Help Me!

This morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and realized something: I'm just as fat today as I was yesterday. And the day before that. And I haven't done anything about it.

I started MFP about a month ago and I have to admit, I was addicted. I logged on all day long, added friends, gave support, started my own Group, and even started to excercise...a little bit.

I don't know what happened between week 2 and now but I am back where I started: feeling hopeless, fat, unmotivated, and stressed. Sure I can blame stress from work, taking care of my toddler and husband and just making excuses not to eat better, excercise and not drink as much wine as I used to. But again they are all excuses.

I need to jumpstart this thing and I mean FAST! Today is one of the nicest days out all week so I am going to go grocery shopping, plan my weekly food, wash my car, go for na walk. I can only take baby steps.

I need all the support and motivation right now to keep me on track. I appreciate everyone's love!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Even when you are bad don't stop logging. Everyone falls once in a while. Don't get discouraged.:flowerforyou:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Today is a new day. Forgive yourself, move forward. We can't undo the past, we can only change our future. If I can do this, YOU can do it.
    The thing you have to exercise most is patience. It won't happen overnight but it WILL happen. Just friday, I bought my first pair of size 10 jeans since 1997. Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart I NEVER envisioned that when I started here, all I really expected was to get out of plus-size and more fit.
    Add me if you like. WE can do this!

  • thawkins31
    Just remember, if you take care of yourself FIRST, you can take even better care of others. There seems to be not enough time in a day with all of lifes responsibilities; but YOU must make the time and care for yourself. On the journey to weight-loss (which I like to term) WELLNESS; nothing comes first and this isn't selfish; it's a must. I had to learn that the hard way. Keep your head-up....Take Care.
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    You are on here today and that counts for something...Somedays if I look at the big picture of what i must do I feel overwhelmed, that's when I just focus on the day and do what I know will push me forward to where I want to be! You can do this!
  • davegruper
    davegruper Posts: 68 Member
    Do any of your close friends or your husband use MFP? I started logging just to support my wife and now I and just as addicted as she is. I has to be much easier when you have support from close friends.
  • Calibayby
    Calibayby Posts: 23 Member
    It has happened to us all, that is why we are here to encourage each other. A friend posted this on my profile, hope it helps. "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you cannot achieve it."
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Yesterday is over. Whatcha' gonna do today? Change? Good, then do it. Everyone here did something poor to their bodies in the past, which is why we want to get better now. Go for it!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You're back though so that says something! You can do it! Sounds like a great plan for the day!
  • punchieprincess
    Today is the first day of the rest of your journey. Yesterday is the past and is best left behind :)
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Every day is a new day! You are on it now and back! Stay on! :D
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    We're both struggling.....we haven't failed until we quit trying
    One thing that helps me,is to stop before I eat something and ask myself am I really hungry or if I am wanting this out of boredom,etc......just don't give up......I'm here for you :)
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Yesterday is over. Whatcha' gonna do today? Change? Good, then do it. Everyone here did something poor to their bodies in the past, which is why we want to get better now. Go for it!

    I wholeheartedly believe this. We don't all have good days/weeks/months but what matters is we dust ourselves off and keep going.
  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    I have a similar story minus the toddler and add shifting to a new city. Well just b regular i,ve realised that rrduces the prb 2 half also whenever you feel motivation is low look into some success stories anf u'll get the kick... All the best
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    This happened to me so many times that I've lost count. What I do is go back to the basics. I make sure I take my vitamins and drink my water because that's pretty easy to do. Then I layer on another good habit like, if I have a craving I force myself to eat my healthy food first, before I give in to the craving. About 1/2 the time I don't eat the bad food. Then, gently add another layer on, like taking a walk, or doing 50 sit ups. Sometimes I use gimmicks to push me along, for instance, I have 4 bracelets that I put on my left wrist in the morning and as I drink a glass of water, I take off one bracelet and put it on the right wrist. The point is to gently point yourself in the right direction. You get the motivation to continue after you actually do the good habits. The motivation rarely comes before following good habits. Remember that you don't fail until you give up. Good luck!
  • bosulli1
    bosulli1 Posts: 33
    it's hard!!! you can definitely do it, though. I think the slow and steady approach is the best, so trying cutting out (or adding in) one little thing a week, like a few exercises during tv time in addition to any other work outs. I recently fell off the wagon, too, so I thank you for this post! good luck!!!
  • OZ91
    OZ91 Posts: 2
    Welcome back - everyone needs a break sometimes to digest things and after only 2 weeks youv'e decided to keep going.
    Well done for having the courage to try again and thank you for the inspiration - if you can keep trying so can I!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    You say 'taking care of my toddler and husband' - one of these things is not like the other. Your husband is an adult who is presumable able to take care of himself. What about sharing how you're feeling with him and asking for some specific help? What about any other adults around you - friends, family etc. what resources have you got to draw on?

    Write a list of barriers and excuses as to why you haven't been able to log/ to stick to a healthy diet and do some exercise. Think about what you need to be able to do that (inculding attitude change) and work out how to get the things you need (practical steps and emotional work).

    Good luck on your journey!
  • vokvon
    vokvon Posts: 4
    It sounds like you are motivated to take those steps towards getting back on track. Now the hard part, doing it! Try making a board where you have images and words that will motivate you towards your goal. Place it somewhere where you will see it every day, perhaps by your refrigerator or front door? That way even if you are tempted to go off track you will have a visual reminder of your goals and why you want to achieve them! You got this!
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    Please please don't give up...I f you do it will only be worst...We are all here struggling and here to help and support you :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • lookforgood
    This morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and realized something: I'm just as fat today as I was yesterday. And the day before that. And I haven't done anything about it.

    I started MFP about a month ago and I have to admit, I was addicted. I logged on all day long, added friends, gave support, started my own Group, and even started to excercise...a little bit.

    I don't know what happened between week 2 and now but I am back where I started: feeling hopeless, fat, unmotivated, and stressed. Sure I can blame stress from work, taking care of my toddler and husband and just making excuses not to eat better, excercise and not drink as much wine as I used to. But again they are all excuses.

    I need to jumpstart this thing and I mean FAST! Today is one of the nicest days out all week so I am going to go grocery shopping, plan my weekly food, wash my car, go for na walk. I can only take baby steps.

    I need all the support and motivation right now to keep me on track. I appreciate everyone's love!

    I could have written this post! I'm back to square one and it totally sucks! Good luck to you, honey!