Jillian's Extreme Shed and Shred



  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I am on week 2 level 1 and love it! I can tell a difference already but haven't measured or gotten on the scale and won't until next Friday. I will do one maybe two more weeks of level 1 then move onto level 2. Thanks to whoever said level 2 was longer than level 1 , I'm on a time restraint and need to exercise accordingly.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Hey guys,
    I'm just about done with Ripped in 30, and I figured I would start with Extreme Shed and Shred next. The DVD will be here by tomorrow, and since I'm taking a day off anyway (from 2 months continous workout with 30DS and RI30 xD), I have a few questions regarding the workout, just to prepare OvO

    - Is there anything else other than the dumbbells and mats needed for the exercise? I've been using 2 2kg dumbbell (apr. 4.5lbs each), are they gonna be enough? Should I upgrade the dumbbells for this exercise?
    - I heard this DVD only contains 2 levels, does this mean I should do first 15 days level 1 and the latter half level 2, or do level 1 day 1, level 2 day 2 and repeat in that rotation?
    - If someone has finished the exercise, can you show me the result from the workout? I've lost around 17 lbs from doing the first two DVDs, but I only lost in total of 8 inches, can't say I'm not disappointed. Does anyone have any tips on losing more inches and toning my body better?

    Thanks in advance :3

    I was only able to do about 3 weeks of this program because I just started her 90 day program. YES upgrade your weights all the moves are very doable with 8-10lbs honest! I did level 1 for about two weeks and then did levels 1&2 for a week.This workout is tough, but it's FUN and it burns serious calories I'm talking at least 500 for level 1 and at least 500 more with level 2. No pics I can show, but my body definitely went through some changes especially my waist!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I just finished my second round of the 30DS on Monday and then started with ES&S on Wednesday. I got the DVD for christmas, I did a couple days of level 1 after Christmas but then I decided I wanted to do the 30DS instead for January. Wednesday I decided to do Levels 1 & 2 of ES&S, I can feel that wonderful soreness feeling. I didn't feel that at all in January while doing 30DS. I was only going to do level 1 again this morning but I ended up doing 2 as well.

    I like this workout because she does some different moves not shown in her other workouts. It doesn't seem that difficult while doing some of the moves, however the after effects and feelings prove otherwise.

    I am also waiting on Jillian's new 90 day program. So I think I will stick with ES&S until my BODY REVOLUTION arrives.
  • CindyCountingCalories
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86