When are you buying new clothes for yourself??

I went to Kohl's today and tried on some size 36 slacks...it was nice that they fit me, although they were a little snug. I decided that I could suffer through my 38s for a couple more months (I'm a school teacher and buying any new clothes for work this close to the end of the year is just silly). Ideally, I want to get back to a 32 waist when I am at my goal weight.

I understand that new clothes are one of the rewards for losing weight, but how do you go about spending the money on them when youre anticipating having to buy new ones eventually?

I am curious to hear from anyone who has lost and dealt with this conundrum. Thanks!


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I do buy new clothes when the others start to get loose but I try to find deals. I cannot stand wearing ill fitting things, I think it makes me actually look bigger than I actually am.

    My jeans were getting to the stage that even out of the dryer they were loose, so I went and bought jeans....but 14$ jeans. I bought a new Blazer this week for work to wear with jeans on casual friday, but it was 20$.

    When I'm planning on losing more, I look at "Do they look nice? fit nice?" then if they are pretty cheap i'm in, because i'm not really looking for good quality at this point. I'm hoping these jeans will only fit for another few months, so why would i pay more than 20$?

    Also I don't buy anything that I'm not going to wear right away (i.e. all the winter clothes that are on sale, nope, because i don't plan on being this size when winter rolls around again)
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I love that my pants are getting baggy. I'm hesitant t get new ones because, ever time I put on the old ones, I get to experience the victory of a slimmer waist. But my wife keeps telling me I need new pants, and I keep telling her that's why I have a belt! :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I plan on going shopping for some new spring clothes within the next 5 weeks....probably at the start of April. :) I am hoping that I am at least 5lbs less then I am now...and maybe an inch or two! Plus, I can't wait to buy some summer clothes! :) This summer I don't want to be covered up!
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Honestly, I goodwill shop, I refuse to buy myself NEW new clothes until Ive reached my goal.. I put away a little of my paycheck every month and when I hit my GW Im hitting the mall so damned hard it will look like the tazmanian devil zoomed through it!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I buy clothes daily.
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    Funny you brought this up... I was just thinking about this yesterday. I've decided that I'm going to go jeans shopping once I get out of the 200's. That will be 45lbs lost. However, I will not shop for a whole new wardrobe until I hit my goal weight.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Im too cheap! lol I just live in sweat pants with draw strings. Another 10lbs and I will need to buy some new jeans because the ones that I have now are getting close to needing suspenders! But it will probably be some cheap-o's or garage sale jeans!
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    well, when i hit my goal.. i want to do some mall shopping.. untill then.. i like to go to goodwill.. today i bought a ton of things.. some still with tags on them.. all under 5 each.. really nice stuff.
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately (?), I started in a size 18 pants, but I have size 16, 14, and size 12 in my closet. I started in a 2X shirt, but have all the way down to a medium. I don't guess I will get to shop for awhile. Thankfully, though, I am already down to the 14s and the XL and L shirts. Maybe there is hope for something new this summer at some point. :)
  • gdean64
    gdean64 Posts: 4
    I have not bought any "new" clothes. I have learned to shop at Goodwill & Salvation Army stores. Always seem to find some great brand name clothes in like-new condition.
  • I recently replaced my size 14 jeans with some new size 12s. I only bought three different pairs, however, and at a very steep discount. I couldn't handle those parachutes on my legs any longer!
  • danmoffett
    danmoffett Posts: 110
    One thing I learned in my weight loss journey, when clothes get to big get rid of them right away.
    I've lost 155 pounds in the last 24 months so you know I've had to buy lots of new clothes.
    I went from a 4X shirt to a medium. From outgrowing a 52 inch waist to a 33 now.
    With my lifestyle change I know I'll never need the big clothes again. FREEDOM!!

    It feels a lot better buying smaller clothes than it does buying the big ones.
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    im NOT buying anything until i can NO longer wear most of the clothes in my closet. Its motivation for me cause i love shopping (especially shoes) its relaxing to me.
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    I need new bras really badly!
    I'm pretty sure I'm down an entire cup size but I keep putting it off because I don't want it to be true :sad:
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i finally broke down and bought myself one pair of pants that actually fit correctly today. i have needed to for a couple weeks. i still have the others and wear them (with a new belt so that they stay on) so that i dont have to buy all new pants. i think having a pair or 2 that fit at each size that i go down is good enough. then when i reach my goal and maintain it for a while, ill try to build up my clothes again. i think ill probably do the same thing with shirts. i just dont feel justified buying a ton of clothes just to turn around and do it again and again as i lose weight. :)
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    I bought three pairs of pants at Kohl's just a couple of weeks ago. Not I'm a bit upset with myself. One of the pairs I wore for the first time today. I can already take them off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. I think I'm going to have to do the thrift store thing too, because I can't keep buying at that rate.
  • TLMonroe
    TLMonroe Posts: 32 Member
    I look through consignment shops, thrift stores and good will. I have found many good find, but you have to be willing to go digging!
  • I need new bras really badly!
    I'm pretty sure I'm down an entire cup size but I keep putting it off because I don't want it to be true :sad:

    Me, too, and it is extremely upsetting! I refuse to buy new bras until I really can't stand it anymore.
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    I plan on buying new clothes once I've lost ALL my weight, so 50lbs to go. After four pregnancies in four years, all I own is maternity. I want new clothes in the mean time but honestly I don't want to spend money on clothes that fit me at this weight, so I'll wait. My birthday is late June so I'm *hoping* I'm fairly close to my goal then (I know that's fast, but 30lbs of this weight is baby weight and that always falls off pretty easily for me) because I'd love to go shopping!!
  • AussieMisfit
    AussieMisfit Posts: 78 Member
    Good question. I don't want to spend money on things I plan on out-shrinking in a month or two...