Too much exercise not losing weight

Hi everyone...I feel that I am at a standstill.....I exercise everyday between 30 to 45 minutes....somedays an hour or more. Should I maybe skip a day of any form exercise?? Today I only took a 20 minute walk. Some days I use the hand weights with my aerobics dvd. I just can't figure that most days I am in my 1200 range even sometiems a little bit less. I wonder what I am doing wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    You just started. Give it time. Your body has to get used to the exercise and different eating. Just continue working out, logging what you eat, eat smart, and eat some of those exercise calories back, and in a few, the weight will come off. And WATER WATER WATER.. Make it your best friend! :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1200 cals is nowhere near enough, especially if you do any exercise at all. With the amount you have to lose you should reset your weekly goal to 0.5 to 1.0 lb/week at the most, and eat back the calories that you burn from exercise. Having too large of a deficit will cause you body to burn lean muscle, not just the fat you are looking at losing.
  • KristieLynn007
    Thanks guys. :)
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    Just getting into detail on what Tina stated: While you're starting your diet, whole foods only (Lean meats, vegetables, fruits, beans -- nothing that's been machined together (limit pastas and breads)), lots of water (to carry out byproduct of calories that have burned), and keep up with the exercise.

    Not sure what your calorie intake should be for your BMR, but 1200 seems a little low. You want to eat up to or around your BMR, using exercise to burn off excess calories during the day to reach that number. Never eat too far below it (more than 100 calories). If you do, your metabolism will slow down, making it much harder to lose weight and your energy levels stay very low... resulting for cravings in high-carb snacks.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You are probably under-eating. Unless you're really short, or have a lot of weight to lose, there's no reason you should be eating 1200 calories per day while exercising. Change your weight loss goal as previously suggested and eat the calories suggested. You'll be surprised to find that you really can eat more to lose pounds.

    Unless you really want to, you do not NEED to eat "clean", unprocessed foods to lose weight. It certainly helps to eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit and skip the processed stuff, but it isn't necessary to lose weight.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    I'm having the same problem-I started doing a 60 min/day routine and I feel awesome but the scale went up--just give your body time to adjust and don't expect instant gratification. That is the hard part for me. Good luck!!!
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    You know, Monday to Friday I do an hour of cardio before work and an hour of cardio after work.

    On the weekends I usually get one more hour in on Saturday.

    That adds up to between 9 and 11 hours of cardio per week (varies depending on circumstance).

    I personally have found that I don't get anything without working for it.

    Over the two months I have been here I have lost 20 lbs. and regardless of what anyone says on here I am not stopping my excersize.

    In my humble opinion, it would be like asking someone who does manual labor to quit their job because it is going to make their muscles go away. Does that make sense?????

    I don't think so, but I am neither a doctor nor a personal trainer. I am just a guy who is losing weight by working my butt off.

  • megandanielle2513
    megandanielle2513 Posts: 17 Member
    I felt your frustration! I worked out for 2 weeks....gained 8 lbs...and I was very confused. Now I lost those 8 lbs I'm down a total of four inches but I'm still figuring out the calories/day. My profile says 1200 but remember whatever calories you need to eat as well afterwards! So it's those 1200 calories/day PLUS more after you burn them off at the gym! Gotta eat after you workout!
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    You know, Monday to Friday I do an hour of cardio before work and an hour of cardio after work.

    On the weekends I usually get one more hour in on Saturday.

    That adds up to between 9 and 11 hours of cardio per week (varies depending on circumstance).

    I personally have found that I don't get anything without working for it.

    Over the two months I have been here I have lost 20 lbs. and regardless of what anyone says on here I am not stopping my excersize.

    In my humble opinion, it would be like asking someone who does manual labor to quit their job because it is going to make their muscles go away. Does that make sense?????

    I don't think so, but I am neither a doctor nor a personal trainer. I am just a guy who is losing weight by working my butt off.


    Same. I do a minimum of an hour a day and usually double up on weekends. I would say most of the time I stay under my calories, which are set at 1200 even when I say I exercise this much, but I don't really focus on eating back my exercise calories. If I'm hungry, I have no problem doing it. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. Some days I'm under but I'm never over. I don't believe in cheat days/meals, but if I want something and have the cals for it, it's fair game.
    And since about mid December, I've lost about 25 pounds. You didn't mention how long you'd been doing this, but I'd like you again voice what others have said, that it takes time. You didn't gain the weight overnight, or even in a few weeks, so it won't come off that way either.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When you first start an exercise routine (or up your intensity), your body retains water.

    Exercise is not really about weight loss anyway. It can help, but it's really more about health. It's more important to be healthy than to be a certain number on the scale. Plus, what really matters is the volume you take up in space. No one knows what your scale say. They only know how big you look when they stand next to you.

    Most of us have been conditioned to judge our success by the scale though. So we could lose a lot of muscle mass and be wildly unhealthy but that number on the scale went down so we're happy! That's just screwy when you think about it.

    Last year at this time, I was doing heavy strength workouts and I gained 5 pounds. I was also able to fit into my smallest pair of jeans for the first time in months. So should I have felt like a failure because the scale was 5 pounds higher or a success because I had made my body take up less volume in space and was rocking looking naked?? I picked feeling like a success. :smile:
  • KristieLynn007
    Options bring up very valid points. Thank you!

    Thank you to everyone who replied. I think I need to be more patient and just go with it. Part of my problem is....i am not a patient person!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Most of us have been conditioned to judge our success by the scale though. So we could lose a lot of muscle mass and be wildly unhealthy but that number on the scale went down so we're happy! That's just screwy when you think about it.

    Amen! BTW is that your IM tattoo? My goal is a couple of sprints this year and maybe move to Olymic next year......
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    You know, Monday to Friday I do an hour of cardio before work and an hour of cardio after work.

    On the weekends I usually get one more hour in on Saturday.

    That adds up to between 9 and 11 hours of cardio per week (varies depending on circumstance).

    I personally have found that I don't get anything without working for it.

    Over the two months I have been here I have lost 20 lbs. and regardless of what anyone says on here I am not stopping my excersize.

    In my humble opinion, it would be like asking someone who does manual labor to quit their job because it is going to make their muscles go away. Does that make sense?????

    I don't think so, but I am neither a doctor nor a personal trainer. I am just a guy who is losing weight by working my butt off.


    I hear that! I just began going to the gym twice a day now! :) Feel free to add me
  • questhaven
    questhaven Posts: 109 Member
    I have the same thing - For the past 9 months I have been hiking 4-5 days a week for 80 minutes, plus doing something active at least one day on the weekends and am at a standstill. I guess I'm not eating enough but it's really frustrating - I'd hate to think I need this much exercise just to maintain where I am at!
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    I guess I'm not eating enough but it's really frustrating

    That would most likely be the case. Your body metabolism will slow down to not give up precious calories that will go to your lungs/heart/brain and every other organ as a defense mechanism. You'll inevitably make yourself sick and lower your immune system capability if you continue eating too little.

    Eat up to your BMR -- it's how many calories you need to survive on based on your height and age.

    Eat lower than your maintenance - Maintenance is to keep your current weight.

    Taking 500 calories off your maintenance a day is key for 1 lb/wk. 500 calorie deficient times 7 days a week equals 3500, aka 1lb.