Hi there! I'm a serial yo-yoer...what about you??

I am so thankful to have found this site! Finally something that takes the work out of food tracking. I have been faithfully tracking for 5 days now ( the longest ever for me) and it is really shocking to see the totals and the end of everyday. Anyway, my weight has been up and down for the last 5 years, losing and gaining on average 50 or so pounds. I would love some friends to help support during their journey and vise versa! Please tell me about yourself and your weight loss goals or feel free to ask me!!

P.S. I still have to complete my profile...lol :happy:


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I was always a yo-yoer too. I finally realized that slow weight loss=good and Not starving is they key to doing it long term. I have a small deficit, never feel deprived or starved or like I'm being tortured. Sure, it took a lot longer than crazy fad diets, but I can guarantee that in a year, you won't see me with all the weight packed back on. I'm so happy to have found this site too, it has been a main component to my success. I think you'll do great!! Good luck, you can do it!
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    HEY! Congrats on 5 days of food tracking! It truly is a eye opener!!!!

    I never was a yoyo dieter, just never was motivated to lose the weight at all. Then last year the beginning of the year I joined MFP, lost 34 lbs and was doing great! BUUUUTTT then I got in a car wreck, gained it all back AND SOME! So I got discouraged and deleted my MFP account.

    Took me until THIS year, January 7th to be exact that I finally got tired of being overweight and finally decided to do something about it! So after over 9 months of gaining weight and getting depressed about it I REJOINED MFP at 242 lbs! YIKES! BEST decision I couldve made!!! Down 38+ lbs so far and just as motivated as the day I started. I still have about 30-40 lbs to lose... so feel free to send me a friend request!
  • Hey!

    Good for you! 38 lbs is a HUGE accomplishment you should be proud! The last year for me has been crazy and as a result of ignoring my health I gained about 50lbs, and currently weigh 205. I will send you a friend request! If you have any recipes that are favorites of yours I would love to get a couple. I hope you are doing ok after the car wreck??
  • Hello!

    Yes that is very true! Nothing worse than gaining back everything and more after depriving yourself for months! Slow and steady wins the race (at least with weight loss)..lol..I really appreciate the encouragement, means alot!
  • Hi,
    I have yo-yoed alot and I have tried many things and nothing sticks. What I need is to feel accountable if I don't do a good job of tracking and exercising. I am a busy single mom with 2 kids and I feel I am constantly on the go. But I am truly ready to lose some of my weight and want to look better and feel healthier than I am so far. I am really hoping that I can meet people on MFP that will make me accountable or encourage me more than what I have had in the past to finally get rid of my baby weight.
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    I was the same way. I was always off and on a "diet" in and out of the gym etc. It was not until 6 months ago I stopped the diets and changed what I eat as in healthier food that I enjoy and not cutting back on foods for periods of time. I feel better now then I ever did. We all have it in us to change but sometimes need a push. :-)
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    I am the original yo-yo dieter. I had my first child in 1970 and put on 4 stone!! I lost 5stone and got pregnant again, put on another 3stone. Ever since then I have yo-yod between 9stone and 13stone, never, ever keeping it off. Last year it took me 8 months to lose 13lb, put it all back on over 3 months. I have now joined MFP, feel totally differently about losing weight, I have already lost 12lb in 9 weeks and think I will hit the 1 stone mark:smile: when I get weighed on Monday........, feel very committed, am exercising and eating foods I thought I would never be able to eat AND lose weight. I talk with my MFPals everyday, from all over the world........love it.