Depo Provera (birth control)

So...I got the depo shot the day before yesterday. I've been on it before but that was when I was a lot younger and cared less about my health and didn't know as much about my body. Well, all day today i've been having the munchies and i'm not sure if it's becuase it hasn't kicked in yet and i'm still on my period...BUT...i've been eating different random things ALL day. I havn't had a real breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I still stayed within my calorie limit though, thank goodness!!! So, anyway...since I had been on it in the past they didn't worn me about any side affects or anything at all, but I decided to do a little researching....which I should have done before, but c'mon...having no period is AWSOME :noway: So, to not let this carry on for too long I just want someone to reassure me that i'm not going to gain about 40 pounds a year being on it :sad: Shouldn't my healthy eating habits stop that weight gain from happening???? I know I shouldn't be this concerned BUT I AM :blushing:


  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    ...since I had been on it in the past they didn't worn me about any side affects

    But, I did remember from the first time to take extra calcium!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I was on it for years and never gained extra weight, I loved it and would still be on it if i hadn't decided to have a baby, then after that my hubby had the big V. But I really miss the no periods, and so does my hubby. Just chalk it up to a bad eating day and don't sabatoge yourself with the thoughts of massive weight gain. just keep eating right and you should be fine.
  • shaleah77
    shaleah77 Posts: 89
    I was on the depo shot for over a year. I didn't need it for its usual purpose as I had already had a tubal at the time. The Dr. that put me on it for medical reasons, explained he had quite a few patients that reported weight gain but his philosophy was..."don't put extra in and you won't be stuck with extra".

    I did gain weight while on it. In fact, I reached my highest weight ever while on it. I wasn't watching what I was eating at all though, so I cannot say for sure it was the shot. I didn't discontinue receiving the shot for that sole reason. I had another side effect- it killed my libido, so I decided to go 'off' of it. After moving a couple times and still having the same medical problems that warranted the shot to begin with, I've been to 2 different OBGYN's since. When discussing options, I had explained having been on the shot and before I could even explain that I had quit getting it etc, they both said the same thing; too many of their patients were having a lot of weight gain issues and they no longer recommended it to their patients.

    I'm not replying to scare you. I am not even blaming the shot for my weight gain. I am just sharing my personal experience. There's a good probability you just being aware and paying careful attention to your intake will ensure you don't have a problem.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    depo is just so bad for you, there is a really long thread discussion in here someplace about it, so i wont get into it here so i apologize
    but i would get off of it unless you want osteoporosis
    i was on depo for years, and had 2 different doctors refuse to give it to me, and i did not search for a 3rd one, there will always be doctors out there looking to prescribe
  • debb1985
    debb1985 Posts: 19
    I was on Depo a few years back for about 1-2 years. I went from being 115 lbs. to 150 lbs. over the course of use. I also didn't get the great benefit of no period.....instead I would spot for 3 weeks before it was time for my next shot.....which is worse than having a period for a week once a month! I also had problems when I got off of it. It messed with my hormones and caused me to have really bad acne for two years. I personally think there are better alternatives for you to use and if you continue to use it.....I recommend that you watch what you eat even more than you would really messes with your metabolism!
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    There are pros and cons to ALL birth control methods, I for one have not a single bad thing to say about the depo shot. I lost weight while I was on it, and had an awesome sex life to boot. I will be going back on it in September.
  • CaGinger
    CaGinger Posts: 180 Member

    This is the thread from awhile ago. Like everyone it depends on how it affects you.

    Personally this is what I wrote:

    I was on it for 3 years... not only did I gain weight ( not sure how much of the 100lbs was due to lifestyle or depo) I was also miserable. I didn't smile for 3 years. It was so gradual I didn't notice the change in me until someone pointed it out. As soon as I got off of it the world seemed like such a beautiful place to live.

    I know this isnt the same for everyone but please take a look at long term unhappiness on this shot... Not only did I drop weight faster GETTING OFF THIS SHOT SAVED MY LIFE.
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    Thanks for all you input everyone! I sopose I will just have to see how it personally reacts to me! I was on it before and experienced no extra mood swings or unhappiness, and though I gained weight...I wasn't paying attention to what I've gained weight while off the depo too. I find it inspiring to here that some have had good reactions with it!!! I'm just going to make sure I take in a lot of extra calcium and really monitor the reactions (weight) I have on it. Plus, i've gotten the shot 2 days ago now and when I got on the scale today I was down 1+ pounds :happy: So I feel a lot better about the whole thing!!!
  • debb1985
    debb1985 Posts: 19
    Good Luck and I hope it works out well for you!