Hi, I'm new here. New friends welcomed. :)

My name is Joseph. I'm 20 years old. I'm 6'2". I weigh 235 pounds and my current goal is to get to 199 pounds.

I'm addicted to fast food and chocolate. I have both once a day, every day. And yes, that is adding up very quickly. I don't want to get to the point where I have 50+ pounds to lose. I'm ready to make this lifestyle change. I began the C25k on Tuesday and W1-D3 is tomorrow. I'm loving it so far.

I have an uphill battle with my cravings. As I write this, my prefrontal cortex is fighting to keep my long-term goals at the front of my mind. I can't give in to immediate (guilt-laden) satisfaction anymore. So for now, it's difficult to separate between cravings and actual hunger. I've done some research and I'm excited to live a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately enough, it will be a major accomplishment if I can make it one day without eating fast food.

When I hit 199 pounds, I'll be rewarding myself with an iPad 2. Yes, I know it's the "old" one now. It's cheaper and still awesome. I'm also working on not being manipulated by marketing. ;) Also, that is definitely not my sole motivation. I finally have the funds available and would have bought one anyways, I thought it would keep me extra motivated! Motivation number one is being fit, healthy and happy.

Are you still reading? Whoa. We should probably be friends. I'll help you. You can help me. That's why we're all here, right?

I'd prefer people around my age, since our bodies are at similar points in our lifespan. :)

You're all awesome!


  • chesca_1986
    chesca_1986 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Joseph!
    My name is Franchesca, I'm a bit older at 25 yrs but I don't look it because i'm short. Anyways i need friends to help me keep up my goal so I would be happy to friend you if you're interested!
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27
    Hi Joseph!
    My name is Franchesca, I'm a bit older at 25 yrs but I don't look it because i'm short. Anyways i need friends to help me keep up my goal so I would be happy to friend you if you're interested!
    Hi there, I'm 20 as well and I'm 210 5'10 shooting for 169 (as 169 is the maximum upper limit of "normal" BMI for my height) add me to friends if you want, I don't have any yet

    Thanks to both of you! Added. :)
  • sjbuckwisch
    Well I don't fit into your demographic, so no need to friend me, but I just want to let you know I am pulling for you to be successful! All the best to you!
  • Cath138
    Cath138 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I'm Catherine, I'm 20 years old too! I totally know what you mean by addiction to chocolate! We're on the same boat ;) Chocolate used to be my best friend, now it's just my friend! I still have a little bit every day, I found that moderation is better than cutting it all out! I'm sure we will be able to motivate and help each other! Friend request sent :)
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27
    Well I don't fit into your demographic, so no need to friend me, but I just want to let you know I am pulling for you to be successful! All the best to you!

    Thank you very much! :)
    Hi! I'm Catherine, I'm 20 years old too! I totally know what you mean by addiction to chocolate! We're on the same boat ;) Chocolate used to be my best friend, now it's just my friend! I still have a little bit every day, I found that moderation is better than cutting it all out! I'm sure we will be able to motivate and help each other! Friend request sent :)

    I think I'm going to go with some moderation as well. I used to be a manic chocoholic, it was embarrassing. I found a great article on cravings though, it's helped me quite a bit! http://lifehacker.com/5887614/hack-your-brain-to-use-cravings-to-your-advantage :D
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    feel free to add if you wanna ... good luck ...
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member

    Feel free to add me. I just turned 30 and I'm having a hard time accepting it. 5'10", now at 248lbs aiming to be around 160lbs in the long run but have a smaller goal at the moment. Trying the eating more method to lose weight (I messed up my metabolism starving myself skinny in my early twenties and spent the rest of them eating little to try and get small again, then getting frustrated and binging) So far the eating more is working!!
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27

    Feel free to add me. I just turned 30 and I'm having a hard time accepting it. 5'10", now at 248lbs aiming to be around 160lbs in the long run but have a smaller goal at the moment. Trying the eating more method to lose weight (I messed up my metabolism starving myself skinny in my early twenties and spent the rest of them eating little to try and get small again, then getting frustrated and binging) So far the eating more is working!!

    I wish I knew what my metabolism is at the moment. I'm pretty sure I overeat and it's messing with my sense of hunger. I'm hoping I'm able to change this..
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I am not your age nor do I crave fast food everyday but I was honestly eating it 2 to 3 times a week and that's too much. I have started to order less food and or choose things outside of my normal cravings. I am doing much better. Good luck.
  • SandyPianoGirl
    Hi there:) I'm Sandy and I'm 18 years old. Since I've begun losing weight 5 months ago, I've already lost about 18 lbs, and trying to lose 12 more. It was extremely difficult to give up most of my candy and chocolate, and the fast food was difficult, too. But I learned that it's absolutely fine to have a few "cheat" days, if most days I'm eating healthy. I just joined MFP, and I think it's really gonna help me shed off the pounds, and you too. You just gotta stick with this, and not get overwhelmed, because it's very easy to do that. When you get too overwhelmed, you kind of seep back into your old habbits. Good luck:) I sent you a friend request.
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27
    Hi there:) I'm Sandy and I'm 18 years old. Since I've begun losing weight 5 months ago, I've already lost about 18 lbs, and trying to lose 12 more. It was extremely difficult to give up most of my candy and chocolate, and the fast food was difficult, too. But I learned that it's absolutely fine to have a few "cheat" days, if most days I'm eating healthy. I just joined MFP, and I think it's really gonna help me shed off the pounds, and you too. You just gotta stick with this, and not get overwhelmed, because it's very easy to do that. When you get too overwhelmed, you kind of seep back into your old habbits. Good luck:) I sent you a friend request.

    How do you manage your cheat days? I have a difficult time not slipping back into the old routine. :/
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27
    I am not your age nor do I crave fast food everyday but I was honestly eating it 2 to 3 times a week and that's too much. I have started to order less food and or choose things outside of my normal cravings. I am doing much better. Good luck.

    That's great to hear! I am certainly feeling the cravings at the moment..
  • SandyPianoGirl
    Hi there:) I'm Sandy and I'm 18 years old. Since I've begun losing weight 5 months ago, I've already lost about 18 lbs, and trying to lose 12 more. It was extremely difficult to give up most of my candy and chocolate, and the fast food was difficult, too. But I learned that it's absolutely fine to have a few "cheat" days, if most days I'm eating healthy. I just joined MFP, and I think it's really gonna help me shed off the pounds, and you too. You just gotta stick with this, and not get overwhelmed, because it's very easy to do that. When you get too overwhelmed, you kind of seep back into your old habbits. Good luck:) I sent you a friend request.

    How do you manage your cheat days? I have a difficult time not slipping back into the old routine. :/

    Well, when I first started dieting I was trying to find ways to make healthy foods taste good, so I started craving those healthy foods. I started to replace those instead of the high-calorie foods a little bit at a time. When you change the types of food you eat, your cravings kind of change. It will definitely take a little time, but trust me, they'll change.
    I have a big Italian family, so when they cook those big Italian meals, I can't resist, naturally,but when I eat healthily most of the time, I don't feel guilty about what I'm eating then. Incorporating exercise is extremely important.
    I love using this site because it tells you how many calories you need to lose weight, and how much you burn exercising.
    The weekends are usually my cheat days because that's when I'm hanging around my friends and family, so as long as I get back on track Monday, I haven't got anything to worry about. But sometimes I just gotta have a treat, you know? So I just do more cardio and aerobics and I burn it off.
    Just so you know, they have a bunch of low-calorie snacks and desserts at Sam's, Costco, and Walmart. Health food stores are probably the best, they're just a little more expensive. And if you like cooking, just do a google search on how to make low-calorie desserts and dishes, because I've found a bunch of recipes I love online.
    Basically to answer your question, I would say to put what you ate that was unhealthy in the food tracker, and see how many calories it was, and exercise it off. Here's a few great aerobic exercises that burn 150 calories:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E63OUoRuCSU
    Like I said, if you have a few cheat days, and then exercise, it won't effect you. Even if you don't exercise a day, it won't really effect you. Just try not to do it the next day.
    If you find yourself slipping back into old habbits, just start thinking about the Ipad lol, and think about the other awards you will gain when you lose.
    Sorry this was so long lol. When I get started on something, I could talk forever.
    Have a good night:)
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    It has helped that my husbad tells me nasty things about fast food places. I can't eat a double cheeseburger from mcds because of the talk of pink goo and he tells me they use pig snot in their shakes and its keeping me away. We did make a homemade shake for about half of the calories.
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27
    I'd still like some more friends, if any of you would like to have me as one. :)
  • jozev
    jozev Posts: 27
    It has helped that my husbad tells me nasty things about fast food places. I can't eat a double cheeseburger from mcds because of the talk of pink goo and he tells me they use pig snot in their shakes and its keeping me away. We did make a homemade shake for about half of the calories.

    I'm actually reading Fast Food Nation at the moment. As disgusting as the fast food industry is, my addiction wins out. For me, it will probably be a matter of going cold turkey and suffering. :/