Loving this site!

I found this site a year ago but never really used it. I just started using it daily a couple weeks ago and I absolutely love it. It keeps up with everything so we don't have to. I love how it calculates not only how many calories I need, but also carbs, fat, and protein. Can't believe I didn't start using this sooner. Oh and I am down 5 pounds in 9 days on the Body By Vi 90 day challenge! And I was impressed to find out myfitnesspal actually has my shake mix in their food list. :)

Oh and my name is Genean and I am from eastern KY. I have lost 35 pounds on the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. I am a customer as well as a distributor, so hit me up if you want more info. My goal is to lose 30 more pounds by summertime! Let's do this!


  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I love it too! I wish I had found it sooner! I'm looking to lose 20lbs by summer! You can add me if you like....I'm on here all the time!
  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    Finally some other Visalus people! I'm only doing one shake a day as I find I'm way too hungry after long workouts then I eat everything in sight. Any tips or tricks to help me with 2 shakes a day but not lose all my energy while exercising? My distributor convinced me to sign up and haven't heard a peep from him since :(
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My shipment should be in today of my shakes so I dont know what to expect. @ Genean you was down 35lbs in 90 days? I was a little confused by what you was saying, sorry. I need ALL the help I can get. A friend of mines got the shakes told me about it and I signed up lol....
  • geneanroberts
    geneanroberts Posts: 39 Member
    Congratulations on starting the challenge! My advice is drink 2 shakes a day! If you want to see weight loss you need to be doing 2 a day. Here is how your day should go:

    A shake for breakfast.

    2-3 hours later a healthy snack...(this can be fruit, a granola bar, a 100 calorie pack, etc)

    2 hours later your second shake.

    2-3 hours later another healthy snack

    3 hours later dinner

    2 hours later another snack

    The best thing to do is to not let yourself get hungry...and make sure you are getting 1200 calories a day at least...You dont want to go into fat storage mode...Body By Vi works amazingly if done correctly...

    I am sorry your sponsor is not helping you. I created a group on here today called Body By Vi Challengers...Feel free to join.. I plan to start posting daily and getting more people involved :)
  • geneanroberts
    geneanroberts Posts: 39 Member

    Yes 35 pounds is how much I am down! Congrats on joining! This is the best thing I have ever tried. I have done WW, Atkins, and others and this is the only thing I have been able to stick with! Best of luck!
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    Great, thanks for the info. Im new here so where did you create the group at?
  • geneanroberts
    geneanroberts Posts: 39 Member
    Click on groups up top and then do search for "body by vi challengers"
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I love it too. I checked out Sparks People but it's food database can't compare to MFP and it is so confusing to use. I love MFP's ease of use. I've been here for over a year and will be here as long as they are. Thanks MFP>:heart:
  • geneanroberts
    geneanroberts Posts: 39 Member
    Thats awesome! I actually found this site a year ago but never really started using it til recently...I love it and wish I had been using it the entire time now! oh well, at least I know now and can use it from now on! :)