HMR/FitBit/Calories burned-OVERWHELMED

I know there are SO many threads on HRM'S,fitbits, RMR and calories burned and trust that I have tried to find the answer without posting....but the 27 open windows are overwhelming me, and I am so frustrated!!

So, I currently have a fitbit, which is nice as a guide and a motivator, but I am not sure I completely trust its accuracy.

I was looking up an exercise in the fitbit exercise log, and came upon: Sitting - writing, desk work, typing. It said I would burn 114 calories doing this per hour.

I am a graduate student, somedays (A LOT of days) I spend 12 hours at the desk writing and researching....but is this really a calorie tracking activity?? On the other hand when I see the fitbit chart tell me I have been sedentary for 12 hours it makes me crazy!!

So, would a heart rate monitor tell me how many calories I burn throughout the day, even if I were lying in bed only breathing and blinking? Or is it only good for workouts when the heart rate is increased.


  • Anyone??
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    HRM are only supposed to be used during exercise. If you want something that tracks your whole day you'd need a Body Media or a Body Bugg. Body Media is a "Good" right now on Groupon. 95 bucks for one and three months subscription. HTH!
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    I have a fit bit and it is as accurate as a body media fit ( same thing, same makers as a body bugg) I wore both the body media fit and the fitbit for a week. Each day they were within 17-20 calories of each other. example on monday the fitbit said I burned 2500 and the body media fit said I burned 2517, tuesday the fitbit said I burned 2520 and the body media said 2500. I too was worried about fitbits accuracy so I had gotten the BMF but then there was a bonus fit bit in my sons xbox kinect bundle. So I used both for a while. Since it was as accurate as a BMF I chose the fitbit because it is cheaper and NO monthly fee. I dont track on the fit bit site. I just create an activity when im working out and then add the exersice on MFP & it shows on fitbit site do you have it linked to MFP? There is no need to track activites like sitting and writing. Your fit bit should show you how much you burn in a day create your desired deficit off of that.
  • stone307
    stone307 Posts: 85
    I agree with luvsherhubby. I have both the Bodybug and the Fitbit. I wore each for 48 hours. They both came in about the same on calories. One day the Bodybug was higher by less then 70 and the next day it was Fitbit higher by 30 or so.

    Checking back over the data. They both gave me the same when I was sitting at my desk.

  • Checking back over the data. They both gave me the same when I was sitting at my desk.

    That is exactly what I needed to know! Thanks :-)

    Thank you so much for all your responses, SUPER helpful!!