losing the fight

so i started this myfitness pal last year. i was 200lb and lost 55lb but now i cant seem to motivate myself to keep going. its been since july that ive worked out and ate right.. ive gained 10lbs. i know i can lose the weight but i just cant stand the hard work that i have to keep up on just to keep it off... im burnt out and scared that ima gain all my weight bak but cant seem to do anthing about it. why does this have to be soo hard.. the worst part is im a eater i love food and im giving into its power. its like im on drugs with the constant urge to wanna eat good tasting foods.


  • christina423
    christina423 Posts: 33 Member
    You know I understand that Fly! I am eater/alcoholic as well. But you had the diligence to loose that 55LBS and YOU CAN loose what you have gained. You have the power. I wonder if you could count your calories to maintain your current weight?

    You are starting school soon right? You will be doing water aerobics and that should help jump start! :)

    Could your start doing the P90X workouts again? Or you could download the THIRTY DAY SHRED.... lots of people use it on MFP.

    I love you and you need to know how amazing you look :) Beautiful, slender and you are HEALTHY :) I am so proud of your weight loss accomplishments and your ability to say I AM DOING THIS FOR ME :) Same with the school! THRIVE on the power YOU have over yourself! GRAB THE REIGNS AND TAKE CONTROL! You know you can call or text me anytime :)
  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    I'm a foodie myself and sometimes I find it hard to cut back on the things I like but are bad for me. There are many healthy cookbooks out there and plenty of healthy recipes that are delicious. You just need to look a little harder. You say you lost weight so that means you know it works. Don't stop half-way. It's difficult for all of us but remeber you are doing this for yourself. What is it that you want? Set a goal and stick to it ;)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I lost the fight.

    I joined here in July 2010 and lost some weight and then lost the willpower to carry on. I now weigh far heavier than what I did when I joined. I love food, I feel like I am addicted to it and right now I can't see a way of ever getting that willpower back.

    What I'm trying to say is please, please carry on and try to get that willpower back before it gets too late, like how it feels like to me.

    Well done on losing 55lbs so far. You have done great and your hard work has really paid off!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Dont Give up! You can do it!! add me if you like, be happy to give you ideas and support you!
    Dont give up, you can eat foods you like and balance it all...Focus on all the positive!
    Hang in there, Your strong and you can do this!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MissMollieD
    MissMollieD Posts: 130
    You worked too dang hard to give up now!!! Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Every little bit counts. Take on as much as you can muster and keep adding a little more from there. Don't pressure yourself to go full throttle - if putting on your headphones and going for a walk is all you can stand to do right now, then go for it. Then tomorrow do a little more. You'll get it back!
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    Maybe don't fight so hard. Just set your goals at 1 pound a week, or even to just maintain your current weight. Get back into a routine and go from there. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Remember, this is a journey. If it sucks most people will just stop. So find a way of doing this that doesn't suck and actually makes you feel better.
  • clairedance
    I feel your pain! Here are my thoughts:
    -Do ONE small thing, not ALL the big things. Give yourself ONE small goal, and be really proud of yourself when you complete it.
    -Be super, super kind to yourself. Say nice things to yourself in your mind, and believe them with your heart.
    -Turn to water and vegetables. Eat slowly and mindfully. Be glad for the chance to eat good food and drink good water.
    -Look at old pictures of yourself from before you lost weight. Remember why you started this in the first place.
    -Look at pictures of yourself at the present moment. Give yourself 3 reasons why you cannot give up on yourself RIGHT NOW.

    What if instead of a fight, you thought of this as a dance? Maybe you needed to bow out for a bit and just watch other people dance. Maybe you are ready to dance again, but you want to dance in a different way. How do you want to move? How do you want to feel? Dance it out.
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    Cancel your World of Warcraft account :-D
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    You know I understand that Fly! I am eater/alcoholic as well. But you had the diligence to loose that 55LBS and YOU CAN loose what you have gained. You have the power. I wonder if you could count your calories to maintain your current weight?

    You are starting school soon right? You will be doing water aerobics and that should help jump start! :)

    Could your start doing the P90X workouts again? Or you could download the THIRTY DAY SHRED.... lots of people use it on MFP.

    I love you and you need to know how amazing you look :) Beautiful, slender and you are HEALTHY :) I am so proud of your weight loss accomplishments and your ability to say I AM DOING THIS FOR ME :) Same with the school! THRIVE on the power YOU have over yourself! GRAB THE REIGNS AND TAKE CONTROL! You know you can call or text me anytime :)

    Fly, You've got a good friend here!! Call her!

    Don't beat yourself up, it's not worth it and it certainly won't make you feel better. Don't focus on what you can't/shouldn't eat, think about what you WANT to eat and find a healthier way to make it! That has helped me the MOST! Spend some time checking out recipes, I do that when I lose my motivation. Here's a great site if you don't already know about it


    Chin up girl, you CAN do this! :flowerforyou:
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    50 plus pounds is awesome. Shows you have what it takes. I'll bet when you restart yourself - today - you're going to surprise us all and lose even more. Just need to start, that's all.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I feel your pain! Here are my thoughts:
    -Do ONE small thing, not ALL the big things. Give yourself ONE small goal, and be really proud of yourself when you complete it.
    -Be super, super kind to yourself. Say nice things to yourself in your mind, and believe them with your heart.
    -Turn to water and vegetables. Eat slowly and mindfully. Be glad for the chance to eat good food and drink good water.
    -Look at old pictures of yourself from before you lost weight. Remember why you started this in the first place.
    -Look at pictures of yourself at the present moment. Give yourself 3 reasons why you cannot give up on yourself RIGHT NOW.

    What if instead of a fight, you thought of this as a dance? Maybe you needed to bow out for a bit and just watch other people dance. Maybe you are ready to dance again, but you want to dance in a different way. How do you want to move? How do you want to feel? Dance it out.

    I love this!
  • flyspyro
    flyspyro Posts: 7
    thank you everyone for your sopport.. today i did my first workout in months but i ended up eating a bunch of crap so the work out was for nothing. but i guess thats a start
  • danmoffett
    danmoffett Posts: 110
    I know what you are going through. At 340+ pounds I could barely bend over to pick something up much less exercise.
    I've learned a lot over the past 24 months. I've lost 155 pounds in my journey.
    I've learned it is not hard to lose weight. You don't have to count calories. You don't have to weigh food, or log your meals.
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight.
    Once you start eating the right food and avoid the bad, the weight will fall off. As you lose weight you will feel better, your energy level will increase, then you will want to exercise to burn off all that energy.
    I've put my story down in an online blog.
    I now live a high fat low carb lifestyle. I eat all the good food I want, never worrying about over eating or gaining the weight back.
    Never being hungry even if I miss a meal. No cravings, and saving lots of money eating right. If I can do it so can you.

    I would be glad to help in any way I can. Read my blog.

  • djlevron
    djlevron Posts: 20
    hang in there it is hard work but it is worth it ! I am on a mission to lose 80 pounds, and have 63 more to go. and trust me if I can do it anyone can. I am 44 and have let my self go for years. Find you a good friend on here or at the gym, and help each other stay motivated. I would be more than happy to be your friend. Don't Give Up. Pick a day of the week and have a cheat day, it makes all the other days easier to tolerate.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    thank you everyone for your sopport.. today i did my first workout in months but i ended up eating a bunch of crap so the work out was for nothing. but i guess thats a start

    No, the workout wasn't for nothing. You got yourself moving and you got your heartrate up and your lungs breathing. That's a good step. Don't beat up on yourself. You did a good thing and you should be proud of that....eating a bunch of crap doesn't negate all the positive. Just remember tomorrow is another day and you can wake up and say it's going to be a good day or let the one negative thing you did today ruin your momentum for weeks and you'll just put on more weight (that is my tendency that I'm trying to break). Be proud of what you accomplished today and dwell on that instead of the negative and everyday will get better.:happy: