Body Revolution Starting tomorrow (3-10)

I just received my Jillian Michaels Body REvolution and thought I'd check and see if anyone else is also starting it this weekend... I'm going to go food shopping today and buy the food for the 7 day kickstart and I am so excited yet scared of it. Food is my biggest challenge... I work out 6 days a week now...

Anyone have this and up for it?


  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    Let me know how it works out for you! I'd love to get it.
  • Divajj914
    Divajj914 Posts: 29 Member
    I definately will!
  • Tiffm07
    Tiffm07 Posts: 21 Member
    I started Week 1 this week and I'm loving the workouts so far. My problem in the past is sticking with the workout program. I always seem to fall back to just walking on the treadmill and not doing my DVDs. But so far this is great! Good luck with the program. Feel free to add me and let me know how you are liking it.
  • Divajj914
    Divajj914 Posts: 29 Member
    I started Week 1 this week and I'm loving the workouts so far. My problem in the past is sticking with the workout program. I always seem to fall back to just walking on the treadmill and not doing my DVDs. But so far this is great! Good luck with the program. Feel free to add me and let me know how you are liking it.

    I just sent you an add! We are perfect yin and yang. My motivation to workout is ridiculous! I love it and I love being active. I also love eating junk... so not good because I wind up eating my calories at night before bed and without abandon. My workouts wind up maintaining me rather than helping me lose...

    Would love to do this with you!
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I just got mine today!!! I am starting on Monday...going grocery shopping this weekend. Can't wait to start. Keep me posted on how y'all are doing!!
  • Divajj914
    Divajj914 Posts: 29 Member
    I just got mine today!!! I am starting on Monday...going grocery shopping this weekend. Can't wait to start. Keep me posted on how y'all are doing!!

    I went food shopping today... are you doing the kickstart program? I am AND I convinced my husband to do it with me!
  • arclark
    arclark Posts: 4 Member
    I am on day 3 of the kickstart week. Love the food and the videos so far. My husband and teenage boys have been eating the dinners with me - I have yet to hear any complaints. :smile: I am anxious to complete week 1 and weigh in. I decided not to step on the scale until I complete the whole week. Good luck to all!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    I got my package last week....My Goal is start it in first week of April....Definitely will check back to see how you like it....Love Jillian...starting her new Kickboxing Monday for 6 weeks...
  • srh57005
    srh57005 Posts: 8
    Hey I'm starting on Monday also! I'm new to myfitnesspal and am really excited about finding people to keep me motivated! Feel free to add me (anyone) because these things are so much easier with other people on your team! :)
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I am supposed to get my package the 13th and would love to start right away but I'm using Sundays as my rest day so wont be starting until Monday the 19th. I AM SOOO EXCITED!! I will also be doing the 7 day quick start plan. Keep me posted on how week 1 is treating you :) Good Luck!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I just received my Jillian Michaels Body REvolution and thought I'd check and see if anyone else is also starting it this weekend... I'm going to go food shopping today and buy the food for the 7 day kickstart and I am so excited yet scared of it. Food is my biggest challenge... I work out 6 days a week now...

    Anyone have this and up for it?

    There's actually a Body Revolution group on MFP that you can join, if you want - I've joined the group, but am still waiting on my program to arrive (hopefully in the next week?). I can't wait to get started! A lot of people skip the 7-day Kickstart, but I will definitely be doing it.
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Let us know how it goes! :)

    I love Jillian Michaels DVDs and alternate between BFBM, NMTZ, and Extreme Shed and Shred six days a week. I have been wondering how her Body Revolution is in comparison to her other DVDs.
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I just got mine today!!! I am starting on Monday...going grocery shopping this weekend. Can't wait to start. Keep me posted on how y'all are doing!!

    I went food shopping today... are you doing the kickstart program? I am AND I convinced my husband to do it with me!

    So jealous!! Wish my husband would do it with me!! I am doing the kickstart diet...or at least as closely as possible!!
  • Divajj914
    Divajj914 Posts: 29 Member
    Let us know how it goes! :)

    I love Jillian Michaels DVDs and alternate between BFBM, NMTZ, and Extreme Shed and Shred six days a week. I have been wondering how her Body Revolution is in comparison to her other DVDs.

    I've been blogging and leaving status updates every day on the length of the DVD's, the diet and how it is all going for me. Add me... :-)

    So far, Day 4 - I've lost 3 lbs. The workouts in the first 2 weeks are on the easy side for Jillian but this is a 3 month program so she's obviously building... I've never been more sore though. There's more weight work and the CArdio DVD is killer... I LOVE it so far but the eating is most challenging for me. I've been sticking to it (for the most part, had a slip up last night) and I"m losing but damn, it's rough! Cannot wait till Friday when I can eat a tad more!
  • Divajj914
    Divajj914 Posts: 29 Member
    I just got mine today!!! I am starting on Monday...going grocery shopping this weekend. Can't wait to start. Keep me posted on how y'all are doing!!

    I went food shopping today... are you doing the kickstart program? I am AND I convinced my husband to do it with me!

    So jealous!! Wish my husband would do it with me!! I am doing the kickstart diet...or at least as closely as possible!!

    This is a first for him, I"m so excited!