Just joined, looking for great friends and encouragment!

Hello everyone! I'm Crystal and a friend of mine told me about this website. I'm really excited and hope to reach my goal, but it always helps to have friends (whether we know each other or not) to encourage the other on!!

I never really had much of a weight problem until I became pregnant with my son, gaining over 80 pounds. I lost a majority of it, but there is still some left that needs to go. I have to admit that I've always been pretty lazy when it comes to exercising, but I love to eat. Anytime I have ever started an exercise regimen, it only lasted a few days. But I have recently found my motivation and have been working hard try to eat right and I have actually started exercising with an intensity that will not go away.

I'm slowly figuring out my way around the website, so be patient with me, lol. But in the meantime, I would like to be friends with YOU!! Have a great day!!


  • Nicole3d
    Nicole3d Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Crystal...welcome to the site. I joined about 3 days ago and find it amazing how fast the calories add up, but it keeps what i eat in control. I have started exercising as well. I used to got to the gym all the time, but if i didn't see results within a couple of days, i would give up. But not anymore...;)

    You can do this...;)

  • c_hodge
    c_hodge Posts: 8
    Thanks Nicole!! I just added what I ate this morning and was really surprised by how many calories I had already consumed! Thankfully all I'm eating for lunch today is salad. I saw your earlier post from when you joined...one of the hardest things I've had to give up is soda. Coffee on the other hand, I just don't know if I can give up. I have one travel mug to go on the way to work and that's it for the day...I don't think that will hurt me too much...I hope not. :)
  • kmkersey
    kmkersey Posts: 5
    I just got back into it! I'm looking for motivation! I can't seem to get ANYONE to join..fiance, friends, family...boo.
  • Nicole3d
    Nicole3d Posts: 9 Member
    OMG, i know about the coffee thing. Going from all day to just 2 cups a day is hard. I might have a 3rd one today, since i have to study....;)
  • madtownjeremy
    Thanks Nicole!! I just added what I ate this morning and was really surprised by how many calories I had already consumed! Thankfully all I'm eating for lunch today is salad. I saw your earlier post from when you joined...one of the hardest things I've had to give up is soda. Coffee on the other hand, I just don't know if I can give up. I have one travel mug to go on the way to work and that's it for the day...I don't think that will hurt me too much...I hope not. :)

    Hey don't sweat the coffee. :) It's only like 5 cals a cup. What you do need to worry about however is the diuretic action of caffeine...you'll need to drink extra water to make up for the water the caffeine pulls from your system. I loosely follow a 2-for-1 trade; 2 cups of water for every cup of coffee.
  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    Hi and welcome! I will have been here for two weeks this coming Monday. I love it and the people are so encouraging and positive! I never realized before how crappy I ate...well, I did but had never actually seen now all the cals, carbs and fat all add up! Shocking to think that I used to just toss a couple handfuls of chips in my mouth to take the edge off when I was hungry! Double think that NOW! Lol.....I too gained about 80 lbs during pregnancy, both times and much of it came off n it's own I still have 20-25 lbs I'd like to get rid of forever! Feel free to add me! Imon here all the time! :)
  • kmkersey
    kmkersey Posts: 5
    thanks for the adds! it took me a while to figure it out :/
  • c_hodge
    c_hodge Posts: 8
    Thanks you guys for the adds, the support and the encouragement so far! I am so glad that I decided to join this website. Together I think we can all make a difference for each other. Oh by the way, I really appreciate the info on the coffee/water intake. I'll have to try that. ;-)
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    Hi , I am new too! I have been on here a week and two days and I have lost 4 pounds. I haven't eaten great the whole time or stayed under my calorie goal or even exercised! I love this site I find it is a great tool for helping to to see where I am at and help me stay accountable! Good luck with your journey! I know I need support, prayers and luck with mine as well....um, oh ya and a little hard work too! *wink!
  • marinemomx2
    marinemomx2 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone - I am new too! I lost about 30 lbs since last May just by changing my diet but now have added exercise (which is a good thing) to help me lost that last 15 or so lbs I really want to lose. I agree that it is amazing how fast calories add up even when eating healthy!! Would love some friends to help me stay motivated :)
  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    Hi and welcome! I will have been here for two weeks this coming Monday. I love it and the people are so encouraging and positive! I never realized before how crappy I ate...well, I did but had never actually seen now all the cals, carbs and fat all add up! Shocking to think that I used to just toss a couple handfuls of chips in my mouth to take the edge off when I was hungry! Double think that NOW! Lol.....I too gained about 80 lbs during pregnancy, both times and much of it came off n it's own I still have 20-25 lbs I'd like to get rid of forever! Feel free to add me! Imon here all the time! :)