
I frustrate myself!!! I know I need to lose weight, and every night I tell myself I'm ready to feel good and I'm ready to watch what I eat, but then the next day it's like food will be right in front of me and I don't even think about not eating it or what it is! UGH!!! Then I come on here to log what I eat and I get so frustrated with myself! The good thing is that I'm being honest with myself with what I eat so I am logging what I'm actually eating, but I just wish I had more self control! Anyone know of any tricks to help recognize what I'm about to eat so I stop myself from eating it or so I start making better choices?


  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I'm going to be straight up with you, but the only way that you will do it is when you truly want to to it and make a change. When you see food in front of you, just think about the weight you want to lose. It doesn't come easy. But you're not going to do it until you're truly motivated to change.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I can only tell you what has been working for me. I drink water with lemon in it all day long. It helps me drink my water, and drinking the water with lemon (for me) makes the foods I crave less palatable so I don't want it. I have just decided to do this, and this is what I am going to do. Do you have healthy foods in the house you could choose instead of the "bad" foods when you're hungry? I know for me, if I don't have healthy foods when I'm hungry, I will grab whatever I have. Not sure if this helped, but maybe some others will come along and be more informative for you. Good luck!
  • confuzzledwife
    To be honest, it took me months of mental preparation before I actually committed to doing it. Each night I swore to myself that I would do this tomorrow and then I failed again... finally one morning in January, I just did it - I can't explain the feeling I had that first night with the satisfaction that I stuck with my calorie range the first day, from there I just had to keep telling myself not to ruin a perfect first day, and so on... it wasn't easy, and matter of fact just last week I had a major slip up..BUT I got right back on track the next day.. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • alexiaschulz
    alexiaschulz Posts: 33 Member
    One thing that helps me is that if I snack between meals, I force myself to enter in the calories I'm about to eat right BEFORE I eat it (like from my phone). Then I look at where that leaves me for the rest of the day, and this often helps me decide not to eat it. Also, this rule is such a pain, it's often not worth it to me to spend the time on it, so I give the snack a miss.

    I think mealtimes would be a little more difficult, the best way is to plan way ahead what the meal is going to be, before you get hungry.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Suggestion: log what you're ABOUT to eat...see if it's "worth" it. Pre-logging has been a lifesaver for me. Try it!

    edit to add: ^haha...beat me to it!
  • melissageist
    I felt the same way last week! I had so much great motivation and support from complete strangers on here. I am here to help you in any way that I can. Everything takes time. Remember it didn't take just a week to get to the size you are now. We will work through this journey together.
  • vickieross
    vickieross Posts: 53 Member
    If you can not enter your foods into the computer until you get home, try writing down everything you eat. I've always found if I had to write it down I could refuse the extra helping or trip to the candy machine.
  • akmacs5
    akmacs5 Posts: 4 Member
    You're doing exactly what I did for far too long. I would be jealous over others that could do it & wonder why I couldn't just get up and do it too. Starting to log the food is a great step to get motivated. It makes me think twice about how I use my calories for the day. Also I feel really good about logging exercise. I haven't been doing this very long but I already feel so much better. At first you will need to force yourself and before long you'll get addicted to the good feeling you get from the eating better & exercise and that guilt will go away!
    It gets easier. Don't give up. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I usually TRY to do my food diary in advance, and I stick to it! Not sure if it would help you but does me. I make the weeks menu and then I have my totals for the week/or if I can't do the whole week, then maybe just the next day, if something comes up and I have to change it becomes a liitle harder but I'm working on that. I just find that if I decide what I am going to eat beforehand, it easier for me to stay under my cals. it also lets me know what kind of snacks and how much of them I can have, so I don't go overboard.

    Hope this helps.
  • RoboTrish
    RoboTrish Posts: 20 Member
    It's really rough :( It has taken me months to actually commit to MFP once again, and even now I know I can slip up at any time. it's kind of like I've been scared straight, so at this point I need to be consistent on MFP or I will get myself into more trouble :/

    I would say that maybe you should designate a "first day" for being healthy. Tell your friends about it, anyone close to you as well, that way when the day comes, you are obligated to carry out your new healthy eating patterns. You will be forced into thinking before eating because you've made that day an important one.

    That's how I handled my first day, and now I'm on day 9. Still struggling, but at least I am conscious of what I'm eating now :) I hope I didn't jinx my progress by writing this :P
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I am still struggling too. I am getting better about eating healthier, but I know I still have a long way to go. I have started buying healthier things in the house. I do have some things, like pizza and chicken nuggets for my hubby & son, but those are strictly for them. My hubby and I have been talking about cutting those things completely out of the house as well:)
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    You're probably going to get lots of different advice but for myself I had known I needed to diet for about a year before I started, I told myself that next week I would start, but then didnt and said the week after etc, etc and then one day it just "clicked" in my head and all of a sudden I could do it! The first 2 or 3 days were really hard but I just made sure that I stayed within the calorie limit for those first few days, then I found that it was so much easier because I had already done it a few times before! So my advice would be to prepare in advance what you are going to eat for the first 2-3 days that will keep you within your limit, stick to it at all costs and then take it from there. Plus it gives you chance to choose some really balanced, healthy foods :smile:

    If that doesnt work, maybe you're just not "ready" yet... I cant say when you will be but you will know when you are. Good luck!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I'm going to be straight up with you, but the only way that you will do it is when you truly want to to it and make a change. When you see food in front of you, just think about the weight you want to lose. It doesn't come easy. But you're not going to do it until you're truly motivated to change.

    This!!! x 1000.......

    Until you are ready to commit to a total lifestyle change you will repeat this cycle over and over.... It takes a good month to invoke change into your life... If you can't avoid the temptation of having unhealthy foods in the house then clean out the house of all bad foods and replace with much healthier options until such a time that you can control your craving..... Good Luck to you.....
  • cattraxs
    cattraxs Posts: 47 Member
    Weight loss to someone who is used to eating whatever, whenever IS NOT EASY! It does take true determination and self-control. The moment you feel your jeans fitting a little looser or you can put on that blouse that's hasn't fit in a while, you will be on your way. Picture that, do that and stay focued. Only you can determine that what you are eating/going to eat are smart choices. Don't beat yourself up over the small set-backs; get back on track and continue to make the choices right for you and look forward to the day that someone says "Hey, you look like you've lost weight". YOU CAN DO IT.
  • gonna_do_it_56
    gonna_do_it_56 Posts: 206 Member
    Try and have some event or family thing to aim for. Do n't aim to lose all the weight for these but measure your success by achieving those pounds/kg that are part of your overall loss. I am trying to lose 4 more lbs by end of April when there is a family get together. I need to lose 52 lb altogether but if I thought about that too much I would just cave in!!! [By the way that is the first time I have actually admitted that is how much I need to lose]Like other post do have some healthier snacks in. AND VISUALISE!!! See the food that is tempting you BUT then see you with less weight fitting clothes you never thought would fit. Finally I still eat the wrong foods and drink wine but the next day I get back on the right track......well at least for now I am.....we all struggle so really know where you are coming from....keep trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    Just don't bring those foods in the house,
    I know it's dam hard but it's got to be done,
    make a menu and stick to it so when shopping you only buy what you need. no temptation in the house.
    it's very hard at first and the cravings will drive you mad but if you can get through a few weeks it will get easier as you go along.
  • "I'm going to be straight up with you, but the only way that you will do it is when you truly want to to it and make a change. When you see food in front of you, just think about the weight you want to lose. It doesn't come easy. But you're not going to do it until you're truly motivated to change.
    Edited by nnyish on Sun 03/11/12 01:38 PM"

    ^ this. Also, the idea of logging your food before you eat it (the teacher said it, I believe) is a pretty genius idea! At the end of the day, you have to be at the point where what you want becomes more important than what you least with weight loss and health. If we want something badly enough, I think we become a little obsessed by it until we get it. At least, I can say that's why I've achieved what goals I have achieved in my life. Keep pushing through though. Don't give up. Also consider changing your mindset. Don't tell yourself that you'll eat better or exercise tomorrow. Do it today. "I'll eat better with my next meal." "I'll exercise right now." The longer you put it off, the greater the chances are that something will distract you from it.
  • squirrrell
    You need to refocus write down why you want to lose weight and read every morning. Preplan your meals the night before using the diary/database so when you wake up you know what you are going to eat that day and stick to it!!

    If you want to eat more then fine do exercise and think the more exercise I do the more I can eat and that should motivate your exercise regime!

    I put up some pics of me up inside my cupboard doors and on the back of the bathroom door so I have a constant reminder why i have to stay focussed and it seems to be working. :)

    If you have a bad day don't fret about it just write it off and the next morning start again. Exercise in itself will make you feel better in yourself so that will help your mind! And remember no pain no gain!!

    Good luck stop stressing and take each day at a time xx
  • bodyrocks365
    I think just by being conscious you have begun the process of correcting it. I'm wondering if you are actually eating less now that you are tracking, given you don't really know how you were doing beforehand.
    Of course the opposite can be true, I've quit MFP before because I got so anxious about what I was eating that I ended up eating way more.
    I also found that swapping foods out (lower fat or carb options) and cutting out extra condiments reduces calories in the foods you already eat and love.
    Good luck in your journey.
  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    Plan, plan, plan. When you have your plan in place, it makes it easier to stick to it. A friend from mfp gave me some great advice : Don't trade what you want for what you want RIGHT NOW. Do you want to be healthy and thinner? It takes work and committment. If you are not ready for it mentally, it's not going to work.

    Good Luck.