Bikini Challenge!! 2012

Hi everyone! So as I'm going to be booking a holiday for July to somewhere hot and will be wanting to go in a bikini I still have a way to go to feel comfortable in one after having a child over a year and a half ago. I'm nearly at my goal and I'm currently 5ft2 and 119.6lbs (8st7.6). I have nearly 5 months which seems ages but I know for a fact it will go really fast and I don't want it to get to June and I'm in the same position as now which I've done a few times before (left it to the last minute to get into shape and it never happened so I felt uncomfortable - even before pregnancy!) I'm 23 and not at the gym but is anyone with me on this challenge to shape up for holidays?? If so please add me as a friend too so we can motivate each other!!! :)


  • seekingstrengthX2
    I am 5'2" and would absoultey wear a bikini if I were 119.6lbs. Lose what you can before then, but wear the darn bikini. Wear it!

  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    we've got very similar stats!! :) i'm 5ft3 and weight 116 lbs if the conversion are right :D
    and I want to shape befor the bikini challenge ;) I add you so we can motivate each other :)
  • Cholbrook008
    Cholbrook008 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree, I am 5'2" and I would wear a bikini at 119lbs. I am currently at 145lbs. and I wear one now, you just have to be comfortable in your own skin. Go for it.
  • alicia_louise29
    Hey girls, I would love too but all my weight is around thighs and belly (I have none on top) so I look out of proportion already, I wish I was comfortable but there is no way I would wear one, I know alot is toning but my goal is to get down to what I was a couple years ago 8st2
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    HI. Count me in.

    Im 28. Im 5ft 6 and I weigh 158lbs and I am a size 10 ( almost an 8)

    My only goal is to be a size 6 by my birthday which is in June.

    My goal is building muscle. I assume I might lose 20 ish pounds. So I will be shooting for 140lbs and hopefully losing a ton of inches.
  • alicia_louise29
    Yep Im inbetween a size 8-10 UK so I want to be a size 8 :)
  • milky24
    milky24 Posts: 4

    I am in the same position as you however i am going to turkey in 80 days for my holidays and i want to slim my self down to 130bs. Im 5'3 tall currently weigh 157Ibs. My goal is to wear a bikini also.

    I could do with some help and support also. Ive recently joined and also gone back to the gym.
  • sassytwo
    sassytwo Posts: 19
    Can you add me too? We're going to the beach in June and I want to feel good enough to wear a bikini. I was blessed with a turbo-metabolism growing up and have never watched what I eat. Now that I'm the ripe ol' age of 36 (is that too old to be wearing a bikini?) and have had two kids (should I be wearing one?) the metabolism isn't what it used to be. Ok, that and several years of putting kids, husband, etc first have taken their toll. Now its time to do something for myself. I'm tall at 5"9 and started at 169. My goal is to land somewhere in the 150s. More importantly, I want to feel better about myself!!! I've made it down to 163, but am losing motivation!!!
  • captiva0513
    Count me in!! My wedding is in 3.5 months and I've just recently realized how little time that is for a decent amount of healthy weight loss. When I initially signed up I had so much time that I didn't feel that much pressure about really sticking to healthy choices. Its go time now!
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    Count me in!!
    I just measured myself this morning, i thought all this time I was 5'1,
    but i'm 5'2!!
    I weighed in at 120.8 yesterday, and have the same goal as you, i want to be in a bikini,
    my belly area is flabby as well as the tops of my thighs.
    i just started insanity on monday with my husband. i am going to start doing crunches in the AM before work,
    and i plan on starting c25k this weekend. i am planning to do my first 5k in august.
    we are going to disney in 5 weeks, i'm sure i won't be bikini ready by then, but i would like to be by the start of beach season right after memorial day!!!
    (ps, i took bikini pics for motivation march 1st, not a pretty sight!!!)