I could wear that but.... (another gym post)

kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
OK so now that I'm at my goal weight and working towards my goal body fat per cent, I have something to say about what to wear to the gym. I'm talking mostly to the ladies- but keep reading guys it applies to you too! So I went shopping not too long ago looking for new exercise pants (because the old ones were too big and kind of worn out) and most of the pants I put on looked like I just painted them on and hey, they actually don't look half bad on me but I didn't buy then. I did buy one of those cute little sports bras, but I wear it under a tee shirt. WHY??

OK so I go to the gym and there are these girls (and women) who wear this stuff all the time and I will spare you the details of the one from yesterday. On most people unless they maintain perfect mirror-in-the-dressing-room posture they mostly just outline rolls of fat. On other people they make them look sexy. In either case, (and I guess now well I fall into the second category, I think probably) I am not doing it.

We are all here working hard to obtain some combination of being healthier and better looking. So why not "show it off?" i'll tell you my opinion: I want to be respected, and I want people to look at my FACE, not my BUTT. Please. So I dress accordingly. I did buy smaller pants, though. I still want to be cute and attractive. :wink: But I want them to look at ME.


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i totally agree!

    and at least where i live, it is the same everywhere. most people my age and younger are going to clubs, school, anywhere wearing the least amount of clothing possible and whether or not they have a good figure all a guy is gonna want them for is one thing and people need to learn to respect themselves these days!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    In all fairness, your butt is a part of YOU. And if you worked hard for it, there's nothing wrong with showing it off in some cute new pants or shorts. It's all about what makes you comfortable, if it doesn't work for you, then that's fine. But maybe it does for others.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's nice to have choices.
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    I kind of agree with you. I'm not in it for the attention (perhaps if I were single I would be) but I am with the philosophy of "if you got it flaunt it". But I wear spandex pants or tight shorts because they are comfortable, not because they are "sexy". And I always wear a baggy top just because it's more comfortable.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    i totally agree!

    and at least where i live, it is the same everywhere. most people my age and younger are going to clubs, school, anywhere wearing the least amount of clothing possible and whether or not they have a good figure all a guy is gonna want them for is one thing and people need to learn to respect themselves these days!
    What you wear isn't directly related to the amount of self respect that you have. People like to wear what makes them feel good, and clubbing isn't a great example anyways because it's not like that's how most people would dress on a day to day basis.

    I dress conservatively when I go out, but it's not because I have any more or less self respect. It's because I'm not as confident with my body.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Also, I wear tight pants because they are the best for running. The range of motion and lack of extra bunching up fabric are necessary. I usually wear a baggy shirt because it was less baggy when I bought it, but when I run outside I wear something more form fitting so it will stay put. I know what you mean, but I think the gym is one place where it is frequently beneficial to wear tighter clothing.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I can see where you are coming from....but I gotta defend the tight workout pants. I recently got into running and noticed my pants were falling off which led to annoyances during exercise/running. So I reluctantly tried some of the tight/spandexy type pants. Not only do I no longer have to constantly adjust/worry about my pants, but I actually feel like the compression of them makes my runs more successful. I thought I would share so you could see that sometimes people choose their clothing based upon these types of things...and not on getting attention and encouraging people to look at their butt.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    In all fairness, your butt is a part of YOU. And if you worked hard for it, there's nothing wrong with showing it off in some cute new pants or shorts. It's all about what makes you comfortable, if it doesn't work for you, then that's fine. But maybe it does for others.

    This ^^^

    And also comfort. I don' t go to a gym but when I do Zumba I prefer to wear something tight, cycling shorts and a tight vest usually. I'm not showing off (I don't have a perfect body but I look OK in them) but baggy stuff when exercising is just uncomfortable to me. I'd hate to think people were sneering at me and thinking I'm trying to show by bod off. I'm not, it's more comfortable.

    (edit: and I see since posting this a lot of people have made the same point which makes mine kinda moot. Ah well, as you were :laugh: )
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    Each to their own. I practically live in tight fitting yoga pants because I am comfortable in them and they allow a full range of motion, unlike jeans which are never comfortable on my body shape. I also dance a lot and need to stretch / split for dancing, so yoga pants are ideal... Also, have two young children so yoga pants allow me to bend, stretch, sit in straddle position and whatever else I want to do without showing off anything (including my knickers in the back) while I am playing with/changing / whatever with my kids, in my house or out of it. Who knows the reasons people have for wearing what they wear, tight workout clothes is not usually that offensive.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I think people should be able to whatever they dang well want to wear. If you don't like it don't wear it.
    If I'm not seeing a nipple or a plumbers crack that's all I ask!

    I would be mortified to wear revealing workout clothes outside of my house. So I don't wear it. Never will.

    I have self respect as I am sure fit women in tight clothes do as well.
  • smolina85
    smolina85 Posts: 11 Member
    I kind of agree with you. I'm not in it for the attention (perhaps if I were single I would be) but I am with the philosophy of "if you got it flaunt it". But I wear spandex pants or tight shorts because they are comfortable, not because they are "sexy". And I always wear a baggy top just because it's more comfortable.

    Not in for the attention either. I wear whatever is comfortable. Usually a sports bra and 3/4 workout pants.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I make my wife wear a burlap sack when we go to the gym, don't need any of those leering larrys eyeing my wife.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    You can still look "cute and attractive" without showing too much in a bra top and yoga capris, just throw a loose tank over it. They're good for hiding midriff puff as well. My sister lived in them after having my nephews, all the stretch is comfortable too. :smile:

  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    what Contrarian said.

    But, here's where I land on this. I sweat a fair amount, so it seems to me a good idea to wear unders, so you will see panty lines. IDGAF.

    I like to look at my form, so it makes some sense to wear not-too-baggy stuff. I sweat a lot (see above) so it makes sense to wear cooler items when it isn't winter. You might see some skin. There might be some constricted layers of fat that are observed and may be distasteful to someone. I don't give a rats *kitten* about that.

    I wear work out clothes. I sweat alot. If I might want to wear a tee shirt or a bra in public, I need to make sure never to sweat in it when I work out. I also might run outside past dusk. Where I live it can get cold all of a sudden. Wicking clothes are a good idea in this instance. Hence, I wear "special" work out clothes. I do not buy lululemon or any other fashionable line. I've never had any Juicy couture. I have work out clothes for a very practical reason.

    My work out clothes tend to coordinate. This is because when I'm at the clearance rack at Target, I pick the colors I like. The shoes I bought at the special running store after trying on a bunch based not at all on their colors came in several color combos. Get this, I bought the ones that pleased me. They happen to be the same colors that please me in work out clothes. Hence, I coordinate.

    I'm wearing make up because I came from work. If my hair is down, it is because I neglected to bring something to put it up and I didn't think it was a good enough reason to not get my workout in.

    In my opinion, people need to get over themselves and their idea of how important their opinion about what someone else should or should not wear to the gym is. I know I have no idea what you're wearing and if or if not you brought unders to wear or if you have a spray tan or if your hair looks good. Why? Because you're not in the squat rack with me and you don't look like the stack of weights on the cable machine or a rack of dumbells or a bench. That's all I care about looking at when I'm at the gym.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i totally agree!

    and at least where i live, it is the same everywhere. most people my age and younger are going to clubs, school, anywhere wearing the least amount of clothing possible and whether or not they have a good figure all a guy is gonna want them for is one thing and people need to learn to respect themselves these days!
    What you wear isn't directly related to the amount of self respect that you have. People like to wear what makes them feel good, and clubbing isn't a great example anyways because it's not like that's how most people would dress on a day to day basis.

    I dress conservatively when I go out, but it's not because I have any more or less self respect. It's because I'm not as confident with my body.

    Sigh. I'm not talking necessarily about clubbing but legit most places girls go... shops, school, wherever they are wearing shirts which don't even cover their stomach and hardly cover there tits.. and I have seen a lot of girls wearing those see through tights (like the ones you would wear to ballet) as pants.

    So girls going around practically naked is respectful of themselves? Gotcha.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I very much appreciate and respect when my fiancee wears her tight workout pants to the gym. More motivation for me!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I make my wife wear a burlap sack when we go to the gym, don't need any of those leering larrys eyeing my wife.

    Screw that! I look at it as a compliment when I catch guys checking out my fiancee!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    So girls going around practically naked is respectful of themselves? Gotcha.

    I don't believe the amount of clothing one wears (to the gym or to shops, etc.) reflects on the amount of self-respect a person has (or doesn't have).
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I'm not sure what logic to follow to see why what I wear to the gym affects you in any way?

    Am I wearing jeans? Because yes, that is extremely funny and worth a giggle to yourself because it's silly.

    Are my boobs falling out? If I am actually revealing inappropriate parts of my body then by all means judge me. That is just tacky.

    Otherwise, quit judging me and keep an eye on your own form. If I forgot a hair tie and didn't have time to go home that is not your problem. If I still have makeup on because I walked here straight from work that is not your problem. If I have no makeup on and look like I just rolled out of bed because I had to force myself to even think about working out today that is not your problem. If I'm wearing cute workout gear that makes me feel good about my body and therefore more motivated to keep that sweat going that is also not your problem. That massive baggy shirt that hides my body while I'm pedaling away on the bike next to you? Perhaps it's TOM or I'm just having a really bad day. Either way, guess what? It is soooo not your problem.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    So girls going around practically naked is respectful of themselves? Gotcha.

    I don't believe the amount of clothing one wears (to the gym or to shops, etc.) reflects on the amount of self-respect a person has (or doesn't have).
    This exactly. There is no relationship. You can have a little or a lot of self-respect in a little or a lot of clothes.