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Disappointed in myself big time!

k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
I started working out hard about a year ago and was doing really good! Over the summer I was working with a trainer 2-3 times a week and on my own 2-3 times a week well in Sept. I moved and just quit everything all together. I gained 15 pounds between Sept and Jan and relized I needed to get back on track. I started a healthy eating strict diet and over the past 60 days I have lost 23.5 pounds I have a treadmill and I use that but not enough and I just try and be more active but I still haven't hit the gym hard. I bought 30ds and did it for the first time this morning and couldn't keep up :( I really felt like I couldn't do it! Now I'm really kicking myself because 6-7 months ago I could do that and much more! I use to be able to lift weights and workout really hard and I'm mad at myself for slacking so bad! Ive always wanted to be a person who enjoys working out but I don't and its so hard for me to stick with it! I know I need to and I think I'm going to get some sessions with a trainer to try and help kick my butt back into gear!? Any suggestions I have 20-25 pounds left to loose but I want to be able to maintain and be nice and tone and just generally in shape so I know I need to work out hard but 30 ds was defently an eye opener to how much I've just let go! Ok I'm done ranting now....


  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I hear you! I lost 65lb's and kept it off for 4 years. In the past 6 months or so I've gained 18lb's back. Now I'm on the quest to lose it!!!!!!!!!!! Doing good so far, now at 11 1/2lb's to go. I couldn't do it without mfp! Feel free to add me, I try to motivate my friends because they motivate me.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You've lost 24 lbs in 60 days? You're a star!

    Go on, you can do it :smile:
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks! That is awesome that you kept it off for that long I'm sure you will have no problem getting back to that point!
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    All I can say is at least you realize the bad path and are trying to choose a different one. You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Everyone lets go occasionally. And then you have people that don't care one toot and are really grossly fat and plan to stay that way. Then you have people like myself that want to loose the weight, put in all the homework and physical activity, and still seem to have a hard time loosing. You sound like you can do, and you have done it, and that, my friend, should be enough motivation to do it again. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with our last child and constantly have to fight with myself about healthy choices and keeping with the workouts because it is my last, I sorta want to run away with the excuse of eating for two. But yes, you can do it. And yes, you will fall off the wagon because human nature is to self indulge. My favorite saying is this. You don't drown by falling to the bottom of a pool...you drown because you don't get back up. Remember, you CAN DO IT!
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    You've lost 24 lbs in 60 days? You're a star!

    Go on, you can do it :smile:

    Yes I did but I am working with a weight loss center and following a really strict diet because I wanted to loose the weight by summer! I am pretty proud of my self though becaue I have completely stuck with the plan and havnt had any extra sugar or salt and very little pre packaged food.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Find something that you love and do it. Whether that be swimming, or karate or aerobics classes or running.....exercise is so varied that although in the past you might have enjoyed the gym and don't anymore, maybe you'll find that you now love swimming. I know that in the past I used to love playing football but hate it now but love aerobics (which I hated in the past). We all change and maybe you just need to mix it up a little.

    Also, to lose over 20lbs in 60 days is great but from your pic, you look like quite a skinny chick to me and perhaps losing that much in 60 days is perhaps a bit too fast? Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn because I don't know what your height, starting weight etc. are, but keep in mind that losing 1 to 2 lbs a week is healthy and sustainable and to lose more than that (unless you're really quite overweight to start with) might lead to you piling it all back on at a later date.

    Good luck.
  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    :happy: You did it before and you can do it again. What is in past is gone. Work on today. You can do it. Congrads by the way.
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I know how you feel. I lost a lot of weight on WW. I started at 196 and got all the way down to 114 which was way to skinny for me but when I tried to gain some back, I gained too much. So in the last 2 years I have been bouncing from 147 to 135 and now I am working to get back to about 130, which I think is healhy for me and stay there!
  • Songbirdy
    Songbirdy Posts: 41 Member
    Yes, we all know there are better ways than other, but working with a diet centre on a controlled diet is not a worse way!

    Girl, sometimes you take the direct route, other times you take the scenic route, but so long as you get to your goal in a responsible way, you get there!

    How you behave when you are there is another battle!

    Have the grace to love yourself! You have not given up. You caught a behaviour you didn't like and are now fixing it. I say bravo!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    First, forgive yourself. We are our worst critic. You're not bad, just human, like the rest of us. Thing about the shred (and u know if you've done it) MOST of us can't do it the first time. Jillian KNOWS that & doesn't expect you to- just do what you can- the EFFORT is the thing. Keep at it.
    I have Karen Voigt's 'Slim Physique" DVD and I JUST LOVE IT! it has a different workout every day- cardio, strength training & flexibility (yoga) so you don't get bored with it and IT WORKS! I dropped a whole jean size in ONE month.
    For me, it's not about the destination- I honestly don't know if I'll ever be there- it's about the journey. I am having SO much fun learning about nutrition, trying new foods & new workouts.

    Have FUN with it and stop beating yourself up - if u want to beat someone up, try tae bo or kickboxing =P

  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Lol your funny and inspirational! Why funny? B/c u sound like me twice over wherein I lose the weight and gain it back. Inspirational - unlike me u realize the problem early and got back on track. You have proved that ppl sometimes let life derail their fitness and health but you can regain it if you take control again!!! I would love to be MFP friends with you b/c I can tell u will have more good days than bad and will have a serious break through on being healthy for life!!!
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    well good for you that have got back on track, you have made a good start with the loss you have acheived inthe past 2 mths. just stick with it and you will get back to where you were last yr :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I've been seriously ill and lost my fitness. Its 2 more months before I can work out again. So annoying because its sooo hard to work that fitness up. You just need to be greatful you haven't got 70lbs to loose too. I understand your frustration though. I was doing zumba at 5am every morning and crazy hill walks every day, now I'm huffing and puffing just walking... You can get it back though. You sound determined its half the battle. Don't be too hard on yourself, your doing something about it and that's the most important thing! You'll get there! Promise! X
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Yes, we all know there are better ways than other, but working with a diet centre on a controlled diet is not a worse way!

    Was this aimed at me?
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Find something that you love and do it. Whether that be swimming, or karate or aerobics classes or running.....exercise is so varied that although in the past you might have enjoyed the gym and don't anymore, maybe you'll find that you now love swimming. I know that in the past I used to love playing football but hate it now but love aerobics (which I hated in the past). We all change and maybe you just need to mix it up a little.

    Also, to lose over 20lbs in 60 days is great but from your pic, you look like quite a skinny chick to me and perhaps losing that much in 60 days is perhaps a bit too fast? Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn because I don't know what your height, starting weight etc. are, but keep in mind that losing 1 to 2 lbs a week is healthy and sustainable and to lose more than that (unless you're really quite overweight to start with) might lead to you piling it all back on at a later date.

    Good luck.

    Thanks and I know I am loosing it fast... I'm 5'6.5" and started at 180lbs my goal is around 135. I am eating between 1200-1300 calories a day. I also have my blood pressure and ketones checked weekly to make sure everything is good.
  • Oretexan
    Oretexan Posts: 108
    Find something that you love and do it. Whether that be swimming, or karate or aerobics classes or running.....exercise is so varied that although in the past you might have enjoyed the gym and don't anymore, maybe you'll find that you now love swimming. I know that in the past I used to love playing football but hate it now but love aerobics (which I hated in the past). We all change and maybe you just need to mix it up a little.

    Also, to lose over 20lbs in 60 days is great but from your pic, you look like quite a skinny chick to me and perhaps losing that much in 60 days is perhaps a bit too fast? Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn because I don't know what your height, starting weight etc. are, but keep in mind that losing 1 to 2 lbs a week is healthy and sustainable and to lose more than that (unless you're really quite overweight to start with) might lead to you piling it all back on at a later date.

    Good luck.


    I have lost 9 pounds in the last 60 days. I was a yoyo for years. These are 9 pounds that will never be seen again because the way I am doing it is sustainable for the rest of my life. It is not a strict diet.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Find a workout you like to do. I hate working out with a trainer and I hate the gym, but I love trail running, mountain biking and kick boxing class. You say you want to like working out... just experiment until you find the work outs you like.
  • I am majorly looking up to you right now! The amount of weight you have lost in 60 days in amazing and you should be super proud of yourself. :) It is so hard to get into exercising and not lose the motivation to go to the gym. I have only been working out/dieting since January 3rd and I have already lost my stride several times, but each time I just thought about my own personal reasons for wanting to lose this weight. I am not the kind of person that has ever stuck with dieting or exercise, but there has to be something that is driving you to lose the weight. Also, I have found that if I go to the gym and watch a show on my phone on netflix or hulu, I dont pay as much attention to how long I have been working out. I also joined a biggest loser contest on facebook that my sister introduced to me, and it has me extremely motivated to lose weight, becuase if I dont I have pay extra money! lol I hope that you are able to stick with it and reach your goal. :)
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have tried lots of different ways to workout I've just never been a big fan even right after boot camp(2004) but it dose get easier once I'm in a routine I just need to get there again! I really need to find a work out buddy because I enjoy having someone to push me and likewise me push them. I can't wait to get back the streanght I had last summer and add that!
  • Songbirdy
    Songbirdy Posts: 41 Member
    Not at all! Sorry if it read that way!

    My personal thought is that when its a situation of needing to loose weight you have to find a way that works for you. I refuse to judge! I put that statement in because I've noticed that the forums can be very judgmental and I was trying to be positive!