does some alcohol hurt your diet



  • MrsTattie
    MrsTattie Posts: 79 Member
    I hit a mile stone today.....and am sitting enjoying a lovely glass....actually it's my 2nd.....of wine. Enjoy yourself! I haven't cut anything out and have lost just over 12 lbs since the start of jan.....ok not the fastest weight loss .... you do have to decide what YOU are doing! You are only going to succeed if the journey is pleasant..... Life is right now and life is most definitely for living! No regrets......

    just remember that the next day you may feel sluggish and not want to exercise....oh and watch out for the munchies when you are drinking! If you can see the slim healthy "you" (ie when you are at your goal weight) enjoying alcohol, chocolate etc in moderation go for it now as well!

    On the other hand if you want to be stricter than me you will probably loose weight faster!
    Enjoy your Friday evening - with or without a wee tipple!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    When I was at my skinniest, I drank everyday. Not that I recommend that. It's empty calories, for sure, but it's not going to ruin your diet completely if you have a drink.

    I have been losing weight for a long while now, and I still drink. I just make room for it in my calorie count. I won't eat my snacks that day, or something. You'll be fine. You have to live a little.
  • veronicarose
    veronicarose Posts: 22 Member
    Real fitness comes from years of puritanical self-denial, the kind of stark existence that molds body and mind into a steely machine capable of stunning physical feats. Oh, and it also takes a few pints of good beer. It turns out that beer and fitness really do go hand-in-hand, despite the beverage’s bad reputation (beer bellies, dehydration, public drunkenness, bar brawls, frat boys, etc.). The delicious brew is chock-full of natural antioxidants and vitamins that can prevent heart disease and even help rebuild muscle, and we're going to let you in on precisely why beer and fitness belong together.

    So go ahead and knock back a cold one. It’s good for you.

    Read more:
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    If you don't plan to stop drinking until the day you die I suggest figuring out how to do so in moderation. Obviously no binging but I try to limit my intake to 2-3 days per week and I have severely limited the amount that I used to drink. At one time I put away a bottle of wine at a single setting. Now I can enjoy 1-2 glasses.

    It's also about what you choose to drink. Adding high calorie mixers to vodka will tank your calories faster than a glass of white wine.

    Right there with ya!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Alcohol *can* affect your body's ability to recover AFTER a workout, so don't hit the bar straight from the gym....

    and don't go to the bar IN the gym (no joke, my gym has a bar and cafe in it)! :drinker:

    I wanna go to YOUR gym. LOL

    LOL Me too!!!
  • jamesfit99
    The trick is to stay away from the beer nuts.
  • jessicajoy87
    I agree moderation is fine. In order to digest alcohol your body turns it into sugar so if you are trying to avoid sugar it might be a bad idea. But it can't be any worse than having a weekly cheat day. :drinker:
  • Wilson336
    Wilson336 Posts: 76
    Alcohol has calories just like every other food. Just track it like you would any other food: count it toward your total and you will be fine.
  • poppadop89

    Summary of the above article
    * Moderate alcohol consumption is assocoiated with an abundance of health benefits. The long-term effect on insulin sensitivity and body weight (via insulin or decreased appetite) may be of particular interest to us.

    * The thermic effect of alcohol is high and the real caloric value is not 7.1 kcal: it's ~5.6 kcal. However, it's still easy to overconsume calories by drinking. Calorie for calorie, the short-term effect of alcohol on satiety is low. Adding to this, intoxication may also encourage overeating by disinhibition of dietary restraint.

    * The negative effects of alcohol on testosterone and recovery has been grossly exaggerated by the fitness mainstream. Excluding very high acute alcohol consumption, or prolonged and daily consumption, the effect is non-significant and unlikely to affect muscle gains or training adaptations negatively.

    * The effect of alcohol on muscle protein synthesis is unknown in normal human subjects. It is not unlikely to assume that a negative effect exists, but it is very unlikely that it is of such a profound magnitude that some people would have you believe.

    * Alcohol is converted to acetate by the liver. The oxidation of acetate takes precedence over other nutrients and is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. However, despite being a potent inhibitor of lipolysis, alcohol/acetate alone cannot cause fat gain by itself. It's all the junk people eat in conjunction with alcohol intake that causes fat gain.
  • amandamickey
    Alcohol *can* affect your body's ability to recover AFTER a workout, so don't hit the bar straight from the gym....

    and don't go to the bar IN the gym (no joke, my gym has a bar and cafe in it)! :drinker:

    I wanna go to YOUR gym. LOL

    LOL Me too!!!

    RAGER AT MY GYM! :laugh:
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Hope not. Check my diary, I have a brandy in low cal hot chocolate most nights.

    Hasn't stopped me losing yet!
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Just budget it in. I just try to keep it low cal with wine and light beer. Every now and then I'll splurge on a crown and coke or bailey's or something though.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    One cocktail won't kill ya! I don't remember the exact reasons/stats but on the Jillian MIchael's podcast she did say alcohol was the number one thing to get rid of though. Slows the fat burning process by 70 something percent or something nuts? I don't remember exactly...but it made me want to never drink! LOL!
  • fruitypop88
    Since been on this Diet I have been on the drink once and the day after although I was not drunk Ive decided to stop drinking cos it made me feel disgusting but I still managed to lose weight so cant be too bad
  • KLDunford
    KLDunford Posts: 41
    This will be interesting. I'm going to be drinking tonight probably a lot. Gonna have my "birthday party/once a year all out party," tonight. I'm willing to pay for it. Given it's once a year! :-) Ill let ya know! lol.
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    Yesterday was my birthday and I looked up the amount of calories in my favorite drinks and budgeted for them. I also had 67 ounces of water throughout the day. I think that and dancing for 3.5 hours helped curb a weight gain.
  • imma_rosta
    imma_rosta Posts: 30 Member
    A lot of peole have responded so not sure what good this will do BUT I haven't stopped drinking. I also add my drinks to my diary and I try to workout extra if I toss a few too many back :) Just recognize how many calories are in liquor and remember, everything in moderation :) I wouldn't recommend getting wasted every night ;-)
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    I drink and I log them. I know I'm going out tonight so doing extra exercises for that. And I will try to have a low carb hi protein dinner before. Not sure if that makes a difference except for in my head tho LOL
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Alcohol usually leads me to engage in activities that burn more calories, so it all evens out in the end.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I'm drinking vodka and water right now...
    I just make sure I workout hard to have the calories for it...
    and I always log it to keep myself from going over my goal :)