Please help..!

I am becoming depressed.. I really need to lose weight. I weigh 203 pounds and I am only 5'3..... I am so unhappy.. I need to lose weight BAD!!!!!. I will do good one day... Then horrible the next. I am so tired of being on this roller coaster.... I really need some advice.. Can someone please help me, I need advice... I need help..


  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Many of us struggle like this, so first know that you are not alone. Keep logging food, even on really bad days. Sometimes seeing red is the only thing that gets me back on track.

    What is your goal set at? At first I tried 1200 which simply wasn't enough for me. I was constantly hungry and craving various foods. So, I upped my calories to 1600 per day and have been making progress here. I allow myself one meal a week where I don't worry about calories. This way there is never anything I "can't" eat. I just have to postpone it until my next treat meal arrives =)

    Are you exercising?? The endorphins I get from exercise are just as good for my mental health as for my physical fitness.
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    feel free to add me if you want. I understand it gets frustrating but the weight didnt all appear in one day it will take time. This is a lifestyle change and we are here to support you
  • katherinemm31
    What are your overeating patterns? Any food in particular that triggers overeating? Do you graze or binge or anything like that? Are you an emotional eater? Do you eat more at a particular time of day? Are you hungry or do you just like/want to eat? Lots of questions, I know, but figuring out this stuff will help you formulate a plan of attack.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Add me as a friend on here. I'll try my best to motivate you. YOU can do this! I am also 5ft 3 and was, at one point, up to 179 so I know how you feel! Day by day and with each little success/failure, you will learn and be a stronger person for it! If I can do it anyone can! <hugs>
  • danielleburwell97060
    I agree. I didn't really realize until I started logging food and therefore really looking at the cal content that I was like HOLY CRAP! This site has helped me SOO so much. Sometimes you might feel hungry but then you look at how many calories you've had today and you go, hmm, do I REALLY need to eat right this second? Probably not. So many times we think we are hungry out of boredom, thirst, or just habit. I'm not saying starve yourself, I'm just saying really seeing what you're eating has a way of waking you up a bit. A lot of times I decide okay I want this to eat, but I've already had this many cals, I am going to do 10 minutes of exercise first!

    You can do it. Sometimes one day at a time is still too much. I prefer to think of it as one CHOICE at a time.
  • Ladyeliah
    Ladyeliah Posts: 34 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from. My last semester of grad school was a roller coaster of emotional eating and being annoyed that I was gaining weight, but I finally made my health a priority in my life last month and now I feel amazing, not just because I've lost a few pounds, but because I have control over my choices. No one is forcing candy bars down my throat. I can make better choices. Every day I have to make a choice to get out and exercise instead of sitting on the couch and watching tv. The bad decisions are usually the easy ones, but everything I do and everything I eat is a choice that I make. Yesterday I chose to not correct the woman when she thought I ordered a regular frozen yogurt instead of a small, so then I chose to exercise after getting home.
    Take this moment to stand up and stop being a victim to metabolism/genetics/lack of free time/etc. and recognize all the control you do have over your life and your health. You can do anything; you just have to push through the bad days, let them go, and figure out a way to not let it happen again. What's getting in your way? What thoughts/feelings/situations lead to the bad days. If you figure out your triggers and plan for them, you can do anything.
    Don't give up! You can do it!
  • vacationjunkie
    Ok, take the time to plan out a whole week menu, include breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and snack. Make you stay on in your calorie boundries.
    Go to the store purchase everything, make sure you eat every 2-3 hours so that you are never really hungry. Drink a glass of water with each meal including the snacks. RIGHT after I eat before I sit back down, I walk up the block and back. I don't change clothes or even shoes I just move. 1 block up and 1 block back.

    Hang in there! I hope this helps...:)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    One day at at time, one hour at a time. You don't have to be perfect all the time but when you're logging be honest. Don't deprive yourself but really watch your portion sizes when you do have a treat.
  • Muslimah1218
    Muslimah1218 Posts: 65 Member
    Sweets... Sweets... Sweets...... Late night cravings.. Not really hungry throughout the day.. Do I don't eat, and then at night I am starving!
  • Muslimah1218
    Muslimah1218 Posts: 65 Member
    feel free to add me if you want. I understand it gets frustrating but the weight didnt all appear in one day it will take time. This is a lifestyle change and we are here to support you
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Just take it one day at a time...start logging in your food intake and then you'll get an idea of your eating habit. And if you don't exercise now, start moving. Don't have to start doing anything too hard right off from the start. Start slowly...start walking around your neighborhood and go from there. I started on MFP a year ago weighing around 220 pounds and I am around 5'4 and just by taking it one day at a time, logging in my food intake and working out, I am down 66 can totally do this. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • vanella90
    vanella90 Posts: 10
    Hi, i am new here too (one week) but have been struggling with losing weight for about a year now....I'll first say don't get discouraged, i've been there and know how it feels. However yesterday i spent the whole day just doing research and came accross this website all with details on how to lose weight with the right foods (1500 calories a day) and right exercise. I tried this and it's only been 2 days and I've lost 4 pounds already, all while eating 1500 calories a day and only working out for 30 minutes. and since you have more pounds to lose than me for example, you will lose even more at a faster rate than me. If you want you can add me (vanella90) and would love to work together on this journey :smile: also, here is the website where i got my info and exercise from. just navigate through it and play around with it, you'll love it....and it's free. start here:
    good luck, and add me if you want :flowerforyou:
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Me l make sure l do not have any bad food in the house or l will eat it. So if l really want something that is bad l have to go and get it, and by the time l go and get it from the shops l don't really want it.

    I find having all good food in the house helps me. I have carrot sticks cut up really to go and watermelon cut and ready to go. Just have things planed and ready..
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    For starters, I acknowledge you for reaching out for help...that takes courage! You are going to be ok. I understand being depressed. We all have days when we make "bad" choices....they do not diminish the value of your good days.

    I'm curious... does that profile picture you have make you feel inspired? Or does it make you feel worse about yourself? I highly recommend making smaller, more achievable goals in the short term.
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    First off you came to a great motivational tool. This site has a lot of people and very encourage able and motivating ppl but remember you must commit to you. I am also 5'2 and started with a similar weight 210 and so far i'm down 13 lbs. (SW 210 CW 197 GW 125??) '*SW = starting weight CW = current weight and GW = goal weight. i started full force on Dec 5, 2011 even thought i signed up in Sept.

    Here are some tips i have learnt on my weight loss journey and by reading the forums.
    Record everything you eat - the good the bad the ugly *I make sure i record everything before i go to bed

    Up your water intake *i struggle with this one but there is a lot of hints and tricks in the forums. ie/ crystal light or spa water

    Read the forums but read the whole thread - there is very knowledgeable mfp'ers but then there are some not so knowledgeable mfp'ers.

    This is a journey to become who you want to be - you didn't gain the weight overnight you are not going to lose the weight overnight either. Small steps, baby steps. focus on one step at a time.

    My first month i didn't see the scale move at all but i did record all my food everyday. then i started trying to exercise some more and was better with my food choices.

    When you exercise, record them into your exercise. mfp they will adjust your calories up, remember to eat up to a net of 1200 calories our bodies need at least that; by eating lower it is not help you lose faster.

    Exercise is great but a formula for the weightloss is 80% food in and 20% exercise.

    Remember this is a journey - eating bad one day is okay do not beat yourself up over it, just accept that life happens and try again the next day/or next meal.

    MFP will advocate that everything in moderation.

    Hope some of this helps, feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Seems to me like your metabolism is wacky! Start eating breakfasts! This sets you up for the rest of your day... Set your calorie goal on here and stick to it as best you can... 3 square meals and a snack a day are good for me... 6 smalls throughout the day are what work for others.. what ever works for you is important.. but start with breakfast!

    Eat those calories throughout the day, and by the end of the day your body wont be craving that "energy boost".

    And the gym is important too! When I get down on myself and feel sad, grumpy and fat, I put my butt on the treadmill with some fun bouncy music and a half hour later Im ready to take on the world!