30 Day Shred opinions?



  • shadan87
    shadan87 Posts: 13 Member
    I like it! i go to the gym and do zumba classes more than anything but its great for me on the days i cant get to the gym, the weather sucks and i need a good workout! i havent done it every day for 30 days so im not sure on the results of it in that aspect but i do know its a good work out and it mixes things up from my normal workouts! good luck!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I have a question before I go out and by this dvd. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which means I have joint issues. Now I do walk everyday for at least 3 miles. I also have a job where I am on my feet all day very physical job lots of lifting and stuff. I really try not to let the RA limit me. Do you think someone with joint issues could do this dvd or would it be to difficult?

    I think its pretty hard on the knees, especially. There are a lot of jumps and side lunges, etc. There is always a modification or beginning move though incase you are having trouble or pain. There is a website with modifications, I think its on the shredheads.com website - you could google it and find it. I did it for 30 days twice and it definitely builds muscle and sheds fat. I like ripped in 30 better, but I think ripped in 30 is a lot harder.

    I agree with this that it might be hard on your knees, and hips. I have issues with my knees, but was able to work my way up to most of the moves. By starting out slowly, I was able to strenghten my muscles which strenthened my joints. I don't really know how that might work for someone with arthritis though.

    Also to the person that said you should do 10 days at each level, not to be difficult, but I would emphasize that as a guideline not a hard and fast rule. First and formost you should listen to your body. I spent a lot more time at each level working through the advanced moves before moving up to the next level. I am now at level 3 but frequently altenate with level 2. I have been doing this for much longer than 30 days and am still progressing through it and seeing amazing results.
  • starrynightskys
    starrynightskys Posts: 31 Member
    This DVD lead to me getting a knee injury that meant I couldn't do exercise for a while and even now my knee sometimes aches so I personally wouldn't recommend it. Of course it's entirely up to you :) I think repetitive moves whilst standing stationary can lead to injuries for some, and my doctor recommended that people with tight ligaments in their legs (like me) or people with joint issues should perhaps take a walk to warm up first before starting the DVD even though it does include a brief warm up.
  • Madi0731
    Madi0731 Posts: 4
    How do you log this on your exercise log?
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    If you don't have a HRM, log it as circuit training, should be pretty close.
  • karmahead
    karmahead Posts: 29 Member
    How are you guys getting through Level 2? I am so exhausted! My shoulders also hurt--I'm afraid I'm not using good form on my planks. Should my arms be straight down from my shoulders? I tend to lean into them...
  • Bkuchyn
    Bkuchyn Posts: 1 Member
    I have not gotten past level 2 either! Same thing, my shoulders hurt so bad after the planks. I'm afraid to move on to level 3.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    30 day shred? Please tell me what it is, where do I get it and how much does it cost? I am just starting and would like to know more about what everyone is doing. Thank you:)

    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, we got ours off Amazon.com for 7 bucks. Worth every penny! Its hard but only 20 minutes and the results of 20 minutes of that shred are amazing. You will also need some light hand weights and a mat if you do not have carpet.
  • Startraveller
    Startraveller Posts: 53 Member
    I love it! Jillian Michaels is a true motivator but a real B! I found Level One easy but Level Two is more of a challenge and quite the workout if you exert yourself 100%. I combine it with a treadmill workout and it seems to be doing the trick.
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    I really like it, it's such a short amount of time I feel I can always fit it into my day, even if I can't make it gym.

    I've only just started level 2, but I think I can see a difference.

  • TiltingAtWindmills
    TiltingAtWindmills Posts: 44 Member
    I hear great things. Do it! I'm starting it today (assuming the DVD arrives on schedule). I'm a little scared, but I'm going to do this! You can add me if you want a shredding buddy.
  • I loved it! I am thinking about doing it again. I am 61 and thought it was easy at all levels. I did it twice daily. You can do the modified workouts or the advanced. It is short and you get a lot of bang for your buck. Well worth it!

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  • malkb27
    malkb27 Posts: 40
    As with just about everyone else on this thread, I also recommend it! I've done it twice. The first time I lost about 7 pounds and several inches. The second time, I didn't lose anything, but I got some serious definition in my calves and abs. And I didn't think I would ever have definition on my abs!

    I do it periodically to change things up and it's pretty easy to commit to. Don't be surprised at how hard it is in the beginning, though. And honestly, Level 2 still kicks my *kitten*! Good luck!
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm on day 7 of level 1 and I can feel the changes taking place... After the pain subsided (took the first 4 days to get past that)! It's a great short workout though... Once your used to it, the 20mins is ove pretty quick :)
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    I cant give you an opinion on it because i just bought it yesterday, but its only 10 dollars at Wal-Mart. So unless youre really strapped for money then i would just go ahead and get it. :) if you hate it then it was only 10 dollars.:wink:
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    I guess I'm odd-man out - I didn't really care for it. The workout is ok, I just really really really can't stand JM. Even on mute.
  • samanthaalgar27
    samanthaalgar27 Posts: 31 Member
    I have this DVD. As much as i love it you really do have to push yourself....I fell ill a few years back that caused me to struggle walking & was bed bound for 8 weeks....it has left me with very tender joints & so after a week on the 30DS i have a lot of knee problems...

    Everyone is different but i would definately recommend this to everyone!
  • chelley11
    chelley11 Posts: 4 Member
    30 Day Shred is brilliant, hard work at first but once you get started it is great. Plus it really really works, i have gone on to buy Killer buns and thighs and do it religously, i also bought ripped in thirty which is also 3 20 minute workouts but it is a killer DVD and much much harder than 30 DS. Go for it, you will defo see results.

  • Madi0731
    Madi0731 Posts: 4
  • todaystuesday
    todaystuesday Posts: 77 Member
    How are you guys getting through Level 2? I am so exhausted! My shoulders also hurt--I'm afraid I'm not using good form on my planks. Should my arms be straight down from my shoulders? I tend to lean into them...

    This is me too! My shoulders kill!