What the - ? (vent)

I step outside my house today to walk to the shop with my daughter (12) to buy a present for her Dad's birthday for when she sees him next week. We're both in a good mood and I've been practicing for an upcoming gig all day, so I'm just in my usual black jeans, black top and a plaid shirt on top.

Within 30 feet of my front door, I've had one person shout something like 'Greaser C---' at me as their van drove past one way and then another 50 yards and someone passenger in some sort of industrial digger thing yells 'F
Freak' at me.

I have never been shouted at like that before - but twice in under 5 minutes?

Is it because I'm fat? Or because a plaid shirt makes it OK to be abusive where having my boobs and my backside hanging out doesn't? I just looked at myself in the mirror when we got back and I'm just trying to see what was so offensive to them.

It's really dented my pride. Well, for ten minutes, anyway, seeing as they obviously have to make a living shovelling s-it in the pouring rain and freezing cold and I make mine playing music.

What on earth must their lives be like that they need to go and do that to someone walking down the road with their kid? (who was worried they were shouting at her - all 98 pounds of her)


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Wow, that's really cruel! What is with people lately? There's been a lot of that going around it seems...
  • northfresh
    northfresh Posts: 111
    It happened because the people who did it either have an immature sense of humor, get off on offending or hurting people, are completely ignorant, or all of the above. It had absolutely nothing to do with you.

    I don't own a car. I walk and bike everywhere. Consistently people yell and throw things at me. It has nothing to do with me whatsoever beside the fact that I was right there when they were feeling at their most idiotic. Don't let others bring you down for being your awesome self. :)
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Were you wearing your mess with idiots perfume on today?

    I am sure people yell things at me that would offend me if I could hear them over the sound of my laughter at where they are yelling from. Like the guy digging in the rain and cold.

    I miss my t-shirt that said " I can't hear you over how awesome I am"
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    I miss my t-shirt that said " I can't hear you over how awesome I am"

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Mean and stupid people will always find a way to be mean and stupid.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    My stepson can act out like that, and believe you me, he gets punished everytime. He acts out like that because he has ADHD and ODD which together combine to make a boy that has very poor social reasoning skills, a lack of understanding on cause and effect, especially when his cause has an effect for someone other than him.

    he can be so breathtakingly cruel somedays and not have a CLUE why people are so upset with him. THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE. beleve me, he never gets away with it, and forcing him to apologize for his behaviour has taught him that maybe thinking twice would do himself a service.

    But what I am trying to say by telling you about my stepson is that people that do things like this? It's not you personally, it has NOTHING to do with you, it's not what you wore, it's not what you look like, it's not what you were doing or not doing.

    You were there. You were there, you were in front of them, you presented an opportunity for them so exercise poor social control.

    and you could have been a guy, a girl, a celebrity, an animal, and you still probably would have evoked the same response.

    Hopefully someone in their life is trying to teach them social manners and behaviour control. But unfortunately until it sinks in, you have to witness them at their poorest.

    Believe me, when my little guy is mean, and after we force him to apologize (which he hates, because it's embarassing...see? no social awareness of other people except himself) 20 minutes later he'll be back over at that kid wondering if they want to play legos and absolutely heartbroken when they say no, he has no realisation that what he did earlier affected his ability to create a relationship with that person in the future....

    we're working on him, but it can be hard.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Brush it off your shoulders. They don't know what they're missing.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Nothing justifies this.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Some people are so proud of their ignorance that they have to show it off repeatedly.
  • ChristineW82
    ChristineW82 Posts: 116 Member
    You have to just let things like this go over your shoulders sometimes.

    You're the one making yourself a better person! :flowerforyou:
    (even though they probably need a lot more work than you do!)
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Just ignore it. It more than likely had nothing to do with you. They would have done it no matter whom they saw walking down the street. People just don't show any respect anymore and it's sad. I worry for the kind of world my Grandchildren will grow up in.
  • DietPep1978
    DietPep1978 Posts: 202
    Some people are just idiots! Don't let it shake you.

    Unfortunately, there are some people in this world who have no sense of respect or dignity. I actually feel sorry for these people that they have to live life this way, missing out on the goodness of it. They think they are making a fool of you but they are only making a fool of themselves. I feel for their parents for either being the exact same or for having to put up with idiotic children.

    People (children) are products of their environment.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    It's really dented my pride. Well, for ten minutes, anyway, seeing as they obviously have to make a living shovelling s-it in the pouring rain and freezing cold and I make mine playing music.

    This is. Awesome. :wink:
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 84 Member
    Sending you a hug:happy: People who do things like that to others are already beaten so low themselves that they have to make others around them lower in order to make them feel better. Keep your head up and shoulders straight and dont worry about remarks others make. It doesnt matter.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I cannot even fathom this. I wear all black a lot and I like plaid so I don't get it. I'm sorry your daughter had to experience that, and you too. It makes me a little crazy seeing guys walking down the street with their pants to their thighs and their underwear showing but I never would voice my opinion, I really don't get it. I agree with everyone else, it's not you. Those people have big issues.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    It's not you, it's them.

    They'd probably have shouted the same thing at me if 'd happened to be there, in my nicest business suit or my rattiest gardening clothes, doesn't matter. Or at anyone else who might have happened to be there. They just suddenly were overcome with the need to show the world what total effing jerks they are.

    I figure it's kind of like when you get hit by droppings from a bird flying by overhead - nasty and unpleasant, but no sort of reflection on you personally.