When are you buying new clothes for yourself??



  • Murfee61
    Murfee61 Posts: 4 Member
    I need new bras really badly!
    I'm pretty sure I'm down an entire cup size but I keep putting it off because I don't want it to be true :sad:

    Me, too, and it is extremely upsetting! I refuse to buy new bras until I really can't stand it anymore.
    I was surprised when they measured me and told me my band size went down but my cup went up. Had a 38C and now a 36D. Get someone to measure you in a shop. I buy more undergarments then jeans in a year.
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    I just bought 4 pairs of new pants in size 16, down from size 20 which were falling off me. I made sure that each of the new ones had belt loops since none of my previous pants had them. i'm going to hit the thrift stores tomorrow to see what I can find. I'm still trying to wear some of my shirts although they are also too big.
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    Honestly, I goodwill shop, I refuse to buy myself NEW new clothes until Ive reached my goal.. I put away a little of my paycheck every month and when I hit my GW Im hitting the mall so damned hard it will look like the tazmanian devil zoomed through it!

    THIS! I love Goodwill and Salvation Army as a "fill in" for when my clothes are too baggy. I want to wait until I'm at the weight I intend to maintain before I go spending a ton of money on clothes.
  • MommyLyssa
    MommyLyssa Posts: 134
    Until I hit my goal weight, I plan on shopping consistently at salvation army and clearance. I am kind of that kind of shopper any way (WAY more exciting to walk out of a few stores with 5 outfits having spent $30, than having spent $300.). I have found some decent jeans, and a few really cute tops for this size that will get me to the next one for relatively no cost. :) It does take some digging. And some days, I wind up with nothing.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I went to Kohl's today and tried on some size 36 slacks...it was nice that they fit me, although they were a little snug. I decided that I could suffer through my 38s for a couple more months (I'm a school teacher and buying any new clothes for work this close to the end of the year is just silly). Ideally, I want to get back to a 32 waist when I am at my goal weight.

    I understand that new clothes are one of the rewards for losing weight, but how do you go about spending the money on them when youre anticipating having to buy new ones eventually?

    I am curious to hear from anyone who has lost and dealt with this conundrum. Thanks!

    I'm also a school teacher... I have continued to wear my regular clothes over the winter, pulling out things that were too snug to wear, finding them too large, so pulled out my sewing machine and started taking in seams (obviously, since I'm not a seamstress, clothes with easy straight seams look better, post "take-in".) Because my funds are limited, I also make sure my wardrobe can/will do double-duty, and have started adding spring/summer pieces. I tend to like "nicer" clothes, so have hit outlets and consignments in nicer areas...I get the most bang for my buck.

    I expect this will be what I do over the next seasons - my fear is this will become a habit...it is so nice to look and feel this amazing!

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  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Well, my situation is a bit different because I just had a baby. But, I have a few different sizes of clothes in my closet and am hoping that I can go shopping in my own closet when it is time to start wearing summer clothes. The summer before last I bought a bunch of clothes because I was up a size from where I had been (and my wardrobe pretty much sucked anyway). Last year I had to buy a new maternity wardrobe.

    I bought a few new things for this winter that will tide me over until spring/early summer, then I can start wearing the clothes from the previous summer (a size down from where I am now). Then, I hope to be at goal in the fall and will buy a bunch of new clothes, particularly pants.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I said once I weigh less than 200 I'm going to treat myself to some new clothes but not a full wardrobe. I am at 204, so I hope it is soon. I will like to fit a size 12 soon, but it will probably be closer to summer that happens.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    NEVER!!! I shall go naked! :laugh:
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I need new clothes badly but I'd like to wait until I lose at least 30lbs before buying new ones. I want drastic change and to me, buying clothes is a treat and I haven't earned that yet so I'll be waiting. I also think it will be a great surprise to see what size I can fit into once I see big changes.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    I feel silly admitting it but I've got enough 'thin' clothes in my closet to dress me when the time comes for smaller clothing.
    I've a few night outfits, a cute pair of lounge leopard print pants, a sundress type thing, two sports bras and cute undies.

    Until those things start falling off of me (literally) I won't buy new clothes.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    I buy new shirts/ sweaters at Thrift stores. I do get at least one pair of jeans that actually fit me. I had to buy some new workout pants recently because the ones I have were falling down while I was running or doing yoga (not good for my wallet, but amazing that my butt has shrunk that much from a 25lb loss). I'm hoping that the new workout pants will last a long time, since I am utilizing alot of stretch in them at the moment.
  • Bpothik13
    Bpothik13 Posts: 135 Member
    How wonderful to read all these posts and not only take in the great suggestions (I know that I should be going to second hand shops before spending "real" money at a retail spot!) but to read the success stories. Gives me a sense of community and joy to know that we are all driven and supporting one another on MFP!

    It would be cool to be able to share pix of the "new" clothes we rewarded ourselves with once we've reached our goal weights (or even before then!)

    I have several shirts I have bought on trips that I thought were okay to wear, but after getting them back home and realizing that a European XL is smaller than an American XL, I put them in my closet hoping for some day....that some day is coming soon! :bigsmile:
  • geesdubya
    geesdubya Posts: 38 Member
    It's been really hard to buy new work suits, and dress clothes, because they are so expensive and I'm still losing. I belt things when I can and people keep thinking I've got new clothes when I mix and match. But I have gone out a splurged on new jeans that fit! such fun to got from size 22 to size 12!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Right now I'm basically swimming in my old clothes. 5 pounds til I'm going on a shopping spree. I'm gonna buy cheap stuff because I'm only half way to my goal. I anticipate I'll have to do one more shop once I hit my goal so I'm not going to go nuts. Once I'm at my goal I will treat myself to some more expensive options!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I bought new clothes when I went from a large/x-large to medium. Now I'm small/medium in tops. Bottoms I try and wait to get.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I just buy the minimum that I need at one time. For me, that's usually two pairs of pants plus a couple of exercise pants and a few shirts. I'm a stay at home mom so I don't need an extensive wardrobe.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I love that my pants are getting baggy. I'm hesitant t get new ones because, ever time I put on the old ones, I get to experience the victory of a slimmer waist. But my wife keeps telling me I need new pants, and I keep telling her that's why I have a belt! :)
    Belt. My hubby keeps using suspenders to hold his incredibly baggy jeans up.

    Guys. *sigh*
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good post...my pants have been falling down all day (NSV?) and I'm considering picking up a couple new pairs...or at least going to try on some 36's.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am also a thrift store shopper, and honestly, when I hit my goal weight, I will probably still be a thrift store shopper. I already know I need to alter some of the clothes I have too.

    I go shopping when it is no longer convenient or appealing to wear my old clothes. If it looks like a tent or I have to walk differently to keep my butt crack from showing, it's time for new clothes.

    Right now, my size 12 pants are a little loose. My 10s fit good, unless I'm retaining water or something. I'm not in a hurry to buy the 10s because the 12s are not sagging or draping in the butt yet. They just have a little wiggle room. Once the butt looks saggy, or the waist falls down on me or I just look silly, I'll go shopping.

    I also intend to make some of my clothes when I know I can maintain, because I just enjoy doing that in general.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Oh...I loooves clothes...soooo much! And shoes!

    It feels so good to have lost 25 pounds and starting to look good in clothes again. Wait until I lose 25 more pounds. I am going be be a hottie! Well as hot as a 42 year old woman can be!

    I have my eye on a pair if Adriano Goldschmeier AG jeans on Zappos in size 31 (us size 12). They are $210, yikes expensive. But a good pair of cute jeans are priceless. My cart on Anthropologie is full and waiting for me to click buy! Probably never will be able to. But I can always wish! Plus I visit my clothes online all the time.! They are my friends!