this one for months now. A dumbell works perfectly fine!
  • dlindste
    dlindste Posts: 3
    Me too! Would love any feedback as to how people are calculating the 30-Day Shred workout on here. Thanks!
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    If you go to the Exercise Tab at the top, then My Exercises...there is a button to add an exercise. I wore my HRM when I did the Jillian No More Trouble Zones....so just type in the name of the DVD, add the time length, and then the calories burned. I usually burn between 340-370 so I generally average that out.
  • dlindste
    dlindste Posts: 3
    Sounds like a good plan. Thanks!!