stuck in the 160's

ugh! Ive been stuck in the 162-166 range forEVER!! Im working out and recently started this calorie counter...hoping that wil get me down do I ever get out of this rut? I am trying for 150!!


  • mrsajcloutier
    I was also stuck at 157. I started calories counting about six weeks ago and im now 146! If you are honest with everything you eat and measure your food, i even measure my coffee creamer, you WILL lose weight! I dont get to exercise more than 1-2 times a week because i have an infant and toddler who keep me busy so i
    ve lost most of my weight strictly calorie counting and have not felt deprived of food. This has been a huge eye opener for me and changing things like salad dressings with a lot less calories has helped me tremendously! You can do it!
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    I know its a big eye opener how awful some things are. For example....I know fast food is horrible, but I went to BK last night for my weekly junk food eating (I allow myself 1 day of junk, but last night was the worst I was in a LONG time) anyway, my meal ended up being almost what my daily allowance was!!! just one meal! I just need to see it in black and white and then I realize how bad it really is. Your progress is awesome! It gives me hope!! thank you!
  • Danpellizzari
    I wouldn't worry so much about one cheat meal. Everything in moderation. I have noticed when I plateau adjusting my calories for a couple of days will usually get my metabolism fired up again. I will get very strict and drop it for a few days by about 20 to 25%. I eat lost of fruit and fresh veggies on those days so I can eat more often. This helps puch me past my plateau and it feel like I'm eating more when in reality I'm just snacking. I hope this helps.
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    I have to allow that one cheat day/meal or I'll be miserable all week long. I look forward to it and when I let myself do it, then I can be much better all week. I did decide to do well and maybe throw in an extra workout this week. thats a good idea tho...about snacking more frequently on fruits and veggies...I have a hard time snacking for some reason. and yes, it did help :) thank you
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I hear you! me too! however, I must've lost some inches cos I've dropped from a size 12 to a 10. But agree I will be a happy cricket when I get below 160 (ish!)

    WE can do this!
  • Kicktush
    Kicktush Posts: 16
    I feel your pain. I have been stuck in the 160's since late December and have recently been getting very depressed about it. I just need to remind myself that 25 lbs ago I would have loved to be able to say 'i'm stuck in the 160's.'
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Im losing little bits of inches here and there too....but Ive been hitting zumba pretty good the last 2 months, and added RIPPED the last 2 weeks. So Im a bit down that Im not seeing the results I had hoped for. Im going to add another weight workout so then I will be doing 3 cardio and 2 strength training...... AND doing the calorie counter.....AND getting moral support from the message board!!! YES WE CAN!!!
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    Signing up here ... at my doctor's orders, he made me do it while I was in his office ... was the best thing for me.

    I really wasn't being honest about how many calories I was eating each day. But here, I can see it, in black and white (and a few other colors).

    I don't lie or cheat here on my food diary; if I bite it, I write it.

    There are some days that I eat very filling and nutritious meals and I come in under calories. I'm ok with that, as long as I'm not going to bed hungry.

    Well, you can see that by living the good life, and being completely honest about my food intake, I've lost 21 pounds since I started in October. I got a little derailed during the holidays, otherwise, I bet I would have lost it faster.

    Don't make food an issue, and don't have "cheat meals". There is no such thing as "cheating", because you are only cheating yourself out of being healthier. I knew that we were going to the movies last night, so I ate lighter at all three meals, leaving just enough calories to share movie popcorn with my husband. I came in 2 calories under goal for the day. So, I didn't "cheat", but I did enjoy the popcorn!

    Food is fuel for your great machine. It's not a friend, It's not a comfortable blanket, It's not a hobby. Change your thinking about food, and I bet you'll be seeing great changes in how your clothes fit and how you feel.

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey!
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    I guess cheat meals isnt the best term for it. More like eating junk food vs healthy food and not being totally concerned about the calories. Ido try to go easiser in the day when I know I'll be having a less healthy evening meal, but I dotn want to lose the good healthy snacking and all day eating to save up for something bad either.
    thank you for the well wishes!!