
Anyone know of any lower sodium or lower calorie pizza options? I just ate a whole Kashi Mediterranean pizza which amounted to almost 900 calories and almost 2,000 sodium!! I was trying to make a healthier choice by eating the Kashi pizza vs. the Little Caesar's Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza that my husband bought, but it's impossible for me not to eat the whole thing! Who eats 1/3 of a Kashi pizza?!? I am definitely going to have to watch my calories for the rest of the day and increase my water intake!


  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    2 slices of Papa Johns The Works pizza is 540 calories! Not too bad if you can stop at 2!
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    I forgot to say on Thin Crust!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I like homemade mini pizzas, using Earthgrains thin buns for the crusts.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    English muffin Pizza's are not that bad for you, depending on what you put on them. Pizza is my addiction. lol
  • I love making my own pizza, I use tortillas as the crust. Super good and you control how much cheese you put on it. I am a pizzaholic and usually allow myself 2 slices from the local pizza shop...its too good to give up! You just have to account for it.
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    homemade pizza is probably the best - you can add what you like and control what goes on
  • KimMcG24
    KimMcG24 Posts: 33 Member
    If you put a tortilla topped with a bit of tomato paste, a bit of reduced-fat cheese and toppings in a dry skillet until the cheese melts a bit and the bottom is toasted, it makes a really good substitute. You can put whatever you'd like on it. We've used everything from goat's cheese and kalamata olives to shrimp/prawns and red pepper. After you've eaten the whole thing, you feel as though you've eaten "the entire pizza" and are less tempted to eat/make any more. If you don't put too much cheese, you can definitely have an entire one for 150/200 calories - which means you can have two if you'd like!

    If you can, order some Pizza Seasoning from Penzey's Spices - it is amazing and makes it taste so much better.
  • katkrak
    katkrak Posts: 92
    Thanks for the great ideas!! I somehow managed to stop myself halfway through the whole pizza because I instantly had regrets after posting this topic and logging it into my food chart!! I was still starving though so I ate 1 piece of 10 Grain Bread and 1 Tbsp. Organic Peanut Butter to tide me over! It was the only thing I had to eat in the house and I figured it was healthier than eating the other half of the pizza! :)
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I always enjoy making my own pizza's.

    I use:

    1 Warburton's Square Wrap
    3 to 4 TBS of Dolmio Low Fat Bolognese Sauce
    100g Chicken Breast
    12.5g Mature Light Cheddar Cheese
    2 Mushrooms

    You can add other vegetables, but you will find that it will already be full thanks to the chicken. It tastes great, it's high in protein and not exactly that high in carbs compared to store bought pizzas. I feel quite satisfied after eating it. If you check my diary for yesterday, I had one for Dinner and you only have to put it under the grill for like 10 minutes and it's done.
  • MissPiggyWiggy
    MissPiggyWiggy Posts: 45 Member
    small domino gourmet pizza, look at they calories, your be suprised :)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    the zone website does pizzas - i would love to try them but i'm in the UK so the shipping's too expensive but if you're in the US you could try them or make your own from scratch.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    LOL A piece of the little ceasar's would have been better.

    I make mushroom pizzas:

    1 portobella mushroom cap w/ gills removed (wash the top with a wet paper towel, don't submerge it in water)

    2 tbsp of jarred pizza sauce

    1/4 cup shredded cheese

    Then add the toppings you want. I like turkey peperoni

    Put it in the oven at 350 for about 20 mins and you have a low carb/ calorie pizza that totally satisfies!
  • Mae8725
    Mae8725 Posts: 1
    I would def make your own pizza. I know our local grocery store has pre-made pizza dough and they usually have a whole wheat option. It comes in a bag so making a little personal pizza is great.

    Also making a tomato sauce is easy...I take some fresh tomatoes and dice them, throw them in a pot with a little canned tomato sauce (loads of them are low calorie and low sodium) cook till the tomatoes break down. Then toss in some garlic salt (zero calories) or even some pizza spice, tho most places just use italian spices.

    Grill your dough a little before topping. Low fat cheese is great and Kraft throws cream cheese in theirs so it melts very creamy. Top how you like.

    Trust me I used to eat a whole small papa johns pizza before I started and now I can't. Pizza is beyond my addiction.

    Hope this helps everyone...:happy:
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I like going for homemade! Cheaper and healthier!
  • mistressrichards
    mistressrichards Posts: 1 Member
    I love the zone perfect products, I didn't know they did pizzas.
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    I make my own with 35 calorie wheat bread, toast it, top it and put in the oven till the cheese melts. Yum!
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    I am a pizza lover too !!!
    I make my own - 98% fat free whole wheat tortilla, 1 tbsp pizza sauce, low fat cheese -- & you can add vegetables or anything else.
    It is like a really think crust pizza, and calories are not too bad, and sometimes I am able to eat 2 of them if I work out that day !!

  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    You can make a low sodium pizza sauce by blending a can of low sodium diced tomatoes with basil garlic and oregano. CHeap and easy.
  • Amy's Organics have a really really tasty spinach and broccoli pizza with ricotta and mozarella. Two slices is somewhere around 250 calories I believe. Had it for lunch today!