need a bit of a kick up the bum!!

right so here goes, ive been doing quite well with the food and excercise last few months, i got down to the lowest weight i have been in many years! (12stone13).. my official weigh in is every sunday morning,, all last weeek i slipped up and didnt really have a good week, i ate what i want and when i want and didnt bother to count cals, i didnt do any excercise what soo ever! (normally i go joggin most nights, but didnt do anything!), also after work on friday we all went to the pub and had too many drinkies, and had a huge meal... stepped on the scale this morning and BOOM ive gained 4lbs!! :sad: this is what happens when you eat what u want and no excercise!!

just wondering if anyone is in the similar situation at the moment? like you feel like giving up, or your gaining lbs here and there, if there is anyone then please add me, and we can kick each others butts!! because i bloody need it! nearly cried when i was on those scales of doom this morning!

thankyou x


  • SteveB1965
    For what its worth, try reading any of the Steve Miller books. He's pretty good about kicking backsides.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Look at the message on your ticker... digest it and accept your bad week. You have a brand new day today, a brand new week starting tomorrow. You can do this - but armed with the information you have about your weaknesses and tendencies for 'slips'.

    Put your scales away now for a week and have a great week. If you want to eat something, log it, even if it goes over your calories - log it. That will keep you honest and you'll be making conscious decisions to eat instead of mindless eating that you'll pay for later in sorrow.

    I think most of us have done this at some point, and will do so again. Write it off and keep going.
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    It's unlikely you have actually gained 4lbs, you would have needed to over eat by 14000 cals last week (that's 14000 more than your TEE), prob more sodium in what you did eat so there may be some water weight. It should come off again fairly easily. Just jump back on the wagon, but don't try and overcompensate by starving! We're all making lifestyle changes and everyone needs a blow out now and then! Good luck!
    Feel free to add me if you want
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Look at the message on your ticker... digest it and accept your bad week. You have a brand new day today, a brand new week starting tomorrow. You can do this - but armed with the information you have about your weaknesses and tendencies for 'slips'.

    Put your scales away now for a week and have a great week. If you want to eat something, log it, even if it goes over your calories - log it. That will keep you honest and you'll be making conscious decisions to eat instead of mindless eating that you'll pay for later in sorrow.

    I think most of us have done this at some point, and will do so again. Write it off and keep going.

    yeah but its not an excuse to have bad weeks all the time lol just because success is not a race:laugh:.. my scales are well and truely hidden for a week, my mum has taken them off me (as i keep them in my bedroom)

    thankyou :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Do you want to start daily txts so we can make sure you are working out and being sensible again? I don't mind doing it if you think it will help! I don't want to badger you!! :)
  • l2rell
    l2rell Posts: 88
    I gained 5lb in 9 days and I lost that plus 1.8 more I think it was TOTM for me but I was soo ready to gve up not weighed in this morning and so glad I didn't gve up as I was ready to eat everything in sight.. Keep at it hun
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Do you want to start daily txts so we can make sure you are working out and being sensible again? I don't mind doing it if you think it will help! I don't want to badger you!! :)

    good idea! i didnt even think of that! :bigsmile:
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member
    Just sent a friend request. I think the best thing is that you've realised you've had a ba week, the scales may have shocked you- but now toucan be super determined for next week. Keep on going!
  • sandimack
    sandimack Posts: 158 Member
    K this post is to myself, I'm real close to goal and keep sabotaging it.

    Here goes one kick in the *kitten*, REALLY! You have worked so hard to get to your LOWEST weight ever and what do you do, BLOW IT, REALLY!! Why would you work so damn hard, be so determined, committed, and work so hard just to completely blow it. Not only did you pig out you laid around and didn't get your runs in. Why now? Is it because your doing so good, if you fail you get to beat yourself up, you get to feel guilty, you get to go to your negative internal chatting comfort zone. What r u afraid of. What would happen if you hit goal?? Who would you be disappointed in than? What your not worthy of being proud of yourself, hitting goal? When I hit goal will it be enough? Is there ever a point where it's enough? Stop with the stinking thinking and just finish it!!
    You have done so good to get this far, you have worked so hard, learned so much, it's your time to shine.

    K sorry if that was too much, it really was aimed at myself. Your not alone, hope it turns around and you have a great week.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Do you want to start daily txts so we can make sure you are working out and being sensible again? I don't mind doing it if you think it will help! I don't want to badger you!! :)

    good idea! i didnt even think of that! :bigsmile:

    Well that is what we will do then!! :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    K this post is to myself, I'm real close to goal and keep sabotaging it.

    Here goes one kick in the *kitten*, REALLY! You have worked so hard to get to your LOWEST weight ever and what do you do, BLOW IT, REALLY!! Why would you work so damn hard, be so determined, committed, and work so hard just to completely blow it. Not only did you pig out you laid around and didn't get your runs in. Why now? Is it because your doing so good, if you fail you get to beat yourself up, you get to feel guilty, you get to go to your negative internal chatting comfort zone. What r u afraid of. What would happen if you hit goal?? Who would you be disappointed in than? What your not worthy of being proud of yourself, hitting goal? When I hit goal will it be enough? Is there ever a point where it's enough? Stop with the stinking thinking and just finish it!!
    You have done so good to get this far, you have worked so hard, learned so much, it's your time to shine.

    K sorry if that was too much, it really was aimed at myself. Your not alone, hope it turns around and you have a great week.

    I love this!! I often say stuff like this to myself at the gym!! Infact I get really funny looks when I accidently say 'run fatty' or 'move you fat *kitten*'! MP3 players are not always friends! Lol!
  • sandimack
    sandimack Posts: 158 Member

    I love this!! I often say stuff like this to myself at the gym!! Infact I get really funny looks when I accidently say 'run fatty' or 'move you fat *kitten*'! MP3 players are not always friends! Lol!
    Hahaha been there done that, why do I have to convince myself? I make excuses, my knees r sore, I'm tired, I'm on the verge of coming down with something, I'm going to throw up, blah blah blah. So much easier on days where I just know I can do it. And I definitely talk to myself, just hate when I realize I just said that out loud. Heheheh:noway: :noway: :laugh: :noway: