When are you buying new clothes for yourself??



  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I tended to buy things along the way. I had 14s, 12s, 10s, and then somehow I skipped to 6s for most things now. I just didn't buy alot, and I would take advantage of sales! I would have maybe 3 pairs of nice pants for work and one or 2 pairs of jeans that fit. It helped me feel a lot better about myself to have clothes that fit. Tops were easier to wear - so I didn't have to replace those too much.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    On the day I pinned up my skirt for church and my daughters told me I looked like I was wearing a big green garbage bag I realized that my plan to "wait" for my final goal wasn't working. So I frequented yard sales ( and got some terrific bargains in brand name jeans!) and bought mostly cheaper stuff on sale since I knew these clothes were temporary. I didn't buy a lot of clothes in the bigger sizes since it felt like an admission that this was my new wardrobe. I love being able to buy the clothes I like nowinstead of whatever they have in my size... Good luck!
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Honestly, I goodwill shop, I refuse to buy myself NEW new clothes until Ive reached my goal.. I put away a little of my paycheck every month and when I hit my GW Im hitting the mall so damned hard it will look like the tazmanian devil zoomed through it!

    ^^^^. Love this!
  • Kateraptor
    Luckily I still have some jeans that I used to fit into about a year ago. That should last me until I get to my goal weight. I'm hoping I lose most of my weight by my birthday so I can go shopping. By the way my body is changing with exercise and diet I don't know if I'll last since the jeans that fit now scoot down my butt before yanking them up and the smaller sizes button but only with a massive muffin top.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I'm buying clothes in July for a trip abroad, but the big shop will be in October, can't wait!

    I love going abroad. Where are you going? All day, everyday, I fantasize about going somewhere fun. Thailand, Italy, Spain. Heck I'd even go to Orlando for a trip!

    But if I spend all my money on cute clothes how will I ever get abroad? A conundrum for the ages!
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not Money going to the honeymoon and debt. Fitting into old clothes I never threw away
  • Lovinglife12
    I won't buy unless stuff doesn't fit any longer. I will wear my jeans until they are falling off, and luckily, most of the tops (L) will look okay even if they are a bit big. I went shopping for clothes last month because I am going on vacation in May and I literally had NOTHING to wear. I bought a lot of dresses though so even if I go down 30 lbs, I think they will be fine. I like Old navy jeans so I don't mind buying one or two in each size since you can get some for 15 dollars during sales.
  • nicolep614
    nicolep614 Posts: 5 Member
    I goodwill shop also. I can't justify spending a lot of money on clothes until I've reached my goal.
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    Since my weight has been an uphill battle for me for much of my adulthood I have at least one major clothing staple in just about every size LOL But I have a 2 pant size goal. For every 2 pants sizes dropped I'm planning to buy 1 inexpensive pair of pants until I hit my goal weight. Once I'm at goal weight or goal pant size I'm going on a shopping spree.

    If you're in need of new clothes quickly though I recommend "shopping like a mom" that means super clearance racks, thrift shops, and even Goodwill.

    Congrats on the progress.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I already have a lot of clothes in the smaller sizes. So I can just go shopping in my closet. :). But I do plan on buying a new Easter dress next month. :).
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Also, when I get to 165 which will be 20 pounds lost total, I am buying new Asics running shoes. They are pretty expensive, so I am making it a reward for 20 pounds. :)
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I did buy some clothes for the spring back in Feb but I bought them a little snug so by if I continued to lose weight it would all be good.

    My jeans I had no choice but to buy new ones. I dropped one pants size and even the jeans I worked hard to get back into are now too big.

    I had a lot of tops that were too small and now I fit back into them and coworkers think they are brand new.

    There are some shirts that I am able to make into skirts (DIY projects) because they now looks like tents on me as tops.
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    I luckily will not need a new wardrobe! I will be able to fit into all my current clothes in 20 pounds, because they are the clothes I wore at my weight a year ago. I am spilling out of my current clothing. :/
  • kizette
    kizette Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a teacher, too, so I know what you mean - at the end of last year I looked like a schlumpy mess because I didn't want to buy new work clothes in April. But it might be worth getting a couple of new things in case of meetings with parents or administrators and I always find that as the year wraps up I have to go to a lot of extracurricular events for graduating seniors and rising underclassmen.

    I'm still losing but I buy a little here and there when I find a good deal, but I never buy more than a couple of essentials. Like jeans, I LIVE in jeans when I'm not at work, but I only have 2 pairs that really fit me right now (and they were cheap, from Target and a thrift shop). If I find a good deal and I can't fit into things just yet, I still buy them and keep the receipt. I bought 3 pairs of Land's End pants for $7 in September and told myself that if they didn't fit by Christmas they were going back (they ended up fitting in January).

    Don't sweat a few purchases here and there. Just don't buy a new wardrobe in your new size every season :happy:
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    scarves, shoes and belts have gone nicely over my winter sweaters! I will shop for summer but will hold off and just buy the accent pieces right now!
  • simpliyvonne
    I plan on buying some new pants , like maybe 3 pairs when I lose 40 of the 70 pounds because with most tops I can wear them as over sized fashion blouses instead of tossing them . once i reach my goal though Im sure everything I own will look ridiculously huge on me then I will be forced to buy a whole new wardrobe all together ( Im actually quite excited for that moment though),lol
  • healthycurves2012
    I buy pieces as I go, generally at Goodwill or clearance sales. I got a pair of Dana Buchman jeans at Kohl's originally $56 for $5.60, 90% off.