Anyone doing Weight Watchers?

Hi All
I have been on this site for a while but not really posted much here.
I was doing calorie counting but last week I joined Weight Watchers and lost 4.5lbs in my first week.
I still like to log my meals and exercise here to ensure im still within the calories I should be having but thought it would be nice to speak to other people who are following the same plan.

Feel free to add me as a friend on here or you can add my diet page from Facebook which is


Stacey x


  • lpblah
    lpblah Posts: 28
    Wow! Congrats on the loss! I was doing WW and then I quit and joined here. How do you feel you are eating differently now with WW? Obviously it's working, so I'd love some tips :)

    I stopped WW's because I wanted to have more control of what I was putting in my mouth. Although I was staying within my point range I felt like I was eating too much because I wasn't logging fruits and veggies since they were 0 points.
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I have been doing WW since September 2011 and I am down 32.6 lbs!! Only 0.7 lbs to my goal! YAHOO! I love the points system and the fact that fruit are FREE!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    I have really enjoyed WW, It's not a diet I have done before so when I joined up, I read through all my books, magazine and also downloaded the iPhone app.

    I log everything I eat and drink. Because Ive done calorie counting in the past I tend to still be careful of how much fruit and vegetables I consume even though they are 0 points on WW.

    I just don't overdo it and only eat until I feel satisfied plus by also logging it on this site I am making sure i keep within my daily calories aswell as points :)

    Would be lovely to have you as friends so feel free to add me if you want to that is xxx
  • Hi im laura, I just started ww too. did it years ago and lost 28llbs but find the new pro points a bit slower. I find it a bit hard on this as today it looks like im over my calories but i have dipped into my 49 weekly so on ww im not over. make sense. would love to connect with people doing ww. maybe we could start a group share recipies, points values etc. laur xx
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Hi im laura, I just started ww too. did it years ago and lost 28llbs but find the new pro points a bit slower. I find it a bit hard on this as today it looks like im over my calories but i have dipped into my 49 weekly so on ww im not over. make sense. would love to connect with people doing ww. maybe we could start a group share recipies, points values etc. laur xx

    That sounds like a great idea hun, I have all my recipes and photos on my facebook page too xx
  • I signed up for WW on January 12...down almost 10 so far. Feel free to add me. I do MFP to keep my exercise and cals in perspective. Did WW years ago but wasn't successful. So happy it's working this time!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Thank for the replies. I've added you all xxx