Weight gain for 2 weeks...frustrated and pi$$ed!!!

To start off, I have been on this weight loss journey since the end of May 2010. I have been successful in losing now 189 lbs. My goal is 200. I have done it with exercise and changing the way I eat. 2 weeks ago I was 5 lbs away from my goal. Then, the past 2 weeks I have gained a total of 5.8 lbs!!!! Over the 2 weeks, I was under my calorie goal everyday and I did exercise everyday for atleast 1 hour. My exercise routine did change a bit as I injured/tweaked my back and didnt do weights, just cardio....mostly stationary bike, but did it EVERY day. So my question is WTF?? I can understand not losing any, but gaining that much???? I guess I am lucky as I have not had a set back more than a pound or so over this journey. I guess I am frustrated at being sooo close to my goal and now an almost 6 lbs set back. I wanted to reach my goal before 3-29 as I will be having a surgery and be out of the gym 4-6 weeks. I have no clue what that will do to me. When I go into maintenance mode, I thought I would have to up my calories a bit and lower exercise from 2-3 hours a day to 1 or so, but look where that has gotten me. Besides water weight, which I am not sure it is, what other explaination is there??????

Thanks for any help......


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • empleh69
    empleh69 Posts: 41

    If it is water weight, can you retain water and not see it?? When I have retained water in the past, I have always had swollen ankles or feet, but nothing now.
  • empleh69
    empleh69 Posts: 41
  • You are right, water weight doesn't cut it. I was up 3 pounds in a week that I had worked really hard. I happened to have a doctor's appointment and discussed it with him. He suggested not enough sleep or higher stress levels. My blood pressure was up so I took him at his word and tried to take a little quiet time each day and made sure I slept at least 8 hours (no late nights). I did the exact same menu and exercise and dropped not only the 3 pounds but an additional 2. I now try to maintain the de stressing and sleep pattern and it seems to be working still.
  • gbargsley
    gbargsley Posts: 55
    Funny story. I had the exact same issue. I lost 100 pounds last year and right around the middle of January became stagnate on my weight loss. Getting frustrated each week that the pounds did not drop. Actually two weeks at the exact same weight and then gained 5 over the next 3 weeks. I was totally pissed since I was exercising more than ever and my diet was still on track. I told my trainer I was taking a break and she agreed. So I took 2 weeks off from all exercise and kept my same diet.

    Then on March 1 I picked back up on exercise and then yesterday during my weigh in I was down 15 pounds. Lost the 7 I had gained since January and an additional 8. I was totally floored. After a year of doing this I actually had a Biggest Loser type weigh in.

    So I am back on the band wagon and excited to see what next weeks brings. I guess the body needed a break or something.

    Good luck and I hope to get to my goal like you have.
  • empleh69
    empleh69 Posts: 41
    Thanks, any other thoughts would be appreciated!
  • empleh69
    empleh69 Posts: 41