What motivates you the MOST??



  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    now...my new size 0 jeans!!! NO WAY I'm going back to my old size 16 jeans!!!:blushing:
  • The fear of putting on more weight if I don't!!!
  • JohnsonTL
    JohnsonTL Posts: 17
    To not have to worry about what chub is trying to squeeze out of my pants.

    To put on whatever clothes I feel like without having to worry about if they might fit.

    I am an open individual naturally with my personality and I would like my free spirit to reflect in my style as well; sheer tops, bohemian clothes that "fit" right and don't just look like a bought them bigger to fit but that they are bigger for the style.

    Just plainly to feel like myself inside and out.
  • Cath138
    Cath138 Posts: 60 Member
    To feel confident and sexy and be able to wear WHATEVER I want (bikini, short shorts) and feel strong and not be out of breath all the time ;)
  • So that i can to my favorite place, the beach, the pool, the lake (everywhere that you need to wear a bikini) and make everyone envious, and to make my sister realize that i am hotter and smaller. Because she always buys me stuff a size bigger than hers and she doesn't fit in her clothes. So i will show her up this summer.

    Ultimately, i want to be able to play at the beach, lake, pool and not have to hide in a chair or in the water.
  • I'm raising four daughters and we are entering the teen years, adn I realize that I've not taken care of myself. I want my girls to know their mom cares about her body, inside and out. My outside is having a huge impact on my inside, and I need to get this down and I want my girls to see that I'm trying, that it is hard, but that I am suceeding. Hopefully I pull it off...

    I don't have kids but I do have high school ages students in a phys. ed. class and i want to see me being healthy and maybe apply something that i tell them/ show them to their own lives.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    my sister has recently dropped a lot of weight and is now the "skinny" one and it pisses me off because im one of the biggest now. I feel so ****ty which makes me want to be better
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    To save on fertility treatment, its our last chance salon to lose weight to have a baby!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Knowing that the 2012 soccer seasons is creeping upon me makes me want to get that much more in shape so that I can compete strongly against my girls and take part in all parts of the practice not just the easy drills.
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    To be able to see the "Captain" in the morning without having to suck in my gut......and for a certain crush I have :P
  • wazoot
    wazoot Posts: 5
    The fact that I know I look pretty good when Im not so fat. When I start losing weight, I get compliments about how good I am looking. Makes me feel amazing
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My motivation is fear.... fear I will gain all the weight back and fear I will have all the health issues my mother has.
  • Cholbrook008
    Cholbrook008 Posts: 18 Member
    I have two motivations right now. I want to look good when I look in the mirror and get use out of my new somewhat expensive running shoes.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    :happy: the most motivating this for me so far was seeing inches disappear.. what a great feeling!
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    I found when the "hey are you losing weight?"comments start ,that seems to be the motivation and finally gives you some confidence that other people notice your hard effort
  • rlodin
    rlodin Posts: 19 Member
    Nike ads! they are so well produced hahaha.

    Not having to search for things in "my size". i.e. walk into a shop and buy whatever clothes I want.

    Health and fitness so I can avoid getting type 2 diabetes like everyone else in my family and can be a better judo competitor if I compete.

    People tend to like you more when you are fitter and not fat. It is a just an instinctual thing and makes sense.

    Not having a ghetto booty ;)
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sex, drugs, and hot chicks!! :bigsmile:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Health - my family has heart problem history

    My Fiancé - we've been together for 8 years already and although I know he loves me no matter what, I want to always keep him interested and proud that he's got an awesome fiancé/wife to be.

    I don't want to be skinny, I want to be strong and fit, so I lift heavy weights 3 days a week, I do cardio 3 days a week and I'm getting back into the stretching work outs too.

    I finally realized that I do want kids and I want to be healthy when I have them and also for them as they grow so that they grow up taking care of themselves the way that I did.
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    I know I'm not old, but hitting 35 soon. I want to enjoy these years while I'm still young and look GOOD! I'm so much more confident when I'm looking and feeling good. When I look around, it seems like the majority of people are overweight. i dont want to be in the category anymore. A healthy weight to me mean success.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    The feeling I get from achieving something! A 10km run, a high intensity class at 6am (!!) or clocking up the kms in my half marathon training.

    My boyfriend too - and looking awesome in little clothes. They help too!!