Should I go to the gym today?

Here's the scenario (apologies for the length):

I decided to change up my exercise routine. Saturday, I used the treadmill for 45 minutes, and did as many 1-2 minutes spurts of jogging (5mph) as I could do. I did roughly 6 minutes of running to 39 minutes of walking. (Hey, we all have to start somewhere.) When I came home, since I didn't use the weights, I decided to try some crunches. I thought (:laugh: ) that I went very easy on myself for the day.

Long story short, I woke up yesterday barely able to move. I felt like I had been socked in the stomach, kicked in the *kitten*, and had my legs twisted off. I had plans to go to a museum, and spent a large majority of the afternoon walking very...very...very slowly. Today is better. Definitely better. My butt is back to normal, but my legs are still a little tender. My stomach is...well, it still hurts to sneeze, but I can at least sit at my desk. :tongue:

Obviously I overdid it. The question--Should I take it easy for another day? I don't plan on doing more abs until I am 100% better, but I do feel like I need to get some cardio in...thoughts???


  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    Here's the scenario (apologies for the length):

    I decided to change up my exercise routine. Saturday, I used the treadmill for 45 minutes, and did as many 1-2 minutes spurts of jogging (5mph) as I could do. I did roughly 6 minutes of running to 39 minutes of walking. (Hey, we all have to start somewhere.) When I came home, since I didn't use the weights, I decided to try some crunches. I thought (:laugh: ) that I went very easy on myself for the day.

    Long story short, I woke up yesterday barely able to move. I felt like I had been socked in the stomach, kicked in the *kitten*, and had my legs twisted off. I had plans to go to a museum, and spent a large majority of the afternoon walking very...very...very slowly. Today is better. Definitely better. My butt is back to normal, but my legs are still a little tender. My stomach is...well, it still hurts to sneeze, but I can at least sit at my desk. :tongue:

    Obviously I overdid it. The question--Should I take it easy for another day? I don't plan on doing more abs until I am 100% better, but I do feel like I need to get some cardio in...thoughts???
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I addicted to the gym (or tread mill at home if I can't get there) - so I go pretty much everyday.

    That being said, I say you go to the gym, but take it easy. If there's something that is pretty easy, do that - walk slow, take it slow on the elliptical, whatever you like. Sometimes moving your muscles helps them feel better. Maybe water aerobics or water walking would feel good.
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Yes, I'm with Ann. Exercising your legs should help work out some of the soreness in your legs. Maybe just go for a good walk, but no running? I personally don't mind being sore (a little) after a workout on the treadmill, because I can feel the muscles that I'm working. Good for you for amp'ing it up! Onward and upward! :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I say rest. Maybe take a walk if your legs are up to it? There's no point in pushing yourself to do things your body can't handle yet. If you do that you'll be stuck in bed for another 2 days... Take it easy so you can get back to normal.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Do what you're comfortable with. I mean, don't injure yourself or push yourself too far BUT I find that if I at least walk or do something easy when sore, it helps loosen me up and I end up feeling better. Maybe try to get some good stretching in and then do an easy cardio.
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    walk and do some stretching, but keep it going! I love the pain :) haha. It makes me feel like I am getting somewhere.
  • yenn
    yenn Posts: 48 Member
    Get your blood running through those sore legs and work out some of that acid that's sitting there making you sore!! Do a little of the same of what made you sore, but at a little lower intensity.
  • obsession101
    The theory is as long as you dont push yourself to hard it is better to go to the gym and keep going even if you are sore or else you are more likely to be sore the very next time you excercise. So I say Go for it! You can do it! lol :o)
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I say GO to the gym...and if you are totally exhausted, then take it easy but any exercise is better then NO exercise. PLus the reason your body is sore is because you are pushing yourself and that is you might notice that your body wants the exercise.

    go... and I will go too. hehehe
  • kaiyacali
    kaiyacali Posts: 175
    Go girl! But take it easy. You don't want to start hating the gym, you want to love it for the way it makes you feel. Do an easy walk and some fun arm strengthening. :heart:
  • AlbertSchwartz
    I would say go! but take it easy. Its far easyer to write the gym off as a rest day but even if you go there and did vurtually nothing at least you have the mental win for going.

    Movement will help you recover but don't exsurt yourself. I did sprint training a week monday and was recked for days after and still decided to go on the thursday after, needless to say i did 2 sprints and pull my groin :noway:

    So yeah go but take it easy, the gym i go to has some 'toning machine', they basically move you but they were originally design to speed up athletes recovery time from injuries. If your gym has they use em if not just do some light movements excersises.

    Something like that anyway.

  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    Hey everyone! Believe it or not, I'm really happy that most people said it was ok to go. I feel so much better (mentally always and usually physically) when I do go. And today's been wicked stressful at work, so it's better to take it out on a machine, rather than my husband. :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great week!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    I notice at the gym that most people don't stretch before and after cardio. It is really important for your muscles to be stretched.

    I know songbyrdsweet did a post about it - you can probably find it through the Community "Search" or go to some of the exercise websites or mayoclinic or webmd.
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    If you can believe it, I DID stretch! :noway: Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I really concentrate on my legs because that's where I do all my cardio (walking, elliptical, etc.) I can't say that I know of a stretch for the abs.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Unfortunately, there's not much you can do for DOMS (the soreness you feel the day or two after your workout). We haven't really pinned down a cause of DOMS, but it's most likely due to tissue damage, a change in the pressure within the muscle cells, and/or an electrolyte imbalance. For decreased soreness, try mixing just a small amount of gatorade or pedialyte into your water to sip during and after your workout. That might help regulate hydration and electrolytes. As far as tissue damage, just make sure you're eating enough protein and eat soon after your workout.

    It's totally safe to work out with DOMS at your own discretion. Soreness is different from pain due to injury (which you shouldn't work through). It's not always fun to re-work sore areas, and you shouldn't resistance train the same area for two days in a row, but doing cardio works different muscle types and can help remove cellular waste.