Not Meant To Be a Jogger or Runner??

nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
I honestly haven't put forth ALL of my effort to jog/run, but I really would like to.
I walk/jog about 5 times a week for a few months now and my body still really doesn't "like" it. I'm not going too fast or pushing myself body just gets so exhausted after jogging just 30 seconds.
I have NEVER been able to jog/run...even in high school when they make you do that dreaded mile run...I was always the one with my arm over my head because I had a cramp.
I'm wondering....are some people's bodies not made to handle jogging or running??

I have heard of Couch to 5K. Im kinda doing something like that, but I'm starting to think its just not my "thing"

Anyone else have this problem??:grumble:


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    What does your stride look like? Where on your foot do you land? Do you do treadmill running or on a track/sidewalk?

    Try doing some research on different methods of running- perhaps one will be easier for you to do.

    Five days a week is a bit excessive, imo. You need to give your body time to heal after your jogs. Cross training will keep you active but not using the same muscle groups. Try swimming one day, bicycling another and run on three days.

    Don't give up- you can be a runner :) If I can do it- you can do it too! :flowerforyou:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I found this training guide online and I am going to give it a go. it seems pretty do-able. I'm like you.....just not that great at running/jogging.

    1. Week one: Walk for 6 minutes, then jog at an easy pace for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times. Aim for three sessions with that same sequence for week one.

    2. Week two: Walk for 5 minutes, then jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 3 times. Aim to do three sessions in week two.

    3. Week three: Walk for 3 minutes, then jog for 4 minutes. Repeat 4 times. Aim for four sessions in week three.

    4. Week four: Walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 5 minutes. Repeat 4 times. Shoot for four of those sessions in week four.

    5. Week five: Walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 8 minutes. Repeat 3 times. Do four of those sessions in week five.

    6. Week six: Walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 9 minutes. Repeat 3 times. Try to do four sessions for week six.

    7. Week seven: Walk for 1 minute, then jog for 11 minutes. Repeat 3 times. Do four sessions this week.

    8. Week eight: Congratulations on making it to week eight! For your first run this week, try walking for 5 minutes to begin and end the workout, and run for 20 minutes in between. By the end of the week, try to run for 30 minutes without stopping.

    Aim to run for 30 minutes four times a week, and you'll notice that your stamina and fitness will continue to improve. Soon you'll be ready to run your first 5K!
  • KismetHot
    KismetHot Posts: 26
    Honestly I am a pretty thick woman and I can jog run. I first started on the treadmill doing about 5.8 for the total length of a song. Then I increased to 6.0 and jogged for the length of a song and etc. Now I am up to 6.5 for the length of 2 songs. The songs average from 4 to 5 mins. However, when I started to run outside it is a total different beast. So I started by running the length of half a song. Now I am up to two songs running outside. Although I am thick I dont have any problems with my knees or anything. I am flat footed as well. It is important to get the appropriate shoes for jogging/running. The thing that does seem to hurt is my lower back but I know I need better shoes. I also just push past the pain due to knowing that really its just mental exhaustion. The key is picking a song that has a good tempo like "Shake It" by Metro. Seeing your picture girl you can do it! HTH.
  • ldbenincasa
    Have you been to a running store and been properly fitted for good running shoes? Good shoes make all the difference in the world! I also agree that running 5 days/week is a lot, unless you are a really competitive runner. Try 3 or maybe 4 days of running and do some strength training, cross traing, yoga, etc. on the other days. Just be sure to give your body 1 or 2 days a week completely off. I also had to teach myself how to SLOW DOWN. I would start too quickly and get tired, as you're describing. Good luck! After running off and on for a year and a half, I have a love-hate relationship with the sport. I truly love how I feel after a run and I love how it is making my body look, but I don't usually love it while I am doing it. My last suggestion would be to find a running buddy. The time flies if I have someone to talk to while I go! Have fun!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    For me, it always takes a couple minutes to get into running. The first 1-5 minutes usually sucks. It is my body trying to convince me that this is a bad idea. However, after about 5 minutes I get into an aerobic state and it get easier. If I stop, I have to start the whole process over again. Maybe you are having issues with something like this.

    Over training could be another issue. If you try it every day at your hardest you are likely to get injured. It takes some time to build up the endurance and bone density to run every day. Recently I had read an article about running 2 times a day. The first run should be only 2-3 miles and then immediatly afterwards eat 500 calories. Are you eating enough or the right stuff to recover from your efforts? Are you eating enough before you start? Are you eating too much? Are you eating the wrong things for your body? These are all things that effect performance.

    Today I ran in 90 deg weather. Typically I run at 70 deg. Today it was harder to do the run (expected) and I stayed at a higher heart rate zone. Weather/Temperature can have a lot to do with how we feel too.

    Don't give up. It just may take some adjustment. Good Luck.:happy:
  • margaretthedevil
    I am also in the same boat as you. Especially when it comes to jogging outside with those hills...I've always been faster in the water. I swear I'm a fish! :laugh: Can't battle with gravity? Move it over into the water. :tongue: However, 30 seconds does seem abnormally well short and you don't look extremely unfit in your picture... Do you have a problem other aerobic exercises or is it just the jogging? Do you have knee problems? Is your posture good?
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    If there are people who are just not meant to be runners, I think I would fit into that category. I tried the couch25K....granted I didn't try for a real long time, but I just didn't enjoy it. The way I see it, you've gotta do what you enjoy. If dragging yourself out for a run or jog is a chore and you don't like it, I say don't do it.

    I love walking and biking, so I don't have much of a problem making myself work out because they are things I enjoy. I think something like running needs to be tailored to fit your needs and enjoyments. For example, I can run much better on a treadmill than I can outside, so if I ever save up enough money to buy one, maybe I can occasionally use that to run. I also plan on getting a dog soon, so maybe running with him would be more enjoyable.

    And look at it this way, running isn't ALL great.....there is a lot of impact and can be hard on your joints, so at the very least we're avoiding those pains:happy:
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!!!

    Let's see......I probably am in need of some new sneakers, I was walk/jogging on the treadmill and started to get bored, so now I do it around my neighborhood. I honestly have to say I really enjoy it and want to do it more, and do feel great when I do it. so its not that Im forcing myself, it just seems that my body doesn't have the same thoughts as I do. Nothing hurts, my body just gets so darn tired and I don't even jog far or almost like a stride. SOOO SAD :sad: Although tonight it did more jogging than usual.

    I give you joggers/runners a TON of credit. Hoepfully I can call myself one one day.

    I WILL NOT GIVE UP:tongue:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I find that once I make it past the first 15-20 minutes I start enjoying it. But even still, the first bit seems torturous. I find myself running for close to an hour at a time as long as I can stick it through! Good Luck.
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    I find that once I make it past the first 15-20 minutes I start enjoying it. But even still, the first bit seems torturous. I find myself running for close to an hour at a time as long as I can stick it through! Good Luck. hour..that is AWESOME!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I find that once I make it past the first 15-20 minutes I start enjoying it. But even still, the first bit seems torturous. I find myself running for close to an hour at a time as long as I can stick it through! Good Luck.

    I'm the same way. It takes me a long time (1-2miles) to find my stride, but to be honest, I hate running. 6 years ago I did a marathon and actually enjoyed it and felt good, but then I did a half marathon last year and hated the last 4 miles. I just wasn't into it anymore. I gave it up in favor of my bike. Once in a while I get on a running kick and I'll do it for a week or so, just to change up my routine, but I only do about 3 miles, if at all :tongue:

  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!!!

    Let's see......I probably am in need of some new sneakers, I was walk/jogging on the treadmill and started to get bored, so now I do it around my neighborhood. I honestly have to say I really enjoy it and want to do it more, and do feel great when I do it. so its not that Im forcing myself, it just seems that my body doesn't have the same thoughts as I do. Nothing hurts, my body just gets so darn tired and I don't even jog far or almost like a stride. SOOO SAD :sad: Although tonight it did more jogging than usual.

    I give you joggers/runners a TON of credit. Hoepfully I can call myself one one day.

    I WILL NOT GIVE UP:tongue:
    One more thing you can try is caffeine. If you are used to caffeine in your diet it is known to help boost endurance. As an asthmatic I use it before and after to recover. I just drink a cup of tea, some drink coffee, and there are sports products that also contain it. According to the article I read in runner's world it should be limited to 100mg or less.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am exactly like you...........only I am 48! So I have had longer to think I cant run/jog.

    I have been challenged by some lovely ladies, and handsome gentlmen on this site to at least try. I made it into my goal.

    I have the same issues of energy. I learned that if I eat a good mixture of protien and carbs about an hour-2 hours prior to jogging, I can really kick butt. It truly made all the difference in my 'feeling'

    You know that OMG WHY the hell am I trying to do this feeling?????

    What worked the best is a small bag of Emerald Berry trail mix.

    I set up my IPOD mix to have a warm up song, then faster and faster until my 'run song' comes on. The first time I swear I did 10 steps and had to stop. That was 2 months ago. My goal was to jog thru the song from beginning to end w/o stopping.

    On Sunday I jogged through 2.5 of this song,a full 10 minutes, and could have done a bit more but I didnt want to hurt myself.

    Believe me, if I can do it ANYONE can:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i had the same problem for years, i only ever was able to run for 1min max! then yesterday i ran for 5mins straight without any problems, for me i just had to stop telling myself i would have to stop at 1min, and instead telling myself i could do it and that i could keep going, i wouldnt allow myself to keep looking at the clock either.
    also try not to go to fast to soon, just start of at a slow jog
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    My friend at work "DRAGS" me out for a run.. i used to only manage 4 mins on the treadmill - 5mph (no incline) to now managing 20 mins outside (with plenty of incline)!! and it feels great to be able to do it!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    when im at the gym i do -

    1 min walk - 4mph
    5 min run - 6.5mph
    2 min walk - 4''
    5 min run - 6.5''
    1 min sprint - 7.5mph
    2 min walk - 4mph

    Im pooped by the end! But i make sure i put some fast paced dance music on the ipod.. :bigsmile:
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    I think I may need to add more songs to my Ipod starting to get bored of the same old songs...
    Any suggestions would be appreciated :wink:
  • crmldlyte
    bump for good beg runner info
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    nikki: you may also wanna pick up a couple of Runners World issues. Those magazines truly inspire me and when I feel like quiting I am reminded of how bad I really do wanna be a runner.. Good Luck
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    You've received some great advice here so I won't duplicate the things I agree with. I'll add that you might want to read anything written by Jeff Galloway. He has a very well know run/walk program that helps people significantly. I too used to experience the same thing you described in grade school...I would try to run and just end up with cramps. I never thought I'd be a runner and now I am! I completed two half marathons and one full marathon within the last year. Love it. Your desire and determination will get you past this block. Good luck!