around 200 pounds to lose , could use some inspiration

Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
im 33 years old and a father of a 5 year old little boy that means the world to me,
i have always been big but never really felt anything that made me think it was a problem, i realized i was skipping doing things with my son(trick or treating, walking to the playground) because i was tired or my back hurt etc. and it really bothered me when i realized it. i dont want to die on him, i dont want anyone else to raise him, most of all i dont want to miss a second of his amazing life because i chose not to face my problem with this weight. i have a long road ahead of me but i WILL do this, i have no choice, it just gets discouraging sometimes. feel free to add me Abrowe313 i could use some inspiration and success stories to motivate me


  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Hey man, thank you for the add. I felt the same way a year ago about my little dude. It still breaks my heart to think that I could have left him without a dad. I'm here for you if you need any advice. You got this!
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 175 Member
    Hey wishing you the best of success.....add me if you would like.
  • Gill_L
    Gill_L Posts: 69
    I have joined today too and have around the same amount to lose and feel the same about my Granddaughter when it comes to playing with her and things like that. Can't get onto the floor to build bricks and cant carry her for more than 5 minutes all this I want to change. I always read reviews about things I join and MFP has some really good ones and I have had a wonderful welcome so far and I'm sure you will too. Feel free to add me if you would like :happy:
  • I joined awhile ago and never used this site. Now that they have an iPhone app I have been going at it a week, So far I love this site. Good Luck I have about 20 pounds to go, Add me if you like.
  • feel free to add me... i know right where you are brother...
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi there-

    At my highest weight, I was 310 pounds- which was November 2011. I've lost 63 pounds since then and even though I still have a long way to go, I am feeling so much better and happier about myself. When I first started working out, I could only do a brisk walk for about 3 minutes and then I was completely out of breath and thought I was going to pass out! Now, I do an hour and a half of Tae Bo every day- it's amazing how far we can come in a short period of time. You can do this! You've made the first big step by joining this site and having the willingness to share your story. There is a lot of support here. Feel free to add me...same goes for everyone else too :)
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Until 13 months ago I would lay in bed at night (weighing 323) having chest pains and begging God not to take me just yet because I didn't want to leave my 7 kids behind, so I hear you!

    It's gonna be hard work, but it is gonna be so worth it!
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I was amazed how quickly the weight started coming off , I'm sure it will for you too.
    I'm not doing anything special just keeping within my calorie allowance. I started a week
    ago and have lost 17lb , I realise a lot of that will be fluid but that needs to come off too.
    I'm already starting to feel a difference on my sides at the waist line. You can do it !!

    SW - 327
    CW - 310
    GW - 184
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I sent you a request. I also have 200 lbs to lose, and I too avoided alot of things in life because of my weight. It's a long tough road, but it can be done. Good luck!
  • misrical
    misrical Posts: 66 Member
    You can do it man, a year and a half ago I was 260 and now I am at 197, and MFP was a huge part of it.
    anytime you need a little push just jump on here and post about it and people will be there to get ya where you need to be.

    Throw me a friend request.
  • timmomo
    timmomo Posts: 35
    160+ to lose here too. Anybody who's reading this--feel free to friend me. I need ya.

  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    First of all, welcome... you've taken an important first step which is admitting you have a problem you need to solve.

    Second, check out the "success stories" forum for some great before and afters... VERY inspiring!

    And last, commit yourself to it with all of your heart and mind. The first month is going to be tough, the second month will be encouraging, and then it will be second nature to keep working at it every single day until you are at your goal.

    Good luck! You got this!
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    I've been in your shoes, man. On April 25 of last year, I decided to make a change. On that day, I weighed 351 lbs. Today, I'm down to 202 lbs (149 lbs in about 10 1/2 months). I'm doing things I never dreamed I'd be doing and enjoying life to the fullest now. You can do this! Hard work is ahead, but it's so worth it! Celebrate your milestones and victories and keep telling yourself that you are doing this for you. Good luck with your journey!
  • I lost 150 lbs at one point - gained a little back, trying to get it off permanently this time.

    Sending you a friend request.
  • kkester63
    kkester63 Posts: 28
    I'm here friend ... 250 pounds to get to my goal and. Life is all about family and friends and living it to the max. Friend me if you like I'll be here for the long haul and will cheer you on every step.
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    im 33 years old and a father of a 5 year old little boy that means the world to me,
    i have always been big but never really felt anything that made me think it was a problem, i realized i was skipping doing things with my son(trick or treating, walking to the playground) because i was tired or my back hurt etc. and it really bothered me when i realized it. i dont want to die on him, i dont want anyone else to raise him, most of all i dont want to miss a second of his amazing life because i chose not to face my problem with this weight. i have a long road ahead of me but i WILL do this, i have no choice, it just gets discouraging sometimes. feel free to add me Abrowe313 i could use some inspiration and success stories to motivate me

    Good luck on your journey. Being there for your son is great inspiration alone. When your having a bad day try to think about him and remind your self of why you are doing this.
    There is a message board on here with success stories that may be helpful to read too.
    Just take one day at a time.
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    I'm a bit more than half way to losing around that much - I am proof that *anyone* can do it! If you would like support and to share stories... add me. That goes for anyone reading.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place for support and friendship without judgement. Feel free to add me--I'll be here awhile.....:flowerforyou:
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    We got this. :) Friend me, friends ;)
  • I'm here also. I have lost over 300 lbs, so it can be done. Work hard and change your life. It is a great ride.