Green Tea Drinkers.....Help?



  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    As an English person - I am by nature a Tea expert !!!! (not) - and I have to force myself to drink the green tea rather than my normal cuppa (just not natural when there is PG Tips to be drunk !) BUT I find the Yo Chung diet green tea to be by far the nicest one I have tried - normally I have to wait for it to go cold and just down in one - but this one is quite pleasant.

    On a more positive note - I read in one of my fitness magazines one of the normal teas (Typhoo I think) is doing a 50:50 tea bag - half green tea / half normal which I will be trying as soon as I find it :)
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    There are many flavoured green teas out there that have all th same benefits without the somewhat bitter taste of plain green tea.
    Tetley makes a very yummy pomegranate green tea that comes in an airtight can for freshness :)
  • Sorry if this has already been posted but; I find when you brew green tea, you should only do it for like, 15 seconds and that way it's not as strong or as bitter (I guess it's just personal preference though). Can't say I've noticed a massive difference in weight loss though unfortunately, but I only have one big mug at breakfast time :)
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I use Green tea with lemon (Tetley's do a great one in the UK) or Green tea with cranberry (Twinings)

    I'm not a huge fan of green teas but I actually really enjoy these! The cranberry one just tastes like a sweet berry juice (I hate cranberry juice too!)

    Edit - I usually leave them brewing for around 3-5 mins
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    add lemon, not only will it add some flavor, but citrus helps your body absorb the good stuff from green tea better.
  • I drink green tea every day, about 3-4 cups. Don't think it does anything for the weight loss tho!!!!

    I don't like the unflavoured ones! In the UK, Tetley have started doing Green Tea bags with: Lemon/Honey/ginger/Blueberry flavours and is so much more palatable, quite pleasant actually and now i enjoy it.
  • prettythinlove
    prettythinlove Posts: 127 Member
    I know in a few months it will be summer in the USA and all the other countries on the other side of the world, so this recipe may be helpful!

    Instead of drinking HOT green tea in summer. replace the boiled water for cold water and ice! Really refreshing and you burn calories drinking it! (beacause your body works harder to bring the water up to your body temperature)
    And if you don't like the taste, just add honey or lemon :-)
  • kacjp
    kacjp Posts: 4 Member
    Don't go near the tea bag ones - they are crap. Being a Japan addict - I find the traditional Japanese green tea, not adapted for Australian/English/American taste is actually the best and make it the traditional way in a teapot (don't keep the leaves in very long if you don't like it bitter).

    Go to an asian grocery store and ask. Also, if you ever go to a Japanese restaurant and you like their tea, ask where they get it from! Also, by adding the green tea at a lower temperature, the tea isn't as bitter and has more health benefits.

    Actually, I recommend this video - the other one I didn't watch til the end and they use a bag :)
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Twinnings do a lovely green tea with raspberry and blueberry where the fruity taste balances out the bitter green tea. Its the only one I can stomach. Like others have said though it's no magic tea, so if you don't lik eit no biggy just get your water in and you'll be fine
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There is no benefit to forcing yourself to consume something you don't like.
  • prettythinlove
    prettythinlove Posts: 127 Member
    Except if I'm vegetarian and I don't quite enjoy tofu... haha
  • Deka61
    Deka61 Posts: 74
    I get my tea from the either a local shop in Newcastle upon Tyne, lots of types. Which I know is of no use to you. But the tea I love the taste of, and it is an acquired taste is Pu Erh, which I get from the tea house, lots of additional flavours too. Experiment, have fun, find what you like.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    If you would like to try and drink green tea (from my research it has more general health benefits rather than weight loss assistance) remember not use boiling hot water - let it cool for a minute or so - then the tea won't be as bitter. Also here in Australia we have a brand of tea called Madam Flavour has a green, jasmine and pear yea which has just enough flavour to take away that intense green tea taste. But saying all that I agree with the others if you really don't like it just skip it!
  • taylorblues
    taylorblues Posts: 49 Member
    I drink green tea with normal tea. I put one bag of each in the same mug and brew for no more than 2 minutes - tastes just like normal tea when I put milk in it. Limit to only one or two a day because my dentist said it softens the enamel on your teeth.

    I hadn't heard that it helps you loose weight but I think it's supposed to lower cholesteral.
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Thanks everyone! I am really just looking for something with taste to replace my soda. I know that excerise and eating healthy is the way to lose weight and I really doubt that drinking tea would magically make the fat fall off.....although it is a nice thought ;) lol I just need to get away from soda and diet soda and water gets kind of boring. Thank you again for all of the input! Keep up all the great work!
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    Have you tried white tea? It's supposed to be even better for you than green tea but has a less bitter/grassy taste. I love jasmine tea as well.

    In winter chai is good too (made from real spices I mean, not rubbish powdered stuff!) Those 'warming' spices are supposed to be good for your circulation and help boost you out of winter sluggishness.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I think one of the main issues with people thinking green tastes "bad" is that they aren't properly brewing it the right way. First, the difference between bagged green tea and loose leaf green tea is like night and day. Second, most people don't know that adding boiling water (100 degrees C+) is actually going to burn the tea. Wait until the water has finished boiling, remove it from its heat source and then wait an additional 5 minutes for the water to cool down to about 80c. Let the tea steep for at least 3 minutes before removing the bag or leaves. Green tea comes in hundreds of different varieties. Specialty tea shops are popping up everywhere,maybe try popping in there to sample some different varieties?

    I love my green tea. I have always drank it black. I recently just got a fancy tea pot so that I can spend my Sundays sampling different varieties all day...sometimes 10 glasses in 1 day! You may also want to make sure that if you're trying out decaff, make sure it's labelled "naturally decaffeinated" :)