When are you buying new clothes for yourself??



  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    I just bought some new stuff...Kohls and Old Navy with a little Talbots thrown in. I don't want to buy super expensive stuff while my body is still changing, but I think it's important to have things that fit well. Lots of times I like to wear my "fat pants" because they make me feel skinny, but there's something about putting on a pair of pants that fit well (that solicite compliments!) that is so satisfying. I will definitely blow a wad when I am able to maintain for a while, though...
    It's important to find a balance. Treat yourself with little things here and there, as new clothes will be more motivation.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I haven't had the need to get new clothes yet. I guess i would buy a couple new things here and there until I reach my goal, then I will get a whole new wardrobe... I hope.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I buy VERY cheaply. I work in retail so I have a discount and that comes in handy. Today I got two polos, two tees, a cardigan, a pair of jeans, and a dress for $67.

    If you're in between sizes, go smaller than what you wear so you get more "wear" out of them. Right now I fit perfectly in a 12 jean ... until I wear them again. Then it's the pull up your pants dance. Same with shirts. Wear 'em once and they're already baggy. Sooo, you just kind of have to use your own judgement for that.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    I look through consignment shops, thrift stores and good will. I have found many good find, but you have to be willing to go digging!

    Yup.. I spent 2 hours at goodwill and $60 and replaced my whole work wardrobe!! Most of the stuff still had brand new tags on it! Now underwear is a different story.. thats NEW!
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I'm buying clothes in July for a trip abroad, but the big shop will be in October, can't wait!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    When my pants start falling off of me, I have to buy new ones. I feel and look ridiculous constantly pulling them up all day. LOL. I like shopping clearance racks, I don't work outside the home so it's not that hard for me to find casual items on the clearance rack at Target, that's the same way I buy new workout clothes too. You might try checking out Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other thrift stores - sometimes you can find great items and their prices are so low you don't feel bad about spending that little bit of money on something you might not be able to use for very long.
  • mlwatts2
    mlwatts2 Posts: 244 Member
    So like many others that have replied I had SEVERAL sizes in my closet but fortunately or unfortunately I am now in the smallest size I own, a 10 :) They look really saggy in my butt and all of my jeans require a belt and not just for look. My shirts are another story...I am currently safety pinning most dress shirts for work so they don't look like I am wearing my Father's clothes ;) However I continue to drag my heels in buying anything new because A. I'm not ready to give up some of my old stuff I really like. and B. I still have at least 12 more pounds I would like to lose and would hate to only wear something for a minute. Although I did buy myself a new swim suit for a family trip a week ago and I actually enjoyed shoping and even trying on a swimsuit! WHOA!!! That will be my reward for the time being. Good luck with your decision and keep up the good work!
  • amphora
    amphora Posts: 43 Member
    This is interesting as I just read a book that mentioned that one of the reasons inmates gain weight in prison (despite the terrible food and plenty of free time for excercise) is that their uniforms are baggy and loose- elastic waist, no buttons, etc. so part of the feedback loop for weight gain ("hey, these pants are too tight") is short circuited..

    Based on that very imperfect example, I'd say buy new pants that fit! :)
  • mlwatts2
    mlwatts2 Posts: 244 Member
    I need new bras really badly!
    I'm pretty sure I'm down an entire cup size but I keep putting it off because I don't want it to be true :sad:

    ME TOO!!! Sooo depressing!!! All part of the journey!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I will buy new ones when the clothes I have are literally falling off me. I got called ridiculous today by a friend at work because I fold the top over a pair of pants twice to keep them staying up. I am very broke but I cannot logic buying anything new right now when they will stay on and I will need new clothes again down the line. When I am where I want to be, I will hopefully spend a lot of money on a new wardrobe to treat myself :)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I usually skip a size when I buy jeans...I've gone down 6 sizes since I started this. For example, I started at a size 20 but I used a belt until I hit size 16. Same next, I wore my size 16s with a belt until I fit into 12's. They looked a little bit but it saved me some money in the meantime. I did buy size 10 jeans about 2 weeks ago (happy to see they fit), they were a little snug but better than the 12's and they were on sale...

    The other thing I do, is if I know it won't be long until I get new jeans/shirts...I buy cheaper brands or from cheaper stores and leave my favorite more expensive brands on the shelf until I hit the size I want...

    At my favorite place for jeans, they are $49 but the last pair I got came from Walmart for $16.
  • Michellerawrrr
    Michellerawrrr Posts: 310 Member
    Treated myself to a new "faux" leather jacket today.....size 8...woo hoo. I'm close enough to my goal that I felt it was worth it. You can get away with larger jackets as oppossed to pants. The way I see it, I'm saving so much $$$ not buying crap food that I deserved it. It's truly amazing how good it makes me feel. So I say if it motivates you and makes you feel good then do it!!
  • Dawn200321
    Dawn200321 Posts: 64 Member
    Right now I am just buying enough to get by on a day to day basis but when I get to my GW Im going shopping :)
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 416 Member
    I constantly buy phillies shirts, but 2 years ago i would buy XL and now I wear medium.
  • sarabissa
    sarabissa Posts: 22 Member
    Goodwill, just got a pair for 3.50. Plus If I keep wearing same baggy stuff, can't see the small changes that are made, and need tight pants to keep me on track
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm tempted to go out and buy some new ones now, but I'm going to hold off until I hit 20 lbs or a little bit more. 140 sounds like a fair chance to get back into Mediums, and those will fit till my goal I think.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    Since I like loose clothing for day to day, I only replace when clothing wears out. But then I buy 2 to 4 of the item so I don't have to go back for a while.

    If it obviously is too big, I get rid on it. I no longer wear 3X's as they just swim on me.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I have clothes down to a 16 jeans and medium shirts from when I was smaller than I am now. Soooooo I'll be buying new clothes when I'm a 14. I can't even imagine being a 14 though, even though I shouuuuuuuuld be able to fit into my 16's by the end of next month.

    I haven't been under a 16 since like... my freshmen year in HS. So about 10 years.
  • Once I get a seriously flat stomach. I always look at clothes and when I go in the fitting rooms....I always say NO not yet! :(
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Yeah, that's a tough one. I teach part-time and we have a "professional" dress code so saggy pants aren't an option. Every size I drop, I get one or two pairs of slacks, and a pair of jeans for Friday and the weekend. For tops I have a little more flexibility with layering or reworking clothes.

    I would say I have spent around $100 everytime I've dropped a size. It's not cheap, but I feel better in clothes that fit right and it's inappropriate to wear ill-fitting clothes to my job. Between Kohls, JC Penney's, and Goodwill (I don't go there, but suppose I could look...I'm just not good at digging) there are options out there without spending too much.