Tea, Tea, and More Tea!

Man, oh man! I have so many new teas now to choose from since a few days ago when I confessed that my green tea tastes like grass. Thank you for all your wonderful suggestions. For now, I am going to drink green tea in the form of ice tea, as I acquire the taste, and I love the idea of mixing it with a fruit flavor tea. I now have Lipton cold steep berry tea, Twinings (Jasmine), and a local Seattle tea called Market Spice that's cinnamon/orange. Yum. This is going to help my liquid intake greatly! Oh, and I also found an especially yummy tea called "Vanilla Caramel Truffle" by Lipton (zero calories). Feel free to list your favorites. I might just head to the store and try it.


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I am beholden to Harney & Sons cinnamon spice tea. That's virtually the only tea I drink. We were made for each other.
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice ! It is sooooo good, tastes like liquid cinnamon buns, I alomost feel guilty to drink it ! No calories, no carbs, no barley, no sugars :drinker:
  • elenabab
    elenabab Posts: 8 Member
    I really love black lychee tea. The lychee tastes sweet but the tea has NO added sugar. It is phenomenal :)
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Jasmine green tea is delicious~! I hope you acquire the taste for it with the utmost speed.

    I'm a fan of Earl Grey. If you make it iced, it doesn't need any sweetener or anything, even if you're accustomed to sweeter teas like my mom and sister. I made some for them with this loose-leaf tea I got my mom for Mother's Day, and they were absolutely shocked when I told them I hadn't put any sugar or anything in it.
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    Green tea with spearmint! Phwoar.
  • melrn
    melrn Posts: 17 Member
    Yogi Tea- Green tea with Kombucha is so mild, and smooth, minty and slightly fruity. It is sooo good. Never bitter like most green teas. It is organic and has in it: green tea, lemongrass, spearmint, kombucha, passion fruit and plum flavor. It's organic. A little pricey but definitely worth it. It's supposed to help support immune and digestive function, too... The other one Yogi Tea makes that is wonderful is Mayan Coco Spice. Chocolate and clove flavor but done just right. Hard to find. I order that one online.
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Vanilla Caramel Truffle" by Lipton (zero calories) < not a tea drinker and I am going to try this! Sounds devine!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member

    I have 27 different teas from Teavanna and they're all fantastic. Tiramisu Trevisio is so sinful :P
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I'm a tea addict, I admit it! I don't add sugar or milk to anything; I think it tastes better when it's just pure tea and water.

    Rooibos tea, in all of its wonderful forms, is heavenly.
    You can never go wrong with a cup of black tea in the morning.
    I've never found a variety of green tea that I didn't like (my current favorite is chai green).
    White tea is delicious, but you've got to time the steeping with an Olympic-grade stopwatch, I swear.
    Mint teas are actually very good iced.
    Lemon tea is quite soothing when you're sick.
    Other types of tea I like are orange, raspberry, blueberry, pomegranate, ginger, spice, jasmine, chamomile, etc, etc... and I'll even drink the novelty flavors that come out during the holidays.

    All right, I'll stop fangirling now.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    good old tetley for me.....I am a tea fanatic and I am british
    BRITISH TEAS I LIKE ARE.......twinings..tetley....typhoo
    NEVER...liptons....thats the weak muck they serve you abroad and just doesnt cut it lol
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    Peach mango green tea.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    "Vanilla Caramel Truffle" by Lipton (zero calories).

    That sounds delicious!!

    I am usually just a regular ol' orange pekoe fan. I also drink green tea on occasion. A few weeks ago, I bought both peppermint and french vanilla to try. I think I will try one of them this evening with my snack.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I have that vanilla caramel truffle tea, and it's decent. It does have a small amount of caramel, so if you rely on it for your tea, your sugar and cals add up (even if it's just a little)
    I love Guiyaki Chocolate Mate Yerba Mate in bag form, Guiyaki Pure EmpowerMINT Yerba Mate in bag form, licorice tea, and apple cinnamon tea. mmm :)
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    OMG kombucha is amaaaazing. I love the gingerberry flavored one! I buy a few bottles and have a few gulps with lunch and supper every day. Still get the digestive benefits but then I feel better about spending so much on that lovely tea. :) I heard you can make your own, too. I am looking into it!