New to the Community, need some support

Hello Everybody!

I've been working with the mobile app for about 2 months now, and have started seeing some results. I think as I start to make this an actual lifestyle change, I'm going to need some tips and support from others doing the same. Nothing like seeing others succeed to help you get off the couch and go for a walk! It's hard for me to talk to my friends and family about the daily details, because I don't want to be "that" friend always obsessed with body image. They are super supportive of my efforts, but it's hard when they're not having to go through the daily struggle. So, please friend me if you'd like some cheerleading and support, and I could use the day in, day out encouragement myself. Hopefully we can make this fun with a little good will and accountability!


  • hvergelmir
    Welcome and good luck! I ended up here by ways of the mobile app, too (I love the app!).

    Feel free to add me if you want. And good luck making those changes!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    This is a great site, especially when the people close to you aren't struggling to get healthier the way you are. I'm not always able to comment on everyone's activities, but you're welcome to add me.

    Best wishes for your success,

  • katw0407
    katw0407 Posts: 8
    I'm new too, could use some friends :)