New to MyFitness, Working Out, Dieting, ETC

Since having my son over 2 years ago I've struggled getting back down to my pre-pregnancy size. I stumbled across this website as well as workout videos on Netflix that have sparked my interest. Now I just need to motivation and support to stick with this and get to my goal weight as soon as possible. I'm so excited to start this adventure, and perhaps meet some fellow weight-losers to help along the way and become friends in weightloss life change.


  • Barb_0457
    Barb_0457 Posts: 14
    I understand. I am older but have gained 50 lbs. as the result of a divorce. I need to get motivated to watch my food and to somehow get exercising. I am glad you mentioned the Netflix. I put some into my instant queue so maybe I can do the. I have a treadmill but seem to be so busy I don't find the time to get on it. Need to get motivated somehow.
  • Perhaps we can stay connected and set up workout sessions of doing the same series on Netflix a few times a week if you're interested.
  • Barb_0457
    Barb_0457 Posts: 14
    I would love to try that. Trying to slow my life down a bit so I have a little time to exercise at least 3 days a week. I have never done anything other than the treadmill. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage each other.