Really scared...but I've got to try something

After reading some of the posts about eating more calories, I'm going to try it. I've only lost 3 pounds since January and I'm really discouraged. Granted, I don't have an extreme amount to lose (10 pounds), but you would think I would have lost that by now. Before I started high intensity workouts 4 or 5 days a week, it was easier to lose.

I was on Weight Watchers two years ago and lost 18 pounds with just walking and Taekwondo. Then I started the high intensity workouts with TRX, rowing, spinning, piloxing, etc. alternating different workouts on different days and GAINED 8 pounds. Sometimes I don't eat back my excercise calories but mostly I do. I think I actually ate more calories than the 1200 we're alloted here when I was on Weight Watchers. Plus, I'm always hungry and can't think about ANYTHING but food on these 1200 cal.

I just want to get off the 8 pounds. How much should I up my calories to start, maybe 100/day?



  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Are you eating back you exercise calories?

    I would say go up to 1400-1600.
  • tammyw59
    tammyw59 Posts: 7 Member
    Mostly I eat them back. Sometimes I'll have a 500-1000 calorie deficit at the end of the week.
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    So...I can TOTALLY relate to this post. I hit my goal in December, and then immediately gained. So, in January, I upped the intensity and frequency of my workouts, but didn't change calories or anything else. Since then, I've been in a 7-10 pound flux...some weeks maintaining, some weeks gaining, and found myself SO discouraged and frustrated.

    After reading the posts about higher calorie intakes, and some guidance from those who have succeeded at it, I decided to give it a go. Two weeks ago, I upped my caloric intake based upon the following advice:

    Go to Fat to Fit ( tools and do the Military Body Fat Calc THEN the BMR tool.

    The BMR tool will give you EXACT calories to eat daily determined by your activity level.
    Add 20% to this number to figure out your TDEE.

    So by knowing:

    Body Fat

    The first week of this, I had a gain...and it FREAKED me out...but I stuck with it for another week, and today I weighed in to find good news...a loss!!...the 4 lbs that I "gained" last week, plus another .5 lb loss. I'm still tweaking on the exact right mix for me, but am convinced that my body really does need the extra fuel. I'm now within 1.8 of goal, and feeling great - not hungry, energized for workouts, etc!

    It is scary as hell, but I've seen so many success stories on here, and am finding it working for me so far as well.
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    I just posted about this as well. I upped my calorie goal today after being stalled for a couple months as well. Good luck! Feel free to add me for support through this could be interesting! :drinker:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    You sound just like me, only 10 lbs to lose and stuck, everyone is telling me to up my calories but isn't that what got us overweight in the first confused
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    This worked for me and I have a hard time believing it!!! I eat so much food now, but the scale is moving, the first time since early Jan. I just make sure I eat all my burned calories! Still can't believe it!!!
  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
    If I eat my 1200 calories on 'heavy' food - starchy stuff and no veg, I tend to stay the same. If I try to eat MORE veg and salad stuff I seem to lose quicker. That's what I think is happening anywa!
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    Bump x
  • alicia_louise29
    This is my problem too!! Im finding it SO hard to lose this 8lbs I feel like its going to take me months as I've only lost the same 3lbs since Jan grrr! Add me too!x
  • irishbrian74
    irishbrian74 Posts: 2 Member
    don't forget...your body needs fuel to run...and to burn fat...also, when you work out, you are building muscle..which weighs more than fat...
  • krispyychicken
    I think something you also need to consider, is muscle weighs more than fat! so when you do high intensity workouts, you're going to gain muscle! but this is a good thing(: just work on losing the fat after that! I'm actually on a 1,340 calorie diet, and it's working great!