my story

I'm 34, 2 kids and a hubby, diagnosed with Post Partum Depression, but after medication and counselling I was finally getting better Then i was diagnosed with cancer which I had for nearly 3 years, finally beat it! Learned of my remission in January.
I used my illness as an excuse and as result my weight ballooned. As soon as I found out I was cancer free, I decided to turn my life around, but I have over 100lbs to lose! Its so far out of my reach but I'm working really hard. Corrected my diet and portion sizes began walking. In just 6 days I've lost over 7lbs which has me motivated to keep going!

I'm loving how easy it is to track my food, I search foods in the database to help me make better choices and I find its really making me eat better!

7lbs down and 109lbs to go!


  • 2Grtkids
    2Grtkids Posts: 93
    Feel free to add me - you sound like an amazingly strong fighter. Welcome and good luck!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Wow! What a fighter you are. First cancer, and now weight loss. It sounds like you're making great progress already. Feel free to add me if you would like additional support on your journey!
  • Great job! God bless:
  • lcharity79
    lcharity79 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on these huge accomplishments! If you can beat cancer, then taking off a little weight to make your life better should be a breeze! Feel free to add me if you need a friend!
  • Great Job !!!!
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a cancer survivor too, 5 years in remission now.
  • What an amazing lady you are! Feel free to add me as I also need the additional support :)
  • hippofabulous
    hippofabulous Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks everyone! I keep telling myself if I can overcome all that I have, weight loss should be easy. But its not!
  • Muszko
    Muszko Posts: 2
    Good things don't come easy in life... Just think about it! God bless you
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Awesome Job! It sounds like you are a fighter, so I doubt you will have any problem achieving this goal too! Plus from the little I've got to know people around here, everyone is very motivating! Feel free to add me.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Awesome Job, your doing great, when adversity stares you down, punch it in the face. God Bless ya and keep it up!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Awesome Job, your doing great, when adversity stares you down, punch it in the face. God Bless ya and keep it up!

    Ditto! Feel free to add me! :)
  • kkkkalina
    kkkkalina Posts: 4 Member
    How inspiring! If you're looking for friends, please add me. I would love to stay updated on your progress. I've had depression for many years, and my symptoms always include weight gain, so I think I can understand. Good luck with everything, you're an encouraging individual!
  • ZailieB
    ZailieB Posts: 8 Member
    Good Luck on your journey.... xx
  • hippofabulous
    hippofabulous Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for so many offers to add friends. I'm looking forward to supporting each other!
  • Icandoit66
    Icandoit66 Posts: 74 Member
    Wow...what a strong person you are. Please add me...and we can conquer this journey together.
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    You have an amazing spirit! Great job girl. Keep it up! I love this site as well. There are tons of great & determined people.