New, young, New Zealander, sucks at exercise.

Hey all,

I'm new here and would really love some friends for inspiration/support. I'm 24, living in small-town New Zealand - I'm only looking to lose around 5kg but I really really hate exercise and the odds of me sticking to 1,360 calories every day is.. well, I'm not going to be defeatist, but it will be a struggle. So yeah, the more friends the better I guess!

Hope to talk to some of you soon :)


  • sasbrown
    sasbrown Posts: 3
    Hi fellow kiwi's....I have recently joined the sight and thought I would check out how many of us are out there....I have tried most diets (and failed!) but thought I only have weight to lose so why not try myfitnesspal...after all I can input my food via my iphone and who doesn't like playing with our phones LOL...I love the scanner to..such an amazing tool....hope to hear all about your adventures and achievements in weightloss.... :)