Started to eat back cals from excersise but so full

Ive been trying to eat back my excersise calories the last week, but i feel soooo pathetically full. Just to get them in...i mean sometimes im starving, but tonight i had to get in 800 calories for dinner. I made it to 650 more. And i dont feel like im gonna lose any weight eating like this. Just need a little encouragement atm....ive been at a plateau for 2 months now and am hoping eating my workout calories which i wasnt doing will help this darn plateau! Should i really have to eat to be this full. Ive been eating all day too...idk when i coulda added more calories there!


  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Is this normal? When u up your calories to feel soooo stuffed?
  • jsmcintyre
    jsmcintyre Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't believe it at first either, but you may be slowing your metabolism down by not doing it. I started eating my exercise calories and it broke the plateau I was on and I started losing again.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I didn't believe it at first either, but you may be slowing your metabolism down by not doing it. I started eating my exercise calories and it broke the plateau I was on and I started losing again.

    Sweet!! How long do i give it? Of coarse im hoping i start losing but what if i start gaining. Or nothing happens should i not eat back my calories? Sooo confusing, yet ive read so much on it!
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    Ok well first things first, if you have been consuming 1200cals for some time and its not working for you, it's good that you are trying something different and upping your calories! If you are finding it so much of a struggle, then why don't you just closely add on extra calories instead of jumping up 300 or 400 calories at once? Let the.body get use to the calorie change! I currently eat aroind the.1,500 mark! During the.first week of upping my calories, I gained some weight, but I lost it and more within the next 2 weeks! It spears you don't have a huge amount of weight to lose so I would recommend only aiming to lose 0.5-1lbs a week! Make sue to take measurements, because sometimes if Tue.scales refuses to budge, the inches still fall off!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    if you do the same workouts, and burn about the same each time, you can pre-plan your meals to have more calories..that way you dont have to eat back all of them when you finish.
    i found its easiest for me to workout at night, and i usually have a bigger breakfast, lunch, and dinner...or maybe an extra snack on my cardio days because i easily burn 600. if i tried to eat them all when i got home at midnight id feel stuffed too hehe
    i eat about 1845 on rest days, and up to 2500 on workout days
  • musclesformama
    musclesformama Posts: 1 Member
    I need some help or advice as well..... I've been doing MFP for 16 days. I lost 2 lbs and then gained them back plus 1 or 2. So discouraging! To lose 2 lbs per week MFP says I should eat 1200 calories. That seems low. I'm exercising walking
    4 times a week and running 3 times a week plus strength excersices. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong.? I did realize yesterday that I eat little bits that I don't record that could be causing problems, but I didn't think it was very many calories. I'm about ready to give in...
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I need some help or advice as well..... I've been doing MFP for 16 days. I lost 2 lbs and then gained them back plus 1 or 2. So discouraging! To lose 2 lbs per week MFP says I should eat 1200 calories. That seems low. I'm exercising walking
    4 times a week and running 3 times a week plus strength excersices. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong.? I did realize yesterday that I eat little bits that I don't record that could be causing problems, but I didn't think it was very many calories. I'm about ready to give in...
    do you only eat 1200, or do you eat 1220+ what you earn from running and your other exercises?