HOLY MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!
i just did level 2, day 1 of the 30 day shred. i have tried to do the shred, like, a million times before, so honestly, level 1 wasn't really that hard. but oh. my. goodness. i did level 2 today, and honestly, it was a whirlwind. i never even got close to all the way down on the plank moves, i stopped a million times during cardio...by the last ab move, i was literally lying on the floor bawling.
also, this might sound kind of weird, but after an our, i felt even MORE guilty! don't get me wrong- I was DYING during the workout. however, a couple minutes after i stopped, i wasn't even really breathing hard anymore. then i was just mad because i felt like i didn't push myself hard enough, and i lost a day. GAHHH!!!!!
ok i know i'm being really whiny here, but i need someone's help...please tell me this gets better!!!


  • SMK715
    SMK715 Posts: 108
    I just did my first day of level 2 today as well. You just described my exact experience. It was a complete change from level 1. I only did 6 days on level 1 and I lost 3.6 lbs so im very curious to see what will happen by the ens of level 2. I bought my first set of wife beaters (those tank tops for men if you aren't familiar) today so Im hoping I don't look like a tube of toothpaste at the end this DVD.

    I guess its stupid of me to think ill burn most of my fat with this DVD in 30 days, but that's honestly what im hoping for. My brother is a weight trainer so ill be tagging along with him for the next week. Hopefully heavy lifting speeds the process up a bit. Good lick, friend request me if you want! :)
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    its a nightmare! i don't even know what to do! i'll add you though...we can fight through the pain together...
  • SMK715
    SMK715 Posts: 108
    Lol sounds good :)
  • todaystuesday
    todaystuesday Posts: 77 Member
    I KNOW those planks are a nightmare for me. My left should was KILLING all day yesterday - haven't done day 3 yet, I am kind of nervous to....
  • julymom
    julymom Posts: 14
    Oh boy... now I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow!
  • I just did my second day of it today. I have a hard time with all those plank moves. I feel like at the end with the plank twists that it's so hard that I'm not pushing myself to do it anymore. Today I subbed bicycle crunches for the plank twists, and I at least felt like I was really pushing myself. I've been finding this level discouraging, but I'm hoping that it gets better after a couple more days of it.
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I just did day 2 of L2 and it wasn't any better than day 1. I'm hoping it gets easier soon. Planks kill me! I hate them, but I'm trying to push thru and I know it's not pretty. :grumble:
  • rower75
    rower75 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, level 2 is a killer. I actually have sweat dripping from my forehead each time and I have completed it consistently for a week now. And, I am not able to do everything she wants because my knees don't like some of the moves.
  • Mrswheels01
    Mrswheels01 Posts: 201 Member
    I don't know if this will make you feel better but I thought level 2 was the hardest..way harder than level 3
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    lol sorry julymom...you probably didn't want to see this :) the planks are the worst! and medstudentchef, that was exactly my problem too! after a few arm or leg moves, i feel like i'm going to collapse, but then i feel like i'm not pushing myself at all! oh well...its only 10 days...?
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Level 2 was hell on earth. Thankfully I have some of her other DVDs I've substituted in until I was due to start level 3. I'd rather do 40 minutes of her Banish Fat DVD which is mostly cardio than go through level 2 again!
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    so i am getting the impression that level 3 is easier? weird. oh well. at least i have something to look forward to!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Today is the last day of level 2 for me... Woohoo! I HATE level two. Stupid plank and all it's stupidness :P
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    lol yup. my feelings exactly.
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm day 7 of level 2, and it gets a little easier, but I'm still convinced Jillian is trying to kill me slowly over 30 days! I can't do all the planks, and I probably never will, but I do as much as I can and improvise the rest : P It IS making a difference in my body though and that's what keeps me going
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    Don't feel bad, it is more strength focused....so you're not going to be breathing hard lol...just keep pushing through, you will love the results!! Trust me!! I will be starting Level 3 next week!!
  • I start level 2 tomorrow :cry:!!! I was looking forward to it, now I do not know what to think!! I found level 1 quite easy, so I am looking for something that is going to kick my *you know what*! I have only done 1 week of level one because I am not finding it enough of a challenge. I have my weigh in tomorrow (I only weigh myself once a week so that I am not let down when my body flucuates a pound or 2)! Dreading level 2 but I am also looking forward to feeling the burn! Feel free to add me, I may need some extra motivation for this level! But I hear level 3 is great!
  • Believe me it gets better! I love these workouts now! They were hard to start but if you stick with it for the month you will notice a huge improvement when you go back and try level 1 or 2 again!
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    I completed day 8 of lvl 2 of the shred and don't worry although it doesn't get much better, you won't feel like your dying as much as you continue. You can do it, She even says I want you to gargle your heart at the end of the second set of cardio and by the 3 set of the workout she says she wants us to feel like we're going to die, I guess shes succeeding lol!
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member

    I've just done day 10 of level 1. Bit scared now!!

    Should I take a rest day before I enter this dark and evil place that sounds like level 2, or just get straight into it tomorrow?

    Is it better to take rest days with the shred or just push on through and do a full 30? I know it is only 20 mins a day, but I do feel like I'm working hard.